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Tuesday, June 6, 2023 TS Government Financial Assistance for BC Vocational Communities Apply Online TS Government Financial Assistance for BC Vocational Communities Apply Online

Telangana  Government  Handicrafts, caste professions Rs. 1 Lakh financial assistance - apply

TS Govt Financial Aid: Telangana government provides Rs. 1 Lakh Financial assistance to BC Vocational Communities. A website has been launched for those who are eligible. Officials suggested to apply on this website

TS Govt Financial Aid: Telangana government will provide Rs. One lakh.  Financial assistance of Rs. 1 Lakh  Minister Gangula Kamalakar has launched a website for those who are eligible for this assistance. Applications will be received through the website A simple application with 38 columns including photo, Aadhaar, caste certificate has to be completed through the website. The state government has provided an opportunity for eligible handicrafts and caste professions to apply immediately. This financial assistance will be given for the purchase of tools and raw materials related to handicrafts and handicrafts. Ts Government Financial Assistance for BC Vocational Communities Apply Online Ts Government Financial Assistance for BC Vocational Communities Apply Online

Important Dates to Apply: From June 6 to 20

Minister Gangula Kamalakar suggested to apply on the website from 6th to 20th of this month. The minister said that a simple application form will be created with the details of photo, Aadhaar, caste certificate... The applications received will be examined with the district administration and the beneficiaries will be selected. He said that CM KCR is constantly striving to bring light to the lives of manual workers and provide them with financial security as well as to lead a dignified life. Beneficiaries said that these funds will be used to buy professional tools and raw materials.

Process to Apply Online for BC welfare Financial Assistance

Step 1 : First click on this link

Step 2: Then click on 'Financial Assistance for BC Vocational Communities Registration Form'.

Step 3 : Enter the address details of the applicant.

Step 4 : Applicant's Aadhaar, caste, personal details should be entered.

Step 5: Bank and PAN details should be entered in the sector details.

Step 6: Upload the photograph of the beneficiary.

Step 7 : Finally 'Self Declaration' should be submitted.

TS Govt Financial Aid : 

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To Apply Online for BC welfare Financial Assistance