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Sunday, March 26, 2023

IGNOU Recruitment Notification for Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT) and Stenography: Apply Online for 102 posts

IGNOU Recruitment Notification for Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT) and Stenography: Apply Online for 102 posts

The official announcement for the 2023 IGNOU Recruitment has been posted on the official website of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). The NTA IGNOU recruitment 2023 is now open, seeking qualified applicants for 102 positions as Junior assistants/ typists (JAT) and stenographers. The online application is now open and will run through December 21, 2023, at 11:59 pm. Candidates may view the information about IGNOU Recruitment 2023 in the article below.

IGNOU Recruitment Notification for Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT) and Stenography: Apply Online for 102 posts

Important Details:

Organization name

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Name of the post

Junior Assistant - Typist (JAT), Stenographer

No. of vacancies


Starting Date to Apply

1st December 2023

Last Date to Apply

21st December 2023

Job Location

New Delhi

Mode of Application


Official website

Vacancy Details:

 Name of the Post

No of Vacancies 

 Junior Assistant - Typist (JAT)






Educational Qualification:

 Name of the Post

Educational Qualifications

Junior Assistant - Typist (JAT) 

  •  10+2 or equivalent
  • Typing test with a speed of 40 w.p.m in English or 35 w.p.m in Hindi on Computer 
  • A bachelor's degree from a recognized university


  •  10+2 or equivalent
  • Typing test with a speed of 40 w.p.m in English or 35 w.p.m in Hindi on Computer 
  • Shorthand Test @80 w.p.m
  • A bachelor's degree from a recognized university

Age Limit (in years):

  1. Junior Assistant - Typist (JAT) : 18-27 years
  2. Stenographer : 18-30 years

Application Fees:

  1. For UR, OBC : Rs. 1000/-
  2. For SC, ST, EWS, Female, PwBD : Rs.600/-

Salary Details:

  1. Junior Assistant - Typist (JAT) : Rs.19900/- to Rs.63200/-
  2. Stenographer : Rs.25500/- to Rs.81100/-

Selection Process:

  1. Written Examination
  2. Skill Test/ Typing Test
  3. Stenography Test
Click Here For More Details


IGNOU Recruitment Notification for Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT)

ఇగ్నోలో 200 నాన్ టీచింగ్ పోస్టులు

నాన్ టీచింగ్ పోస్టుల భర్తీలో భాగంగా జూనియర్ అసిస్టెంట్ కమ్ టైపిస్ట్( Junior Assistant cum Typist) పోస్టుల భర్తీకి న్యూఢిల్లీలోని ఇందిరా గాంధీ నేషనల్ ఓపెన్ యూనివర్సిటీ (ఇగ్నో) ప్రకటన విడుదల చేసింది. దరఖాస్తు చేసుకునే అభ్యర్థులు పదో తరగతి, ఇంటర్ తో పాటు ఇంగ్లిష్‌, హిందీ టైపింగ్ వచ్చి ఉండాలి. రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ ప్రక్రియ ప్రారంభంకాగా.. ఏప్రిల్ 20 తేదీ వరకు అప్లై చేసుకోవచ్చు. కంప్యూటర్ బేస్డ్ టెస్ట్, స్కిల్ టెస్ట్, టైపింగ్ టెస్ట్, రిజర్వేషన్‌ ద్వారా అభ్యర్థుల ఎంపిక ఉంటుంది

IGNOU Recruitment Notification for Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT)

మొత్తం పోస్టుల సంఖ్య : 200

పోస్టులు : జూనియర్ అసిస్టెంట్ కమ్ టైపిస్ట్ (జేఏటీ)

అర్హతలు: పదో తరగతి, ఇంటర్ తో పాటు ఇంగ్లిష్‌, హిందీ టైపింగ్ వచ్చి ఉండాలి.

జీతం : నెలకు రూ.19900 నుంచి రూ.63200.

వయస్సు: 18 – 27 ఏండ్ల మధ్య ఉండాలి.

ఎంపిక : కంప్యూటర్ బేస్డ్ టెస్ట్, స్కిల్ టెస్ట్, టైపింగ్ టెస్ట్, రిజర్వేషన్‌ ద్వారా

దరఖాస్తు ఫీజు : జనరల్‌, ఓబీసీ, ఈడబ్ల్యూఎస్‌లకు రూ.1000; ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ, మహిళలకు రూ.600; దివ్యాంగులకు ఫీజు చెల్లింపు నుంచి మినహాయింపు ఉంటుంది.

దరఖాస్తు : ఆన్‌లైన్ లో

చివరి తేదీ: ఏప్రిల్ 20

దరఖాస్తు సవరణ తేదీలు: ఏప్రిల్ 21 నుంచి ఏప్రిల్ 22 వరకు.


IGNOU Recruitment Notification

National Testing Agency (NTA) is inviting online application for Indira Gandhi National Open

University Recruitment of Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT)-2023. The schedule of Examination activities is as follows:

1. Online Submission of Application Form through Website (

22st March 2023 (from 10:00AM)

2. Last date of successful transaction of fee through

3. Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking/UPI 20th April 2023 (upto 23:50 hrs)

4. Correction in Particulars of Application Form on the website only * 21st April 2023 to 22nd April 2023

5. Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website Will be intimated later on website

6. Date of Examination Will be intimated later on website

7. Timing of Examination Will be intimated later on website

8. Website(s)

Steps to Complete the Application Process:

Application Form may be submitted in the following four simple steps:

Step I Registration for online application.

Step II Filling of Online Application Form.

Step III Choice of Examination Centre.

Step IV Uploading scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph and Candidate’s Signature in

JPG/JPEG format.

Step V Payment of fee using suitable mode of payment as per details given in this section.


1. The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-IV and Step-V are not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.

2. No request for refund of fee once remitted/paid by the candidate, will be entertained by NTA/IGNOU under anycircumstances.

3. There is no provision to upload any certificate/marks sheet etc., with the application.

4. Please keep the following safely with you till the examination process is completed:

• The printouts of the Confirmation Page of Online Application Form.

• Print Proof of fee paid.

• Photographs (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form).

• Copy of the Admit Card.

Before beginning the process of filling the Online Application Form, please keep the following information ready with you:

• Govt. Identity Details like Aadhaar Number (last 4 digits)/Election Card (EPIC No.)/Passport Number/Ration Card Number/PAN Number/Other valid Government identity proofs.

• Address for communication, Mobile Number, email id etc.

• Scanned images of latest Photograph (size of 10 kb to 200 kb) in JPG/JPEG format only.

• Scanned image of Signature (size of 4 kb to 30 kb) in JPG/JPEG format only.

• Scanned images of all other documents (size of 50kb to 300kb) in JPG/JPEG format only.

• Bank details for payment of Fee, for uploading as part of submission of online application.

• Copy of Board/University Certificate for Candidate’s Name, Mother’s Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth.

Step I: Registration for Online Application:

Step II: Filling the Online Application Form:

Step III: Choice of Examination Centre

Step IV: Uploading the Scanned Images & Selection of Test Centre:

a. Uploading the Candidate’s Photograph:

● Passport size photograph is to be used for uploading on Online Application Form and also required for pasting on Attendance Sheet at the time of examination centre.

● The candidate should scan his/her passport size photograph for uploading. File size must be between 10 kb to 200 kb.

● The photograph must be latest indicating clearly the name of candidate along with the date of taking the photograph. Photograph should not be with cap or goggles.

● Spectacles are allowed if being used regularly.

● Polaroid and Computer generated photos are not acceptable.

● Applications not complying with these instructions or with unclear photographs are liable to be rejected.

● Candidates may please note that if it is found that photograph uploaded is fabricated i.e. de-shaped or seems to be hand-made or computer made, the form of the candidate will be rejected and the same would be considered as using unfair means and the candidate would be dealt withaccordingly.

● Application without photograph shall be rejected. The photograph need not be attested. Candidates are advised to take passport size colour photographs with white background. b. Uploading Candidate’s Signature:

● The candidates are required to upload the full signature in running hand writing in the appropriate box given in the Online Application Form. Writing full name in the Box in Capital letters would not be accepted as “signature” and the Application Form would be rejected. Further, unsigned Online Application Forms will also be rejected.

● The candidate should put his full signature on white paper with Black Ink pen and scan for uploading. File size must be between 4 kb to 30kb (JPG/JPEG format).

c. Uploading all other documents

• The candidates are required to upload all other documents after scanning them with a file size between 50kb to 300 kb in JPG/JPEG format. 

c. Uploading all other documents

• The candidates are required to upload all other documents after scanning them with a file size between 50kb to 300 kb in JPG/JPEG format.

Step V: Payment of Application Fee

Application Fee Payable by Candidate


SC, ST, FEMALE etc. Rs.600/-


Method of Fee Payment

After completing Step 3 of online Application Form, candidates may remit the examination fee by choosing the following options:

1. Through Debit/Credit card – Candidates need to check the validity of the Debit/Credit Card, while logging on to website for submitting Application Form. Candidate should enter the information asked for and make the required payment through Debit/Credit Card.

2. Through Net Banking - Keep all credentials ready while logging on to website for submitting Application Form. Candidate should Login with his/her credentials of net banking and make payment through Net Banking.

Note: In case, the fee payment status is not ‘OK’, the candidates are advised as following:

• If the fee is paid through credit/debit card and status is not OK, it means the transaction is cancelled. Therefore, such candidates have to pay the fee once again and ensure the OK fee status.

• For cancelled transactions, the amount will automatically be refunded to concerned Credit/ Debit card within 15 days of last date of submission of Application Form.

Name of the post : Junior Assistant – cum-Typist (JAT)

Pay Matrix : (19900- 63200) Level 02 of 7th CPC

Age Limit (in years) : 18-27

Essential Qualifica-tions : 10+2 with a Typing speed of 40 w.p.m. in English or 35 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer

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IGNOU Recruitment Notification for Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT)

Apply Online

Official Website