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Friday, July 9, 2021

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) Recruitment for 168 Graduate and Technician Apprentices Apply Online

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) Recruitment for 168 Graduate and  Technician Apprentices Apply Online

BPCL Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online for 180 Graduate and  Technician Posts at BPCL BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD |Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) Recruitment  Notification 2021|BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. Kochi Refinery|RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF Graduate and  Technician Apprentices.

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Kochi Refinery, Ambalamugal, Kochi invites Online application from eligible Graduate & Diploma holders in Engineering (passed during 2019, 20 20 & 2021), for undergoing one year Apprenticeship training under the Apprenticeship (Amendmen! Act 1973.)


A): Cateqory - I Graduate Apprentices:
First Class Engineering Degree [Full Time Course] in the respective discipline with 60%
marks from a recognized lndian University/lnstitute (Relaxed to 50% marks for SC/ST/PWD
candidates and relaxation applicable for reserved posts only).

B): Cateqorv - ll Technician (Diploma) Apprentices:
First Class Diploma in Engineering (Full Time Course) in the respective discipline with 60%
marks from State Board of Technical Education/recognized lndian University (Relaxed to
50% marks for SC/ST/PWD candidates and relaxation applicable for reserved posts only).

Age Limit :
18-27 Years as on 01.08.2021 (DOB between 01.08.1994 to 01 .08.2003). Relaxation to reserved category candidates as per guidelines in this regard.

DURATION OF TRAINING:-The duration of Apprenticeship training will be for a period of one year as per Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973

Selection will be based on the marks obtained in the qualifying examination and interview. The final merit list would be prepared according to categories General/ SC / ST I OBC I PWD on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates.

Engagement for apprenticeship training will be subject to the selected candidates clearing the medical examination.

How to Apply :
1. Before applying Online applicants should have valid email id &Contact No.
2. Applicants should log on to the website
3. Go to Careers & Click on Current Openings.
4. Select the Desired Post & Click Apply Online.
5. Fill all the mandatory details & submit the form
6. Take print out of application form for future use.

Please note that relevant queries only will be entertained.
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Kochi
Refinery, Post Bag No.2, Ambalamugal, Kochi - 682 302. 
z kr
Board of Apprenticeship Training (SR) Taramani,
Chennai - 600 113.

Important Dates :
1. Online Application starting date : 05.07.2021
2. Last date for enrolling in NATS portal in order to apply to "Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Kochi Refinery " 20.07.2021
3. Last date for applying to "Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd,
Kochi Refinery" 25.07.2021

Important Links