Are you applying for new Passport? You must know few new rules before applying!
The Indian Government will start requiring all passport applicants to have a Digi Locker from August 5th, 2023. For individuals who intend to use Aadhar for verification reasons, this is very crucial. You must register for a Digi Locker account if you present your Aadhar data to your Digi Locker account, passport applications will be processed more quickly and securely.
You must finish the Digi Locker procedure starting on August 5 if you intend to apply for an Indian passport. On the official website for passport issuance, first upload your supporting papers to digi locker, then submit your passport application. In addition, you need to register a Digi locker account if you present your Aadhar during passport verification. By connecting your Digi Locker account to your Aadhar information, the procedure will be quicker and safer.
The creation of a Digilocker account is now required across the whole nation by the government, following its launch in Mumbai and Chennai. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) wants to expedite and safeguard the processing of passport applications by trying your Aadhar data to your Digi Locker account.
When submitting your online application, you must choose the Digi Locker option if you intend to use Aadhar as documentation for your current home address or date of birth for your passport application. Aadhaar will not be recognized as a legitimate document for proof of current address or date of birth at Passport Seva Kendras (PSK) or Post Office Passport Seva Kendras (POPSKs), according to the official notice, if you do not exercise the option of DigiLocker for Aadhaar at the time of online submission of the passport application.
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