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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

FLN Telugu English Maths EVS - Subject wise Steps to be followed in a Period .

FLN Telugu English Maths EVS - Subject wise Steps to be followed in a Period . 

The  given below chart should be displayed in the Class room and in office


Samagra Shiksha, Telangana, Hyderabad - Intensive Implementation Fortnight for ‘Tholimettu’ program - Orders - Issued

The State has launched Tholimettu' program for Grades 1-5 in all the schools in Telangana to improve the foundational outcomes and bring all students on par with the grade level. In this regard, all teachers have been trained on implementation of Tholimettu' in cascade mode during the months of July and August, 2022. Further the DEOs, MEOs, Complex HMs, Mandal FLN Nodal Officers, CRPS at District, Mandal and Cluster levels have been oriented in respect of the Tholimettu' program from 21.07.2022 to 21.09.2022 in different spells, on their roles and responsibilities towards providing academic mentoring and support to teachers. A copy of the module has been provided to the District and Mandal Level Nodal Officers.
The State and District officials have also visited schools after the launch
of Tholimettu' on15th August, 2022 to review the implementation of the program
at District, Mandal and School level. Secretary, School Education along with State
officials have visited 5 districts and conducted review meetings with DEOs, Mandal
and Cluster FLN Nodal Officers, and the gaps in implementation were analyzed.
Consequently, it has been decided to take up an intensive and focused
implementation of the Tholimettu' program from 15.10.2022 to 31.10.2022
wherein teachers will exclusively focus on teaching and learning
process in the classrooms (copy annexed), as required by the pedagogy advocated under the 'Tholimettu' program. In order to provide supportive
supervision during this period, monitoring officers including State level officers,
SCERT faculty, District In-charges, DEOs, District Samagra Shiksha Coordinators,
MEOS, Mandal FLN Nodal Officers and Cluster Nodal Officers are hereby instructed to visit schools and observe the classrooms, as per reference 1 cited, for
monitoring the activities listed in the annexure. In the Tholimettu monitoring
handbook, the monitoring protocols have been clearly specified, with respect to
the number of schools to be visited by the officers. A copy of the said monitoring
protocols is enclosed herewith, for ready reference and it shall be followed
Further Additional Directors and Joint Directors, who have been appointed
as observers vide reference 2nd cited, shall visit the districts allotted to them and
extend supportive supervision for effective implementation of the Tholimettu'
program. They shall also follow the prescribed Monitoring Protocol of visiting the
districts allotted to them, for at least 2-days a week, and subrmit reports to the
DSE By the end of this intensive implementation fortnight for Tholimettu'
program, it is expected that we shall achieve significant change in the classroom
teaching and learning processes, which shall serve as a basis for achieving the
larger objectives of FLN.

School Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad Guidelines for Classroom Teaching and Learning Process for ‘Tholimettu’ Program
1. Ensure that teachers are following the teaching process as outlined below:
Subject: Telugu/Urdu:
1. Oral Language Development
2. Introduction of keywords
3. Reading Activities
● Model Reading
● Shared Reading
● Individual Reading
4. Comprehension Activities
5. Practice/Writing (Level wise practice - Individual/group/teacher support)
6. Story time
Subject: Mathematics
1. Pre Knowledge test
2. Introduction to concept
3. Activities for conceptual understanding
4. Problem Solving
5. Recap
6. Independent student Practice
Subject: English
1. Facesheet based activities
2. Listening text and related activities
3. Reading text
a. Picture interaction
b. Individual Reading
c. Collaborative Reading
d. Model Reading
4. Post Reading Activities
5. Editing
Subject: EVS
1. Mind Mapping
2. Introduction of keywords
3. Concept teaching
4. Reading the text
5. Practice/Writing

Note: Detailed subject wise specific steps are covered in the modules provided
2. Ensure usage of textbooks and appropriate TLM for the topic being taught.
3. Ensure that students are made to practice the topics taught on a daily basis.
Special focus to be given to children whose performance levels are low.
4. Ensure the implementation of 5+1 instruction model i.e., 5 days of teaching
followed by assessment on the 6th day (assessment could be either written,
oral or activity based). Based on the students’ performance, teachers should
plan the topics to be revised.
5. Ensure that 80% of students achieve learning outcomes in the lesson taught
before proceeding to the next lesson, rather than completing the syllabus
6. Ensure activities and teaching learning process in a way that ensures
participation and engagement of all the students through activities, games,
songs, and interactive TLM.
7. Ensure that month wise - child level performance assessment is conducted
for all children of classes 1-5 and recorded in the Teacher Assessment App.
8. Ensure that library period is conducted for all classes every day.

School Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad Guidelines for State, District, Mandal and Cluster level Monitoring Officials for Intensive Implementation Fortnight for ‘Tholimettu’program

A. Cluster FLN Nodal Officers:
1. Visit all primary, upper primary and high schools having classes I to V in the 
complex in a month.
2. Conduct and record classroom observations using Tangerine App.
3. Ensure that a significant change in the classroom teaching and learning
processes (copy annexed), as is achieved in all the schools within the cluster, by
October 31st
.4. After the classroom observation, conduct a debriefing session with the staff and
further provide academic support and record the same in Academic Guidance
5. Identify and analyze academic issues and gaps at a complex level, and course
correct during the Complex meetings with the support of Cluster Resource
6. Record and share good practices at the cluster level.
B. Mandal FLN Nodal Officers:
1. Visit all primary, upper primary and high schools having classes I to V in the
Mandal once in 2 months.
2. Conduct and record classroom observations using Tangerine App.
3. Ensure that a significant change in the classroom teaching and learning
processes (copy annexed), as is achieved in all the schools within the Mandal, by
October 31st
4. After the classroom observation, conduct a debriefing session with the staff and
further provide academic support and record the same in Academic Guidance
5. During Mandal level review meeting, identify and analyze academic issues and
gaps at a mandal level, and course correct with the support of Mandal Resource
6. Record and share good practices at the mandal level.
C. District level Officers (DEOs, Sectoral Officers):
1. Visit schools as per the monitoring protocol (copy annexed) and conduct
classroom observations using Tangerine App.
2. Ensure the implementation of monitoring process within the district as per the
3. Ensure that a significant change in the classroom teaching and learning
processes (copy annexed), as is achieved in all the schools within the district, by
October 31st
4. During District level review meeting, identify and analyze academic issues and
gaps at a district level, and course correct with the support of District Resource
Teachers and other officers.
5. Record and share good practices at the district level.
D. State level Officers (Observers, SSA, SCERT):
1. Visit the allotted districts and extend supportive supervision, as per the
monitoring protocols.
2. Ensure the implementation of monitoring process within the allotted districts as
per the guidelines.
3. Ensure that a significant change in the classroom teaching and learning
processes (copy annexed), as is achieved in all the schools within the allotted
districts, by October 31st
4. Before the state level review meeting, identify and analyze academic issues and
gaps in the field level, discuss and provide guidance with the support of District
and State Resource Teachers and other officers.
5. During the state level review meeting, highlight the key issues and best
practices of the allotted districts.
School Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad Monitoring protocols
(1) Number of Visits : For the FLN program, the Monitoring Officials will visit
the Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools have classes I to V at least 2-days
a week covering 4 to 5 schools and the number of visits will be as below.

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తరగతి గది బోధనలో మార్పుకోసం టీచర్లు ఏం చేయాలో చాలా చక్కగ వివరించిన సువర్ణ వినాయక్ గారు

FLN Tholimettu Zoom Webinar Key Points

Before the Dussehra holidays if we look at the issues that have come to the observation of officials across the state in the implementation of FLN ...It was

Mechanical teaching

5+1 system

Management of library period

45 minutes+45 minutes administration

Use of textbooks in classroom teaching

The following are the corners  FLN Observers will watch this month till October 31:-

Implementation of the FLN program

Classroom observation

Spot assessment

From all the above  it is suggested to give high priority to “class room observation”

For this purpose the Teachers have to follow the following

Teaching should be based on the textbook.

Essential use of TLM in teaching

Teaching and learning processes should be conducted according to steps given in the module

All the observers were advised to implement the FLN program throughout the state in the spirit of the movement during these 15 days.

 There should definitely be a “change in teaching and learning processes" during these 2 weeks

Duties of HM 

HM should be looking at teaching at school level.

Support change in classroom teaching.

Teaching should be done according to time table.

Teaching should be done in an interactive manner rather than in a lecture manner.

There should be subject wise classroom management as mentioned in the module.

Children's learning progress should be demonstrated in PTA meetings held every 3rd Saturday.

The library period should be maintained for all classes not at the same time

Only if 80% of the children achieve the expected abilities in the said subjects should they proceed to the next lesson.

There should be charts in the classroom showing the lesson plan sofas by subject. This will make the work easier for the observers.