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Sunday, November 14, 2021

AP Tribal Welfare Schools / Colleges Recruitment notification for Teaching Non Teaching staff

In the reference 1st cited this office has issued circular instructions to all the Convener Principals to circulate files to the P.Os of ITDA districts/JCs (A & W) of Non-ITDA districts along with sanctioned and vacant posts of teaching (strictly as per G.Os only) duly following the Gurukulam recruitment rules and rule of reservation and as per guide lines issued by this office from time to time for engaging Outsourcing faculty through demo.

On review of the selections made at district level certain discrepancies such as hiring of staff without sanctioned posts violation of rule of reservation and inadequate teaching skills etc. have been observed. Hence keeping in view of this circular instructions have been issued by this office to all the Convener Principals vide reference 5th cited to stop the ongoing process if any and circulation of files afresh to the P.Os of ITDA districts/J.Cs of Non ITDA districts for hiring the services of both teaching and non-teaching on outsourcing basis until further orders by this office.

Later certain Principals in Zoom Conferences have appraised the deficiency of teaching staff in some of the institutions and requested the Secretary Gurukulam to accord permission to take the outsourcing teaching staff temporarily to meet the academic exigencies.

File No.APTWRE-11043/12/2021-B1-SOW06

AP Tribal Welfare Schools / Colleges Recruitment notification for Teaching Non Teaching staff

Taking into consideration of their requests institution-wise (115) (List enclosed) actual requirement of teaching posts to be filled on outsourcing basis (not in respect of non-teaching posts) has been ascertained from the Principals and submitted consolidated proposals (in regard to Teaching faculty only) to the Govt. to obtain permission. 

The Government on examination of the proposals has agreed to hire the services of man power on outsourcing basis against the sanctioned and vacant posts of teaching and non-teaching with certain modifications by taking the district as Unit.


Teaching Faculty:

1. Officers of ITDA districts/JCs of non-ITDA districts to take up the process of engaging the services of outsourcing faculty.

ii. On arrival of clear vacancies against the sanctioned posts only the services of outsourcing faculty should be engaged. For this purpose the Convener Principal of the respective district shall verify the correctness of the data given by the Principals through cross checking.

iii. While engaging the services of outsourcing faculty in the existing vacancies it is mandatory to confirm that the candidates are fully qualified as per Gurukulam recruitment rules and should be studied in English Medium in minimum two levels except language teachers. And it is mandatory to be qualified in APTET.

iv. The candidates should be fluent in teaching English medium besides writing skills, since all Gurukulam institutions are English medium schools to ensure quality teachers.

v. In case of EMR Schools, minimum one year of experience in teaching CBSE syllabus is mandatory.

vi. Rule of Reservation shall be followed strictly while selection of O.S.Teachers/JLs/P.E.T/P.Ds and other non-teaching staff.

vii. Requisite qualifications and Teaching skills in English medium are strictly to be observed.

viii. The Candidates those who wish to apply shall be informed that they shall have to stay within the campus/same village/nearby villages to cater the educational needs and welfare of the students around the clock as all the institutions are running in Residential Mode.

ix. Selection shall be done on the basis of demo to assess the Teaching abilities of the candidates on the subject content in English medium only except language teachers.

x. In case of P.E.Ts/P.Ds Physical Test shall be conducted by the D.S.D.O or Chief Coach of the respective district as per the prescribed parameters and merit list shall be prepared accordingly.

xi. While engaging the services of outsourcing faculty it should be ensured that only female staff shall be engaged to girls’ institutions.

xii. The services of outsourcing faculty to be engaged shall be made only as stop gap arrangement. They will be terminated at any time without prior notice and there is no right to represent for continuation/conversion of their services under any circumstances and the Principals concerned shall have to obtain an undertaking to that effect while taking their services in to duties to avoid legal complications.

xiii. The remuneration of the outsourcing faculty will be released through APCOS as per the guidelines issued in the ,the & 10th cited. In this regard the Principals of respective institutions shall send the particulars of outsourcing staff allotted to their institutions in (58) columned proforma circulated earlier (Copy enclosed).

xiv. The entire process shall be made in a transparent manner without any deviation to the existing procedures in vogue. Any deviations in this regard will be viewed seriously.


xv. In regard to filling up of Non–Teaching vacancies of J.A/D.E.O (DR Vacancies) by outsourcingj= the selection shall be strictly as per Gurukulam Recruitment Rules by conducting a proficiency test to assess the capabilities and quality of work to arrive the merit of the Candidates.

a) Data Entry Operator – In addition to the Gurukulam recruitment rules NIC  tested and Qualified Candidates shall only be engaged.

b) Junior Assistants – In addition to the Gurukulam recruitment rules Typing skills shall be tested by NIC and qualified Candidates shall only be engaged.

III. E.M.R Schools:

As per the CBSE guidelines Information Technology is one of the optional subjects from IX class onwards. In view of that there is a need to engage qualified and proficient I.T. Teacher to impart the I.T. subject to the students.

Keeping in view of the above the second TGT Hindi post which was permitted as per staffing pattern in the (1,) EMRS which were started functioning prior to 2010j an I.T. (Information Technology) Teacher can be engaged against the post of T.G.T. Hindi on outsourcing.

In this context the Project Officers of ITDA districts/JCs of Non-ITDA districts are requested to engage I.T. Teachers on outsourcing through N.I.C. duly following the requisite qualifications besides observing the rule of reservation.

Qualifications and Remuneration: 

After completion of process the D.Ds/D.T.W.Os are requested to send the details of outsourcing faculty/non-teaching engaged in each institution invariably to this office along with a copy of note file circulated to the Chairman of the respective district to examine selection and to admit the bills.

Click here for Official Website

Click here for Official Notification

*⚜️ ఏపి గిరిజన సంక్షేమ పాఠశాలు/కాలేజీల్లో (APTWR సంస్థలలో) అవుట్‌సోర్సింగ్ టీచింగ్ / నాన్ టీచింగ్ ఖాళీల PGT, TGT, JLs, PDs, IT Teacher, Junior Assistant, Data Entry Operators) అవుట్ సోర్సింగ్ ప్రాతిపదికన భర్తీ*

*●ఖాళీల వివరాలు, అర్హతలు, క్రింది వెబ్ పేజీలో కలవు.*
