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Friday, June 14, 2024

TS School Preparation Module 2024 for Teachers - Class 1 Day Wise Action Plan Download from

 TS School Preparation Module 2024 for Teachers Download from

Download the Teachers' TS School Preparation Module 2023 from Early childhood experiences have an impact on children's learning and overall development.

At this age, every child needs to be in a setting that is enjoyable, meaningful, and supportive. Between the ages of three and eight is when children learn the fastest. They are also developing intellectually at a rapid pace.

At this point, creating the right environment for kids can help the school create the basis for learning. In light of this, the National instruction Policy 2023 (NEP 2023) has designated the age range of three to eight years old as the foundational stage and the most important period of school instruction. There is a planned curriculum for pre-primary through second class.

TS School Preparation Module 2024 for Teachers Download from

It is said that by 2025, third graders in every school should have acquired the fundamentals of literacy and numeracy (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy), with the aim of ensuring that they can read and write. Developing these abilities will open doors to high-quality learning.

First graders typically enter our schools as their entry points. Their backgrounds are diverse. While some come from Anganwadi centers, others attend pre-primary education centers before starting first grade. It's possible that some people didn't prepare for school and went straight into the first grade. Children's access to education has also been hampered by the recent corona pandemic. The National Council of Educational Research and Training has issued guidelines for the 12-week school preparedness program in light of this.

TS School Preparation Module 2024

A School Preparation Module for first graders in our state has also been established by the State Council of Educational Research and Training based on these. This program's primary goal is to get kids ready for learning and school. It has three main objectives for development. They are as follows:

1. Maintaining children's health and well-being involves giving them experiences in nutrition, safety, cleanliness, and sanitation, as well as in physical and motor development and socioemotional growth.

2. Youngsters learn how to communicate effectively, laying the groundwork for future language and literacy.

3. Youngsters develop into engaged learners who make connections with their immediate surroundings. They also lay the groundwork for numeracy skills by directly experiencing and  interacting with the social, physical, and natural worlds.

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TS School Preparation Module 2024-2025 (Day wise Action Plan in English)

TS School Preparation Module 2024-2025 (Day wise Action Plan in Urdu)

TS School Readiness Programme Handbook 2024 (English – 60 days Action Plan)

TS School Preparation Handbook 2022 (Telugu)