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Friday, September 1, 2023

New Traffic Regulations in India: List of new fines and penalties according to the Motor Vehicle Act 2019

New Traffic Regulations in India: List of new fines and penalties according to the Motor Vehicle Act 2019 

According to the Motor Vehicle Act  of 1988, there are consequences for breaking traffic laws. The traffic fine amounts, however, have changed and are now in force as of 1st September 2019. It was carried out to guarantee improved traffic safety and the use of safety measures. The list of new traffic fines as a result of the Motor Vehicle Act modifications may be seen in the table below.

New Traffic Regulations in India: List of new fines and penalties according to the Motor Vehicle Act 2019

Necessary Documents for riding two wheeler vehicles on road:

  1. Valid Driving License
  2. Pollution under control certificate
  3. Valid RC of vehicle
  4. Valid Insurance certificate

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