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Monday, May 22, 2023

National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) Paid Internship Program 2023 : Get Rs. 1000/- Stipend, Apply Here

National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) Paid Internship Program 2023 : Get Rs. 1000/- Stipend, Apply Here

The National Centre for Good Governance Internship Programme places "selected students" in various departments and units of the National Centre for Good Governance, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, for a limited time (minimum 8 weeks to maximum 6 months). The involvement is solely temporary and aims to empower Indian young by exposing them to a variety of governance and public policy-related topics and including them in potential future solutions to remove barriers to citizen-centric government. Interns who are accepted into the course do not have the right to apply for regular employment with the Centre. A certain topic or sector may be given to interns to work on.

National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) Paid Internship Program 2023 : Get Rs. 1000/- Stipend, Apply Here

Last Date to Apply Online : 25th May 2023

Through working with young talent in the nation and enhancing their knowledge, abilities, and theoretical education with practical methods, to enhance academic research and the operation of NCGG. The goal of this curriculum is to expose students to public policy and governance-related topics for their mutual benefit.

Those interested in applying for the internship must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. All Indian students enrolled in studies in India or abroad are eligible for the internship programmes.
  2. Students with a bachelor's degree, a postgraduate degree, a postdoctoral degree, or advanced academic degrees who are interested in interning as part of their dissertation or capstone project in their curriculum or who are awaiting their degree certificate after appearing in their final examination in the same academic year are eligible for internships.
  3. During their last year of graduation, students participating in 4- or 5-year law and engineering programmes are also eligible to apply for the internship.
  4. At the time of application, the candidate's age cannot be more than 30.
  5. A recommendation letter from the university or other institution where the applicant is enrolled must be uploaded.


 Typically, the internship time must be completed successfully within 8 (eight) weeks or 6 (six) months in order to qualify for an experience certificate.

Domains/ areas available for Internship:

  1. Public policy & governance
  2. Innovation & entrepreneurship
  3. Education
  4. Decentralized planning
  5. E-governance
  6. Public service delivery
  7. Laws & regulations
  8. Rural development & poverty elimination
  9. Water, sanitation, hygiene & public health
  10. Governance in healthcare
  11. Sustainability
  12. Disaster resilience infrastructure and disaster mitigation
  13. Sustainable urban management and urban governance
  14. Infrastructure Development
  15. Innovation & entrepreneurship
  16. Water resource management & river rejuvenation
  17. Climate change, environment & clean energy
  18. Tribal affairs
  19. Monitoring, data analytics & evaluation
  20. Project planning, designing, management & monitoring
  21. Natural resource, environment and Forests
  22. Mass communication and social media
  23. Any other subject relevant to public policy, good governance, public service delivery, etc.

Selection Process:

  1. The Centre will seek applications for internships via its website,
  2. An application may be submitted at any time during the year, ideally at least one month prior to the scheduled start of the internship;
  3. All necessary information must be provided by applicants in order for the Centre to make a determination. At the time of enrollment, the Centre will check information including original transcripts, letters of reference or permission, and personal identification; otherwise, the applicant's enrollment will be revoked. False information submission will be taken extremely seriously; Applications with missing information or those that do not match the requirements for eligibility will be immediately rejected by the system;
  4. The two steps of the selection process are preliminary application screening for shortlisting applicants and in-person interviews (either online or offline) of those individuals. A committee will be formed by NCGG to screen applications and/or conduct personal interviews; the number of applications, the Center's required intake for the particular month, and the domains or areas chosen by the candidates will determine how the personal interview will be conducted and what will be shared with the candidate in advance via email;
  5. The total number of internships offered at any given time shall not exceed 20 (twenty); the list of selected candidates will be announced following the screening process and personal interview; successful candidates will be notified via email along with notification of the joining date; and the internship applications may be periodically reviewed based on NCGG's requirements by a screening committee.


  1. During their allotted duration of internship, each intern will receive a combined stipend/honorarium at a rate of INR 10,000 per month, prorated based on progress in the assignment. Nothing else will require payment.

Experience Certificate :

  1. On the advice of the intern's supervisor and the evaluation committee, the Centre should provide a certificate attesting to the intern's successful completion of the internship.

Termination of internship:

  1. Selection for the NCGG internship programme is solely the responsibility of the Centre and is contingent exclusively on completing the requirements for eligibility listed in this document. Any intern's internship may be terminated at any time by the Centre without providing a reason, and the Centre's decision in this matter is final. Any intern may decide to end the internship by providing the appropriate supervisor with a one-week notice in advance.

How to apply?

  1. Download the application form from the link below, fill it out, and email it to along with a scanned copy of the letter of permission or recommendation from the relevant institution.
  2. Send your fully completed application for the summer internship as soon as possible, but no later than May 25, 2023.
  3. Please be specific about your anticipated start date and the amount of time you will be available for the internship in the form.
  4. Before applying, please make sure you qualify for the internship programmes described in the rules.