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Thursday, May 12, 2022

IPPB GDS Recruitment 2022

 IPPB GDS  Recruitment 2022 for 650 Vacancies

India Post Payments Bank Limited (IPPB) has been setup under the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications with 100% equity owned by Government of India. IPPB is leading the next revolution of Banking and Financial literacy and this new model is paving the way for India's largest Banking network to reach each and every corner of the nation.

IPPB is having 650 Branches all over the India which aims to utilize and leverage the field network of Department of Posts through its approximate 1,55,015 post offices as access points and approximate 3 Lakh postmen and Grameen Dak Sevaks (GDS) to provide doorstep banking services. IPPB, as an organization has been designed to carry out its Sales and Operations through the network of DoP. IPPB is responsible for designing products and services, defining the technology and service delivery platforms, undertaking marketing and third-party tie-ups, setting and monitoring the service quality standards, handling customer grievances, managing the risks of the banking operations, and dealing with statutory and regulator compliances, etc.

IPPB requires 650 Grameen Dak Sevaks on engagement from the DoP to perform direct sales and related activities at various offices of the Bank as per the requirements of the Bank. The GDS on engagement to IPPB will play a key role in lead generation, direct sales, coordination and generation of business through the Business Correspondent arrangement between DoP and IPPB.

Interested Gramin Dak Sevaks who fulfil the eligibility criteria may apply online from 10.05.2022 to 20.05.2022 by visiting our website . No other mode of application will be accepted. Before applying candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfil the stipulated eligibility criteria otherwise their application will be summarily rejected.

IPPB GDS  Recruitment 2022 for 650 Vacancies

IPPB GDS Recruitment 2022 Important Dates

Candidates can check the important dates related to the IPPB Recruitment 2022.

IPPB GDS Recruitment 2022: Important Dates

  1. IPPB Recruitment 2022 10th May 2022
  2. Application Starts 10th May 2022
  3. Application Ends 20th May 2022
  4. IPPB Admit Card 2022 27th-30th May 2022 (Tentative)
  5. IPPB Online Exam June 2022 (Tentative)
  6. IPPB Exam Result June 2022 (Tentative)

General Information:

1. The registered Corporate Office of India Post Payments Bank is in New Delhi.

2. Detailed terms & conditions for GDSs from Department of Posts joining IPPB on engagement have been provided in Annexure-I

3. The period of engagement would be for 2 years for and the same may be extended for another one year, depending upon the business requirements of the Bank.

4. The engagement with IPPB shall commence only after completion of mandatory formalities pertaining to their relieving process as stipulated by their parent organization.

5. Total number of GDSs required on engagement is 650.

6. All applicants shall go through a selection process conducted by IPPB.

7. Before applying candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfil the stipulated eligibility criteria otherwise their application will be summarily rejected.

8. Candidates can apply online only and no other mode of application will be accepted.

9. Candidates in their own interest are advised, not to wait till the last date & time for applying online. IPPB shall not be responsible, if candidates are unable to submit their application due to last time rush and network issues.

10. For the purpose of posting engaged GDS to various circles, the Bank shall draw a circle-wise merit list.

Number of Posts of IPPB GDS  Recruitment 2022 

PAY AND ALLOWANCES of IPPB GDS  Recruitment 2022 


The Bank shall pay a lump sum amount of INR 30,000/- per month inclusive of statutory deductions & contributions as applicable to the GDSs engaged to IPPB as Executives.

Tax deductions will be done as per IT Act as amended from time to time.


 Annual increment of lump-sum pay and incentives based on performance in business acquisition/sales activities as decided by the Competent Authority.

 Further, it is clarified that no other pay/allowances/Bonus etc. shall be paid except those mentioned in above point number 1 and 2.


1. The tenure of engagement shall be for two (2) years and further extendable by one (1) year, subject to satisfactory performance, if required, as per the Bank’s business requirements and in the exigencies of public services.

2. Business Performance shall be reviewed every six months. In case Performance is found dissatist factory over two consecutive reviews, the engaged GDS may be repatriated after serving onemonth notice.


1. Unless otherwise requested, GDS on engagement with IPPB shall be posted in the same circle in which they are currently engaged as GDS with Department of Posts.

2. However, if the candidate wishes to apply for any other circle, then the same to be selected from the list provided in the application form. In all such cases place of posting will be in the circle he/she has chosen while applying for the said post and not the circle where is currently engaged as GDS at Department of Posts.


Selection will be done based on online written examination. However, the Bank reserves the right to conduct Language proficiency test, if needed.



The examination date will be intimated to the candidates through Call Letters/ later stage of process


The examination will be conducted online at venues given in the respective call letters.

No request for change of centre/venue for examination shall be entertained.

 IPPB, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the examination centres and/or add some other centres, at its discretion, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc.

IPPB also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any centre other than the one he/she has  opted for.

 Choice of centre once exercised by the candidate will be final.

Candidate will appear for the examination at an examination centre at his/her own risk and expenses and IPPB will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc. of any nature.

Any unruly behaviour/ misbehaviour in the examination hall may result in cancellation of candidature/disqualification from future exams conducted by IPPB.

If sufficient number of candidates does not opt for a particular centre for "Online" examination, IPPB reserves the right to allot any other adjunct centre to those candidates OR if the number of candidates is more than the capacity available for online exam for a centre, IPPB reserves the right to allot any other centre to the candidate.


The structure of the examinations which will be conducted online are as follows:


The candidates should download the admit card and an “information handout” booklet by entering their registration number and password / date of birth from IPPB's authorized website.


A waiting list would be drawn up in all circles. The candidates from the waiting list would becalled for prospectively if and when vacancy arises due to non-relieving from the parent organization or unwillingness of the merit list candidate to join.

The waiting list shall remain in force for twelve months or till the date of initiation of the next engagement process, whichever is earlier

The engagement with IPPB, in respect of wait list candidates, shall take effect from the date o declaration of their selection from the waiting list for all purposes



In the examination hall, the admit card along with a photocopy of the candidate’s photo identity (bearing exactly the same name as it appears on the admit card) such as PAN Card/ Passport/ eAadhar card/ Permanent Driving License/ Voter’s Card/  bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer/ People’s Representative along with a photograph / Identity Card issued by a recognised college/ university/Aadhar card with a photograph/ Employee ID should be submitted to the invigilator for verification. The candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the admit card, in the Attendance List and requisite documents submitted. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Examination.

Ration Card and Learners Driving License will not be accepted as valid id proof.

In case of candidates who have changed their name, they will be allowed only if they produce

original Gazette notification / their original marriage certificate / affidavit in original.

IPPB GDS  Recruitment 2022  PAY & ALLOWANCES


i. The Bank shall pay a lump sum amount of INR 30,000/- per month inclusive of  statutory deductions & contributions as applicable to the GDSs engaged to IPPB as Executives.

ii. Tax deductions will be done as per IT Act as amended from time to time.


i. Annual increment of lump-sum pay and incentives based on performance in business acquisition/sales activities as decided by the Competent Authority.

ii. Further, it is clarified that no other pay/allowances/Bonus etc. shall be paid except those mentioned in above point number 2.1 and 2.2 (i). 


i. The tenure of engagement shall be for two (2) years and further extendable by one (1) year, subject to satisfactory performance, if required, as per the Bank’s business requirements and in the exigencies of public services.

ii. Performance will be reviewed every six months to ensure satisfactory performance. If the performance is found dis-satisfactory over two consecutive reviews, the engaged GDSs may be repatriated after serving one-month notice.

iii. In case any engaged GDS is found to be indulged in indiscipline, misconduct, insubordination, unruly /violent behaviour, he/she will be immediately repatriated to his/her parent organization.


Unless otherwise requested, GDS on engagement with IPPB shall be posted in the same circle in which they are currently engaged as GDS with Department of Posts. However, if the candidate wishes to apply for any other circle, then the same to be selected from the list provided in the application form. In all such cases place of posting will be in the circle he/she has chosen while applying for the said post and not the circle where is currently engaged as GDS at Department of Posts.

IPPB GDS Recruitment 2022: Age Limit

Minimum Age   20 Years

Maximum Age  35 Years


Bank will conduct an online examination through IBPS and post online examination, a circle-wise merit list shall be prepared for those candidates who clear the online examination.

The candidates placed in Merit List will be called for Document Verification.

During Document Verification, candidates will have to furnish the following:

Statement giving details of Major/Minor penalties, imposed upon the Employee, if any during the last five (5) years.

Vigilance Clearance Certificate from the Divisional Head.

 The engagement with IPPB shall commence only after completion of  mandatory formalities pertaining to their relieving process as stipulated by their parent organization.

Those candidates who successfully complete the Document Verification formalities will join the Bank as Executives.

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IPPB GDS Recruitment Notification 2022

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