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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

TS LAW ASSOCIATES Recruitment Notification Application Form and Instructions

Recruitment Notification for TS LAW ASSOCIATES Application Form and Instructions @

Applications are invited by the Government of Telangana, from the eligible candidates who possess 3 / 5 Years Law Degree for the post of Law Associates, on contract basis for a period of two years, to assist the Secretariat Departments in Government on full time basis as per the guidelines framed by the Government of Telangana. The prescribed proforma of the application is placed in the official website of the Law Department, Government of Telangana, i.e., and the duly filled in applications should be sent to the Chief Secretary, Government of Telangana along with copies of relevant documents in proof of age, category and educational qualifications, by registered post with acknowledgement due, superscribed on it as “Application for the post of Law Associates” on or before 08.10.2021 at 5.00 p.m.

Recruitment Notification for TS LAW ASSOCIATES Application Form and Instructions @

What are the INSTRUCTIONS for the  TS LAW ASSOCIATES Recruitment

1. A candidate must not have attained the age of 30 years as on the last date fixed for submission of applications.

2. He / She must be a citizen of India.

3. A candidate to be eligible for appointment as Law Associate shall be a graduate in Law from a reputed Law School and enrolled in the Bar Council of Telangana, with not more than 4 years standing at the Bar.

4. The candidate should have the computer knowledge including retrieval of desired information from various search engines / processes, such as, Manupatra, SCC Online, Lexis / Nexis, Westlaw etc.,

5. The candidate should not be pursuing any other course of study or pursuing any other profession or occupation, which may require them to be away from their place of work during the period of their engagement as Law Associate.

6. Application shall be made in the form as prescribed, which can be downloaded from the Government of Telangana website ( and it should be accompanied by copies of documents relied.

7. Filled in application to be reached to the Chief Secretary, Government of Telangana by registered post acknowledgement due on or before 08-10-2021 at 5.00 p.m.


 Engagement of Law Associates: Government may appoint such number of Law Associates for each department of Secretariat, as may be required from time to time.

 Competent Authority: The authority competent to engage the services of a person as Law Associate shall be the Secretary of the concerned department in the Government.

 Age: A Candidate must not have attained the age of 30 years as on the last date fixed for submission of application.

What is the Eligibility Criteria for appointment of LAW ASSOCIATES

A Candidate will be treated as eligible to be engaged as a Law Associate provided he/she satisfies the following criteria:

(i) The Candidate should have acquired a Degree in Law from a reputed Law School or a recognized University, having studied a 5- year regular stream after completion of 10+2 years of schooling or who have studied regular 10+2 years of schooling followed by three years of regular curriculum in a degree course before taking a three years regular law degree.

(ii) The candidate should have been enrolled in the Bar Council of Telangana, with not more than 4 years of standing at the Bar.

(iii) The Candidate should not be pursuing any other course of study or pursuing any other profession or occupation, which may require them to be away from their place of work during the period of their engagement as Law Associate.

(iv) The candidates should have the computer knowledge including retrieval of desired information from various search engines/processes, such as, Manupatra, SCC Online, LexisNexis, Westlaw etc.,

What is the  Period of Engagement for appointment of LAW ASSOCIATES:

(i) The engagement as Law Associate will be normally for a period of two years from the date of engagement. However, subject to the approval of the Government, the period of engagement can beextended for a further period not exceeding two years.

(ii) However, the engagement of any Law Associate may be discontinued even before the completion of two years, without notice if his/her services are found to be unsatisfactory.

(iii) The Candidates should join as Law Associate within the period specified in their order of appointment. No request for extension of time for joining the assignment of Law Associate will be entertained under any circumstances.

(iv) Law Associate shall not be treated or deemed to be an employee of the Government.

(v) If a Law Associate desires to have the engagement terminated before the expiry of the period of engagement, he/she shall give an advance notice of duration of not less than one month to the Secretary to Government concerned.

What is the  Selection Process for appointment of LAW ASSOCIATES:

(i) Selection for the engagement of Law Associates shall be made by way of notification inviting applications from willing and eligible candidates.

(ii) Such applications shall be made in the form as prescribed in Annexure-I, and it should be accompanied by copies of documents, as enumerated therein.

(iii) The Law Department shall be the Nodal Department for the purposes of issue of notification inviting applications, scrutiny of the applications received and other matters connected with the selection process.

(iv) Eligible Candidates will have to appear for viva voce at Hyderabad at their own expenses on the date, time and venue to be intimated to them.

(v) The selection shall be made by a committee nominated by the Chief Secretary

(vi) The Selection shall be based on merit and the list of candidates selected by the Committee, shall be subject to the approval of the Government.

(vii) The competent authority will engage the Law Associates from the list of approved candidates.

What  are the  Duties and Responsibilities assigned to Law Associates: Law

Associate shall assist the Secretary to Government in all Court and other legal matters which may include –

(i) Process of all files pertaining to Court notices, interim and final orders of the Courts, preparation of counter affidavits, filing of appeals, filing of Special Leave Petitions, correspondence with Advocate General, Government Pleaders, Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court etc.,

(ii) Liaisoning with the Government Pleaders and the Office of the Advocate General/Additional Advocate General for the purpose of receiving instructions and submission of instructions in Court matters.

(iii) To assist the Secretary in monitoring and reviewing of all pending cases, including preparation of case monitoring system.

(iv) Attending to such other legal and Court matters, as may be referred to him by the Secretary to Government.

What is the  Record of Attendance of Law Associates:

All the Law Associates should mark their attendance in the Attendance Register maintained by the concerned Secretary to the Government

What is the  Leave Entitlement for appointment of LAW ASSOCIATES:

(i) Law Associates shall be entitled to Casual Leave at the rate of one day for every completed month of assignment.

(ii) They will be permitted to proceed on Casual Leave with prior intimation to the Secretary to Government whom they are attached.

(iii) If, any Law Associates are found to be exceeding the permissible limit of 12 days of Casual Leave in a Calendar Year, necessary deductions will be made from their monthly Honorarium on prorata basis.

What is the  Honorarium:

(i) Each Law Associate shall be paid a consolidated amount of Rs.60,000/- per month as Honorarium and Rs.15,000/- per month towards transport allowance.

(ii) Law Associates shall not be entitled to any other allowances or perks.

What is the  Bar to Practice as Advocate or Taking up Employment: Undertaking

(i) The Law Associates during the currency of their engagement shall not be entitled to take up any employment, engagement of whatsoever nature either on full time or part time basis.

(ii) Before taking up engagement as Law Associate, an undertaking not to take up practice as Advocate or any other employment during the term of engagement as Law Associate shall be given by the individual in the prescribed form annexed to these guidelines.

What is the  Conduct of Law Associate:

(i) During the engagement, every Law Associate shall maintain a high standard of reputation and integrity commensurate with the responsibilities entrusted to him/her. 

(ii) Similarly, during the period of engagement and at all times, the Law Associate shall maintain complete confidentiality regarding the work assigned to him/her by the Secretary to Government he/she shall maintain utmost confidentiality in respect of matters which come to his/her notice by virtue of such engagement and shall ensure that no information or document is leaked out because of his/her mishandling of papers or his/her deliberations with others, or any other manner.

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