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Friday, June 28, 2024

Telangana Sports School Admissions 2024 | Apply for 5th class @

Telangana Sports School Admissions 2024:

TGTWR Sports School is a well-known educational school dedicated to developing young intellectual and athletic talent. Founded with the goal of developing well-rounded individuals, the school offers a complete program that combines rigorous academic training with professional sports coaching. The TGTWR Sports School accepts students who want to further their studies while refining their athletic skills. Students here receive not just a high-quality education, but also specialized training in a variety of sporting disciplines.

The admissions procedure for the fifth class in 2024 is intended to uncover young talent with a passion for sports and give them with the resources they need to flourish in both academics and athletics. All Telangana children interested in sports can review the details and apply online for admission to TGTWR Sports School using the Gurukulam admission portal. Students who have attended TGTWREIS Institutions, Model institutions, Ashram Schools, Govt. Schools, Zilla Parishad Schools, Aided Schools, and other government-recognized institutions are eligible for admission to the fifth grade in sports schools.

TGTWREIS Sports School Entrance Test 2024 will be held annually for Cricket Academies, Sports Academies, and Sports Schools Admission, and a comprehensive announcement with prospectus will be provided on the online domain.

Eligible and interested applicants can apply online via the TS Gurukulam web page for admission to TGTWREIS Sports Academies, Sports Schools, and Cricket Academies for the academic year 2024, which are managed by the TS Gurukulam Society. Before applying, candidates should read the announcement.

TS Gurukulam, Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TGTWREIS) has announced the Cricket Academies, Sports Academies, and Sports Schools Entrance Test 2024.

Telangana Sports School Admissions 2024

Important Dates:



Date of Notification to be issued


Last Date for receipt of applications (Online)


Date for downloading Hall Tickets from website


Date of Battery test and Physical Fitness Test

18-07-2024 to 19-07-2024

Announcement of results through SMS / Phone Call


Date of admission into 02 – Sports School




Telangana kids (both genders) interested in sports can apply for admission to 02-Sports Schools. Students that have attended TGTWREIS Institutions, Model Schools, Ashram Schools, Government Schools, and Zilla Parishad Schools, Aided Schools, and other government-recognized schools are eligible for entrance into the 5th class for two sports schools.

All selected students will receive free accommodation, lodging, two pairs of PT dresses, one track suit, shoes with socks, kit bag, water bottle, towel, cap, and other necessities.

1. The entry point for admission to 02 Sports Schools is only 5th class.

2. The student must be physically fit and sound.

3. The selection criteria and schedule will be notified shortly.

4. The Entrance Test will include a battery test. (1) Height (in cm) (2). Weight (kg): (3).30m flying start (second) (4). Standing Broad Jump (CM) (5). Medicine Ball (mtr) (6). 6 x 10 Shuttle run (sec) (7). Flexibility test (CMS) (8). Vertical Jump (cms): 9. A 200-meter run and one game event.

5. At the time of admission, selected students must present relevant documents such as caste, income, Aadhaar card, marks memo, study certificate, T.C., medical fitness certificate (from an Assistant Civil Surgeon), and six passport-sized photos.

6. Parental income for 2023-24 shall not exceed Rs. 2 lakh for urban and 1.5 lakh for rural areas, as per government norms at the time of admission.

Submission of Online Form only through Online:

1. Applicants must submit their applications online at

2. The registration fee for submitting an application online is Rs.100/-.

3. Before applying online, candidates should review the information available on the website

4. Upload a 100 kb photo and 50 kb signature for the student.

5. Gurukulam Helpdesk for Online Issues: 9121174434

Battery Test:

1. Height (cms) - 3 marks

2. Weight (kgs) - 3 marks

3. 30m Flying Start (sec) - 3 marks

4. Standing Broad jump (cms) - 3 marks

5. Medicine Ball Input (mtr) - 3 marks

6. 6 x 10shuttle run (sec) - 3 marks

7. Flexibility Test (cms) - 3 marks

8. Vertical Jump (cms) - 3 marks

9. 200 M run (min & sec) - 3 marks

Online Application:

The application form must be submitted online exclusively. The applicant must submit his/her application online at The registration fee for submitting an application online is Rs. 50/-.

Before filling out the online application, candidates should read the information that has already been submitted to the website. A 100 kb passport-sized photo and a 50 kb signature of the student must be uploaded.

What are the Benifits:

1. The TGTWR Sports School provides many benefits to its students.

2. For starters, it offers a unique opportunity for young athletes to refine their talents and receive specialized training in their chosen activity.

3. The school's professional coaches and cutting-edge facilities ensure that students receive the greatest possible instruction and support.

4. Second, TGTWR Sports School recognizes the value of academics in addition to athletic training.

5. It maintains a high standard of education by employing qualified teachers who are committed to the holistic development of their students.

6. The school's curriculum emphasizes achieving a balance between intellectual and physical interests, ensuring that pupils flourish in all areas.

Chronic Diseases and Physical Fitness:

a) The candidate should not have a history of mental breakdowns or fits.

(b) Hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with both ears at a distance of 610cms in a calm environment. The ear, nose, and throat should be free of any current or prior diseases. An audiometric test will be performed on AF. Audimetric hearing loss should not exceed 20 decibels between 250 and 8000 Hz. There is no speaking impairment.

(c) There should be no evidence of functional or organic illness in the heart and blood vessels. Blood pressure should be normal.

(d) Neither the liver nor the spleen should be enlarged. Abdominal organ illness can lead to rejection.

(e) Unoperated hernias render a candidate unfit. In the case of hernias, to begin the course, at least one year must have passed since the last medical checkup.

(f) There should be no hydroceles, varicocele, or piles.

(g) A urine examination will be performed, and any abnormalities discovered will result in rejection.

(h) Skin diseases that may result in impairment or disfigurement are also grounds for rejection.

(k)Distance Vision (Corrected): Better eye 6/6, worse eye 6/9. Myopia should not exceed -2.5D, including astigmatism and evident hypermetropia. More than +3.5D, including astigmatism. An ophthalmoscope will be used to do an inside examination of the eye to detect any potential diseases. Candidates must have adequate binocular vision. The color vision standard will be CP-III (Defective, Safe). Candidates must accurately identify white, signal red, and signal green from a distance of 1.5 meters using Martin's Lantern or reading the corresponding plate from Ishihara Book/Tokyo Medical College Book. Candidates who have had Radial Keratotomy to improve visual acuity will be permanently rejected from all services. Defense services do not accept candidates who have undergone laser surgery to treat refractive errors.

Note: Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on the inside face of the forearm (from elbow to wrist) and the back (dorsal) side of the palm/hand. Candidates with permanent tattoos on other parts of their bodies will not be considered for further selection. Tribes having traditional tattoos on their faces or bodies may be granted permission based on individual circumstances.

Selection Process:

The Physical Fitness Test may be of the Practical type. Only deserving students from the Physical Fitness Test may be authorized to attend the Physical Screening Test; the selected kids will be admitted into Cricket Academies, Sports Academies, and Sports Schools, as well as get all privileges provided by TS Gurukulam.

a. Fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth classes Admissions to Sports Academies: Sports Academies will accept students in the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades.

b. Sports School Admissions: Only the fifth grade will be admitted to sports schools.

c. The student should be physically fit and sound.

How to Apply Online:

Eligible students may apply online at the Official Website

Click Here for Official Website

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