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Sunday, July 25, 2021

TS FSL Recruitment Notification

TS FSL Telangana State Forensic Science Laboratory - Notification, Syllabus and Application Form For recruitment to Contract Posts in TS FSL 

The Telangana State Forensic Science Laboratory, Hyderabad invites applications from the eligible candidates through OFFLINE mode only in the prescribed proforma from 26-07-2021 to 08-08-2021 for RECRUITMENT to the following posts on CONTRACT BASIS in Forensic Science Laboratories of Telangana State.
TS FSL Recruitment Notification

TS FSL Recruitment Notification
 LAB TECHNICIAN (POST CODE – 04): Total Posts – 01
Scientific Assistant (Biology/Serology/DNA) : Must have passed M. Sc with 70% with Biology or
Zoology or Botany or Microbiology or Biochemistry or Bio-Technology or Genetics or Forensic Science (specialization in D.N.A) as the subject from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or Provincial Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission on equivalent qualifications.
Scientific Assistant,(Computer Forensics/Forensic Audio/Video) :
 Master’s Degree in Physics/ Electronics/ IT/ Computer Science/ Forensic Science with 70% or MCA with Physics or Chemistry or Computer Science or Maths or Electronics at B Sc level with 70% from any university recognised by the UGC.
Laboratory Technician, Computer Forensics : Must have passed 10th class examination or its
equivalent examination. Desirable qualification: BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications).
What is the  FEE STRUCTURE?
Candidates applying for the posts notified herein will have to pay the fee as prescribed below for processing application, conduct of tests and examinations etc
1. Scientific Assistant
Rs.1,000/- for OC, BC & Others.
Rs.500/- for SC & ST of Telangana State.
2. Lab Technician
Rs.800/- for OC, BC & Others.
Rs.400/- for SC & ST of Telangana State.
What is the MODE OF PAYMENT?
 A Demand Draft in favour of “Director Forensic Science Lab, Hyderabad” shall be drawn towards the fee applicable and submit along with the application form. Applications received without Demand Draft will be invariably rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
i. The candidates can send applications through the following modes by satisfying themselves with the terms and conditions of this contract recruitment and their eligibility of educational qualifications.
a) speed post/courier service
b) A dropbox will be placed at Telangana State Police Headquarters, Lakdi-kapul, Hyderabad
**Note: Applications received by any of the above 2 modes before the due date will be accepted.
ii. The candidates applying for the posts notified should select the appropriate category/section of post based on their eligible educational qualifications.
iii. The last date for submission of application is on or before 08-08-2021 up to 5-00 P.M.
iv. The envelope containing the application and its enclosures should be super scribed with the ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (NAME OF THE POST & POST CODE)’ addressed to “THE DIRECTOR, TELANGANA STATE FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORIES, RED HILLS, NAMPALLY, HYDERABAD – 500004”.
The applications to be sent to the following address through registered post/courier service:
The Director,
Telangana State Forensic Laboratories
Red Hills, Nampally,
Hyderabad – 004
a) Candidates are required to go through the Notification carefully and decide themselves as to their eligibility for this recruitment before applying and entering the particulars completely offline. No relevant column of the Application Form should be left blank; otherwise the Application Form will not be accepted.
b) Applications received offline shall only be considered and the Telangana State Forensic Science Laboratory (TS FSL) will not be held responsible for any kind of discrepancy.
c) TS FSL will not be responsible for any inconsistencies or errors in the application particulars submitted offline. Candidates are therefore, advised to strictly follow the instructions in their own interest and to verify the contents before submitting the Offline Application.
d) Particulars furnished by the Candidates in the Application Form will be taken as final. Candidates should therefore, be very careful in filling up the Application Form Offline.
e) Incomplete / Incorrect Application Form will be summarily rejected. The information, if any, furnished by the Candidate subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the TS FSL under any circumstances. Candidates should be careful in filling-up the Application Form before submission. If any lapse is detected at any stage of the recruitment process, the candidature will be rejected.
f) Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated and they shall not suppress or conceal any material information while making an Application. In case, if it is found at a later date that any false information has been provided, punitive action will be taken as per law.
g) Candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner while appearing for the Examinations. Any impersonation will be viewed adversely and such candidates shall be criminally prosecuted besides being disqualified.
h) All the testimonials issued by the competent authorities shall compulsorily be produced as and when required. If the Candidate fails to produce the same, his / her candidature will be rejected / disqualified without any further correspondence.
i) The claim of the Candidates with regard to the Age, Date of Birth, Educational Qualifications, Community etc., are accepted only provisionally on the information furnished by them in their Application Form and Certificates produced, subject to verification and satisfaction of TS FSL, at an appropriate time. Mere admission to any Exam / Test or inclusion of the name of a Candidate in a Merit List will not confer on the Candidate any right for selection. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the TS FSL reserve the right to reject his / her candidature at any stage of
the selection without any notice.
j) Candidates are requested to check their eligibility with reference to the laid down criteria carefully and fill in all the relevant columns in the Offline Applications Form.
k) Due to various age criteria and different age relaxations, being there for different posts, age validation is not being done in the Offline Application Form. It is the responsibility of the Candidate to satisfy themselves about their age eligibility for the Post(s) applied for.
l) If the Candidates who are Under-Age or Over-Age apply for this Recruitment Notification. TS FSL is not responsible and their candidature will be rejected at any time. Fees once paid will not be refunded.
i. SSC / Matriculation Certificate or its equivalent certificate in support of Date of Birth.
ii. Master’s degree certificate from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or Provincial Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission on equivalent qualifications.
iii. Community Certificate issued by competent authority of Government of Telangana for age relaxation.
iv. Latest Non-Creamy Layer Certificate issued by Government of Telangana for BC Candidates, if they claim Reservation in Selection.
v. Study Bonafide Certificates from Class 1st to Class 7th
vi. Previous Work Experience Certificate (Certified by the Head/Director of the Lab and self-attested)
vii. **Demand Draft towards fee payment
**NOTE: Candidates will have to enclose one set of photocopies (duly self-attested) of the above documents along with the application form and the Demand Draft towards fee payment

ORAL INTERVIEW: The Oral Interview pattern is as follows –
Candidates in the ratio of 1:6 (the top qualifying candidates will be called for Oral
Note: 1) The minimum mark to be secured by the candidates in order to qualify in the Written Test is 60% for OCs, 55% for BCs and 50% for SCs / STs.
Note: 2) Merit among Candidates who secure same Marks: When 2 (two) or more Candidates in a particular category obtain equal marks, preference will be given to the Candidate who are born earlier.
టీఎస్‌ఎఫ్‌ఎస్‌ఎల్‌లో ఒప్పంద ఉద్యోగాలకు ప్రకటన
పోలీస్‌శాఖ పరిధిలోని తెలంగాణ ఫోరెన్సిక్‌ సైన్స్‌ ల్యాబొరేటరీ (టీఎస్‌ఎఫ్‌ఎస్‌ఎల్‌)లో ఒప్పంద (కాంట్రాక్టు) పద్ధతిలో ఉద్యోగాల భర్తీకి నోటిఫికేషన్‌ వెలువడింది. అర్హులైన అభ్యర్థులు ఈ నెల 26 నుంచి ఆగస్టు 8 వరకు ఆఫ్‌లైన్‌ విధానంలో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవాలని సంస్థ సంచాలకులు సూచించారు. సైంటిఫిక్‌ అసిస్టెంట్‌ విభాగంలో 7 పోస్ట్‌లను భర్తీ చేయనున్నారు. ఇందులో 3 కంప్యూటర్‌ ఫోరెన్సిక్‌, 2 బయాలజీ/సిరాలజీ, 2 డీఎన్‌ఏ పోస్టులు ఉన్నాయి. ల్యాబ్‌ టెక్నీషియన్‌ విభాగంలో 1 కంప్యూటర్‌ ఫోరెన్సిక్‌ పోస్టును భర్తీ చేయనున్నారు. ఎంఎస్సీలో కనీసం 70శాతం మార్కులు సాధించిన, 21-34 ఏళ్ల వయసు(జులై 1 నాటికి) అభ్యర్థులను అర్హులుగా ప్రకటించారు. ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ అభ్యర్థులకు మార్కుల్లో 5 శాతం, ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ, బీసీ దరఖాస్తుదారులకు వయోపరిమితిలో అయిదేళ్ల మినహాయింపు ఇచ్చారు. రాతపరీక్ష, ఇంటర్వ్యూ ద్వారా అభ్యర్థుల ఎంపిక నిర్వహిస్తారు. టీఎస్‌ పోలీస్‌ వెబ్‌సైట్‌ నుంచి దరఖాస్తులను డౌన్‌లోడ్‌ చేసుకుని.. పూర్తిచేసిన వాటిని ‘డైరెక్టర్‌ టీఎస్‌ఎఫ్‌ఎస్‌ఎల్‌, రెడ్‌హిల్స్‌, హైదరాబాద్‌’కు స్పీడ్‌పోస్టు/కొరియర్‌ ద్వారా పంపొచ్చు. లేక నేరుగా టీఎస్‌ఎఫ్‌ఎస్‌ఎల్‌ కార్యాలయంలో అందజేయవచ్చు. పూర్తి వివరాలకు 040-23326252, 23307138 నంబర్లలో సంప్రదించవచ్చని డైరెక్టర్‌ సూచించారు.*

TS FSL Recruitment Notification : Click Here
TS FSL Recruitment Post Wise Syllabus : Click Here
TS FSL Recruitment Application Form : Click Here