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Friday, April 7, 2023

Hyderabad Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023

Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023 online application form at 

Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Candidates can check the latest Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023 Stenographer, Guide Lecturer, More Vacancies 2023 details and apply online at recruitment 2023 page. Here we have provided Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023 online application form, online process, so candidates can apply at Salar Jung Museum official website

Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023

Salar Jung Museum invites candidates to fill 8 Stenographer, Guide Lecturer, More Vacancies vacancies in Hyderabad. Interested candidates can go through the official notification to know eligibility criteria, required documentaries, important dates and other essential details. The application link and the other required information related to Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023 are provided below.

Hyderabad Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023

Organization Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023

Total Vacancy 8 Posts

Job Location Hyderabad

Last Date to Apply 15/04/2023

Official Website

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the following Group“C” Post which is vacant in the Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad.

Complete Details of the Posts are as follows

Post No: 1

1. Name of the Post Stenographer

2. No of vacant post 01 (One Post)

3. Whether reserved or unreserved U.R.

4. Classification Gp. “C”

5. Scale of Pay (Revised) As per 7th CPC Level: 5, 29200-92300 Pay Band -1 Rs. 5200 -20200 Grade pay of Rs. 2800

6. Method of Recruitment Deputation (including short term contract): failing which by Direct Recruitment.

7. Age limit Not exceeding 35 years for direct recruitment

8. Period of Probation, if any 2 years for direct recruits

9. Educational and other qualifications

Essential Qualifications

(i) Graduate with 120 W.P.M in shorthand and 40 W.P.M in typewriting

(ii) 3 years experience of working in Stenographic capacity.

Desirable .

(a) Proficiency in computers/MS Office.

Deputation  : Employees of Central /State Govt. /Central Autonomous bodies/ Universities.

(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis, OR 5 years regular service in the grade in the Pay

Band -1 Rs. 5200 -20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/-


 Fulfilling the essential qualifications. Retired employees below 65 years who possess the essential qualifications can also apply for the post. If selected, they will be taken on contractual basis.

Post No: 2

1. Name of the Post Supervisor cum Overseer

2. No of vacant post 01 (One Post)

3. Whether reserved or unreserved U.R.

4. Classification Gp. “C”

5. Scale of Pay (Revised) As per 7th CPC, Level : 5, 29200-92300Pay Band -1 Rs. 5200 -20200 Grade pay of Rs. 2800

6. Method of Recruitment Deputation (including short term contract) failing which by Direct Recruitment.

7. Age limit Not exceeding 35 years for direct recruitment

8. Period of Probation, if any 2 years for direct recruits

9. Educational and other qualifications

 Essential Qualification

 1. Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering / Electronics Engineering /Electrical Engineering from a recognized university / institution.

2. Three years practical experience in maintenance and upkeep of buildings, sanitary fittings & electrical installations etc in a supervisory capacity.


Computer Knowledge - MS Office.


Officials under Central Govt. /State Govt./PSUs/Central Autonomous bodies/

Universities. Holding analogous post on regular basis.


5 years regular service in the grade in the Pay Band -1 Rs. 5200 -20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/-


Fulfilling the Essential Qualifications. Retired employees below 65 years who possess the essential qualifications can also apply for the post. If selected, they will be taken on contractual basis.

Post No: 3

1. Name of the Post Guide Lecturer

2. No of vacant post 02 (Two Post)

3. Classification Gp. “C”

4. Scale of Pay (Revised) As per 7th CPC, Level : 5, 29200-92300 Pay Band -1 Rs. 5200 -20200 Grade pay of Rs. 2800

5. Age limit Not exceeding 35 years for direct recruitment

6. Educational and other qualifications

Essential Qualifications

1. A Master’s Degree in Museology /Archaeology/History/ Fine Arts/ Mass Communication from a

recognized university.

2. 2 years’ experience in guiding visitors or in educational activities of a Museum / Institution of repute.


(a) P.G. Diploma in Museology for nonMuseology post graduates.

(b) Knowledge of Computer Applications -MS Office.

Selected candidates will be taken on contractual basis.

Post No: 4

1. Name of the Post LDC

2. No of vacant post 01

3. Whether reserved or unreserved Persons with Hearing Impaired / Locomotor disability

4. Classification Gp. “C”

5. Scale of Pay (Revised) As per 7th CPC, Level: 2, Rs.19900-63200 PayBand -1 Rs. 5200 -20200 Grade pay of Rs. 1900

6. Method of Recruitment Direct Recruitment.

7. Age limit Not exceeding 30 years

8. Period of Probation, if any 2 years for direct recruitment

9. Educational and otherqualifications

Essential Qualifications

 (i) Graduate from a recognized university.

 (ii) At least 1 year of work experience in a reputed institution.


 P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications. Knowledge of Computer - MS Office.

Post No: 5

1. Name of the Post Book Binder

2. No of vacant post 02 (Two Posts)

3. Whether reserved or unreserved Persons with Hearing Impaired / Locomotor disability

4. Classification Gp. “C”

5. Scale of Pay (Revised) As per 7th CPC, Level: 2, Rs.18000-56900 Pay Band -1 Rs. 5200 -20200 Grade pay of Rs. 1800

6. Method of Recruitment Direct Recruitment.

7. Age limit Not exceeding 30 years

8. Period of Probation, if any 2 years

9. Educational and other qualifications

Essential Qualifications

(a) Class X passed from a recognized Board.

(b) Passed ITI or equivalent in the discipline of Book Binding from a Govt. recognized institution.

(c) One-year practical experience in Book Binding especially of old Manuscripts in a recognized institution / Organization.

Post No: 6

1. Name of the Post MTS (NT)

2. No of vacant post 01

3. Whether reserved or unreserved: Persons with Hearing Impaired / Locomotor disability

4. Classification Gp. “C” MTS

5. Scale of Pay (Revised) As per 7th CPC, Level: 1, Rs.18000-56900 Pay Band -1 Rs. 5200 -20200 Grade pay of Rs. 1800

6. Method of Recruitment Direct Recruitment.

7. Age limit Not exceeding 30 years

8. Period of Probation, if any 2 years

9. Educational and other qualifications

Essential Qualifications

Passed 10th Class from a Govt. recognized School


(i) In respect of candidates having experience in reputed Museums in the relevant areas of the post, the age limit up to the number of years of their experience, which shall not however exceed the maximum period of five years, is relaxable by the Salar Jung Museum Board on the recommendations of the Selection Committee. 

(ii) Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualifications and experience will notvest any right in a candidate for being called for interview. After completion of the process of screening of the applications, short listing of applicants will be done in the order of merit by giving preference to those who possess higher qualifications, experience and call letters will be sent. The decision of the Museum in this regard shall be final.

(iii) Candidates already in service of Government/Quasi-Government /Institutions or Public Sector Undertakings should apply through proper channel in duplicate. Applications not forwarded through parent organization along with requisite documents will not be considered.

(iv) The forwarding / endorsing authority shall send he applications in respect of the applicants who can be spared in the event of his/her selection. If the application is for deputation, complete up to date ACRs of the applicant for the last five years may be sent in a separate envelope if maintained. All applications shall be addressed to “The Director, Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad – 500 002”. The applications should be sent under registered post with A/D indicating clearly on the top of the envelope, the post for which the application is sent.

The Last date for receipt of applications is 45 days from the date of publication in the Employment News. Applications received after the due date will not be considered and stand rejected Application form may be downloaded from this Museum’s

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Hyderabad Salar Jung Museum Recruitment 2023 Notification

Application form

Official Website