Driving License Renewal in Telangana : What is the process to renew Driving License?
Also Read | How to apply for Driving License?
Online Driving License Renewal Procedure in Telangana:
Here are the steps for renewing your Telangana driver's license online.
- Visit the RTO Telangana official website given below
- Under Driving License, choose "Renewal of License"
- Select "Continue slot booking" from the menu.
- Click "continue" after reading the instructions
- After reading the self-declaration, press "I Agree"
- Select "Renewal of DL" and press "Go" on the following page
- Enter information like your DL number, the RTO that issued your license, your date of birth, your cell phone number
- Enter the OTP after clicking the "Request OTP" button, and then enter captcha code
- Online payment of the necessary fees is required.
- Download or print the acknowledgement receipt
Renewal Fees for Driving License:
- Driving License Renewal Fees : Rs.200/-
- Driving License Renewal after Grace period : Rs.300/-
- Additional fee after a year of driving license expiry : Rs.1000/- per year
Documents Required for Renewal of Driving License in Telangana:
- Original Driving License
- Passport size photographs
- Age proof and Address Proof (voter ID card, Aadhar card, birth certificate)
- Form 1 (Physical fitness self-declaration)
- Form 1A (Medical Certificate for transport vehicle driving license renewal or if the applicant is of above 40 years of age)
- Form 2 (Application for driving license renewal)
Learner License Renewal: Know Here
Here are the steps for renewing your Telangana learner's license online.
- Click on the official website link of RTO website
- Select "new LL in place of expired Learner's License" from the Learner License section
- Select "continue slot booking" from the menu
- After reading the directions and the self-declaration, click "continue" and then "I agree"
- Under transaction type, choose "New Learner's License in place of expired LL"
- Click "request for OTP" after entering your LL number and cell phone number
- To apply for LL renewal in Telangana online, follow the instructions and enter the OTP and captcha.
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