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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Recruitment Notification 2021

Application is invited by the APMDC for Certain managerial positions in various disciplines from the eligible candidates with requisite qualifications. From the website, the detailed description for each post along with the prescribed format of application can be downloaded. The Corporation has right to cancel the advertisement or modify the conditions without assigning any reason and further notice. The last date for submission of applications by online to / Registered Post shall be on or before 03.12.2021 by 5.00 PM.

Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Recruitment Notification 2021

Important Instructions and information to the candidates:

1. In the prescribed format, application shall be submitted which can be downloaded from our website on (Full Scape) Photo Copy Paper. On Full Scape size only, all the enclosures (True copies of all certificates) shall also be submitted.

2. Applicants must read all the instructions carefully and must ensure that they are fully qualified before filling up/submission of the applications.

3. Write “NA” against that column if any column is not applicable. Make surev that you do not fill up such column with dots and dashes or leave any column blank.

4. Furnishing of false or incorrect information / document or suppression of material information shall entail in disqualification of the applicant at any stage of selection and may lead to civil case.

5. If the application form is once submitted, the applicants are not permitted to alter or modify the columns in the application form.

6. Unsigned / incomplete / incorrect applications and applications are liable to be rejected summarily unaccompanied by requisite certificates .

7. Applications received after prescribed date will not be entertained even if the applications are posted before the last date.

8. Shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview.

9. Based on marks awarded by the Interview Panel Members, selection takes place.

10. No TA / DA will be provided for attending the interviews.

11. The Corporation has right to modify or cancel the advertisement or reduce the number of vacancies published without assigning any reason and further notice and no communication is entertained further in this regard.

12. Applicants shall submit enclosures of all Certificates of which they have mentioned in the application form duly signed by a Gazetted Officer. Applications received without gazetted signature shall be rejected.

13. Transferable to any APMDC Projects across the Country as per the Corporation requirements.

14. As per Corporation requirements, reporting structure may undergo changes .

Click here for Official Website

Click here for Official Notification

Click here for Application Form

*🔥విజయవాడ (ఏపీ)లోని ది ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ మినరల్ డెవలప్ మెంట్  కార్పొరేషన్ లిమిటెడ్ (ఏపీఎండీసీ) ఒప్పంద ప్రాతిపదికన కింది పోస్టుల భర్తకి దరఖాస్తులు కోరుతోంది🔥.*

*✍️నిరుద్యోగులకు మంచి అవకాశం. ప్రతి ఒక్కరూ సద్వినియోగం చేసుకోండి.*

*💸జీతము: 45,000 -60,000*

*●☆●☆●☆●☆●  ●☆●☆●☆●☆●

*మీకు తెలిసిన నిరుద్యోగులు ఎవరైనా ఉంటే వాళ్లకు ఉపయోగపడేలా ఈ లింకును షేర్ చేయండి*