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Andhra Pradesh High Court Recruitment 2022: Apply for 3673 various posts

Andhra Pradesh High Court Recruitments 2022: Apply for 3673 various posts  

AP High Court Recruitment 2022: AP High court has published recruitment notifications for various posts of Section Officer / Court Officer / Scrutiny Officer / Accounts Officer, Assistant Section Officers, Process Server, Office Subordinate, Copyist, Field Assistant, Examiner and many more. The total number of posts are 3673. The deadline for all the posts of AP High Court is 15th November 2022. Education Qualifications, Important dates, Notifications PDFs, Steps to apply online are provided below. Candidates who are eligible are advised to go through the Notifications PDFs and submit the application form online.

Andhra Pradesh High Court Recruitment 2022: Apply for 3673 various posts

Educational Qualifications:
Section Officer/ Court Officer/ Scrutiny Officer/ Accounts Officer
  1. Applicant must have passed a 5 years degree in Law or a degree in Arts or Science or Commerce or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification with a 3 years Degree in Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or from any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification.
  2. Preference will be given to candidates possessing Computer skills.
Assistant Section Officers
  1. Applicant must have passed a 5 years degree in Law or a degree in Arts or Science or Commerce or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification with a 3 years Degree in Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or from any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification.
Computer Operators
  1. Applicant must have passed a Degree in Arts or Science or Commerce or Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act, or State Act or from any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification. 
  2. Applicant must have passed Typewriting by Higher Grade examination in English, conducted by the A.P. State Board of Technical Education or any other qualification as may be considered by Hon’ble the Chief Justice to be equivalent to the said qualification. AND
  3. Applicant must have passed Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Programming or Post Graduate Diploma Computer Applications (1 year Course) which is recognized by the Central or State Government or a Degree in Bachelor of Computer Applications of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or from any Institution by a University Grants Commission.
Overseer, Assistants, Examiners
  1. Applicant must have passed a degree in arts or Science or Commerce or Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act, or State Act or from any institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other degree equivalent to such qualification.
Typist, Copyist
  1. Applicant must have passed a degree in arts or Science or Commerce or Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act, or State Act or from any institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other degree equivalent to such qualification. AND
  2. Applicant must have passed Typewriting by Higher Grade examination in English, conducted by the A.P. State Board of Technical Education or any other qualification as may be considered by Hon’ble the Chief Justice to be equivalent to the said qualification.
Assistant Overseer
  1. Applicant must have passed a degree in arts or Science or Commerce or Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act, or State Act or from any institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other degree equivalent to such qualification.
  1. Applicant must be a Graduate of any recognized University, and
  2. They must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Type Writing-Higher Grade and must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Short Hand-Higher Grade or equivalent examination.
  3. Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination Higher Grade are not available, those who have passed the examination- Lower Grade may be considered.
  4. They must have knowledge or qualification in Computer operation.
Junior Assistant
  1. Applicants must have passed a Bachelor’s Degree from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act Provincial Act, or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification.
  2. They must have knowledge or qualification in computer operation.
Field Assistant
  1. Applicants must have passed a Bachelor’s Degree from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act Provisional Act, or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification.
  1. Applicants must have passed the Intermediate Examination Conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent Examination.
  1. Applicants must have passed the Intermediate Examination Conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent Examination.
  2. They must have passed A.P. Government Technical Examination in English Typewriting-higher grade qualification or its equivalent examination.
  3. Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination by Higher Grades are not available those who have passed the examination by Lower Grades may be considered.
Record Assistant
  1. Applicants must have passed the Intermediate Examination Conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent Examination.
Driver (Light Vehicle)
  1. Applicants must have passed the 7th class or equivalent examination. Candidates who failed in the Intermediate will also be considered but those who have a higher qualification than that shall not be considered. AND
  2. Applicants must possess a current valid light motor vehicle driving license issued by the Competent authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 with practical experience in Driving a Motor Vehicle for a period of not less than three (3) years with an endorsement to drive a Motor Cycle and Auto rickshaw.
Process Server
  1. Applicants must have passed the SSC examination or its equivalent examination.
Office Subordinate
  1. Applicants must have passed the 7th class or equivalent examination. Candidates who failed in the Intermediate will also be considered but those who have a higher qualification than that shall not be considered

Application Fee:
  1. For OC/ BC/ EWS Categories: Rs. 800/-
  2. For SC/ ST & Ex-Servicemen Categories: Rs. 400/-
Age Limit (As on 01.07.22):
  1. Minimum Age is 18 years
  2. Maximum Age is 42 years
  3. Age Relaxation as per Rules
Steps to Apply for AP High Court Recruitment 2022:
  1. Visit the official website of the AP High Court
  2. Then, select the “Recruitment Portal” option on the Home page of the AP High Court Website.
  3. Click on the AP High Court Recruitment 2022 notification and click the One Time Registration option.
  4. Fill the application form with necessary details and upload the required documents on the page.
  5. Click “submit” and Print the registration form for future reference.
Last date: à°¹ైà°•ోà°°్à°Ÿు à°–ాà°³ీలకు 15.11.2022; à°œిà°²్à°²ా à°•ోà°°్à°Ÿు à°–ాà°³ీలకు11-11-2022 వరకు.
Click Here for Official Website of AP High Court

Click Here for various AP High Court Recruitment Notifications PDFs

Post Name No. of posts Notification PDFs
Notification for Recruitment of Section Officer / Court Officer / Scrutiny Officer / Accounts Officer in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 09 Section Officer / Court Officer / Scrutiny Officer / Accounts Officer
Notification for Recruitment of Assistant Section Officers in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 13 Assistant Section Officers
Notification for Recruitment of Computer Operators in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 11 Computer Operators
Notification for Recruitment of Overseer in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 01 Overseer
Notification for Recruitment of 14 posts of Assistants and 13 posts of Examiners in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 14,13 Assistants and Examiners
Notification for Recruitment of 16 posts of Typist and 20 posts of Copyist in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 16,20 Typist and Copyist
Notification for Recruitment of Assistant Overseer in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 01 Assistant Overseer
Notification for Recruitment of Drivers in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 08 Driver
Notification for Recruitment of Office Subordinates in High Court of Andhra Pradesh by Direct Recruitment 135 Office Subordinate
Notification for Recruitment of Stenographers Grade-III in District Courts of A.P 114 Stenographers Grade-III
Notification for Recruitment of Junior Assistant in District Courts of A.P 681 Junior Assistant
Notification for Recruitment of Typist in District Courts of A.P 170 Typist
Notification for Recruitment of Field Assistant in District Courts of A.P 158 Field Assistant
Notification for Recruitment of Examiner in District Courts of A.P 112 Examiner
Notification for Recruitment of Copyist in District Courts of A.P 209 Copyist
Notification for Recruitment of Record Assistant in District Courts of A.P 09 Record Assistant
Notification for Recruitment of Driver (Light Vehicle) in District Courts of A.P 20 Driver (Light Vehicle)
Notification for Recruitment of Process Server in District Courts of A.P 439 Process Server
Notification for Recruitment of Office Subordinate in District Courts of A.P 1520 Office Subordinates
Total 3673

AP Court Jobs Written Exam Syllabus , Exam Pattern
 Syllabus for Computer Based Examination to the posts of Section Oficer, Assistant Section Officer, Computer Operator, Overseer, Assistants, Examiners, Typists, Copyists, Assistant  Overseer, Drivers and Office Subordinates in High Court of AP : Click Here

Syllabus for the posts of Stenographer Grade III, Junior Assistant , Typist, Field Assistant, Examiner, Copyist, Record assistant, Driver, 
Process Server and Office Subordinates in District Courts of AP : Click  Here

Andhra Pradesh High Court Recruitment  for  Typist and Copyist Posts Download Application

Applications are invited for appointment to the posts of TYPIST and COPYIST in the High Court Service by direct recruitment from eligible candidates. The said posts carry the pay scale of Rs 16400-49870.

The applications shall be submitted online in the prescribed proforma placed in the High Court website and "NO application shall be received directly or by post." The Official Website of APs High Court is http:/?

The last date for submission of application is 30.09.2021 till 11.59pm

Number of Vacancies for the post of Typist : 35
Scale of Pay : Rs 16400-49870 (RPS-2015)

Number of Vacanciesfor the post of Copyist: 39

Scale of pay : Rs .16400-49870(RPS-2015)

The selection?Appointment of candidate belonging to BC-E group shall be subject to the result of Civil Appeal Nos. 2628-2637 of 2010 on the file of the Honorabole Supreme Court of India.


The recruitment shall  be subject to the rule of reservation in favour of candidates belonging to SCs STs BCs (A,B,C,D,E) Economically weaker sections,women and Ex-serviccemen as per the rules applicable and in force.

Educational Qualification:

Age Limit: 

Must have completed 18 years and must not have crossed 42 years as on 01-07-2021 as per G.O Ms. No 52, General Administration Department,dated 17.06.2020. Upper age lkimit is raised by 5 years in respect of scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes and by 10 years for candidates with disabilities and Ex-Servicemen.

Examination Fee:

Candidates belonging o Open Category and Backward Classeshave to pay exmaination fee of Rs 800/- and candidates beloning to eEconomically eWeaker Sections have to pay Rs 500/- and candidates belonging to Sceduled Castes, Sceduled Tribes and Ex-Servicemen have to pay Rs 400/- through APT Online limited.

Candidates qualified in the objective type examination and called for open  category and Backward classes candidates belonging to Economically weaker sections have to pay Rs  500/- and candidates belonging Scheduled Castes , Sceduled Tribes and Ex-Service men have to pay Rs 400/- through APT Online Limites.

Mode of Recruitment:

The Selection will be made on the basis of a common examination for both categories of posts through computer based objective type examination comprising General  Knowledge,English Language and Teasoning. The question paper will be of Degree standard for 60 marks . The candidates have to answer the question pater in 75 minutes. The candidates belonging o open category who secure 45% , Economically weaker sections 40%, Backward classes 35%  and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 30% marks in the computer bases objective type examination will be called for skill test in typing in the ratio of 1:3 . The candidates belonging to Open Category who secure 45% , Economically waker sections 40% BC 35% and SC and ST 30% marks in skill test in typing will be considered for appointment basing on the common merit list. In view of G O 58 , General Administration Department dated 26-08-2021, oral interviews are dispensed with. The topics to be covered from the below syllabus are as follows

General Instructions

Click Here to Download

Andhra Pradesh High Court Recruitment Notification 



Andhra Pradesh High Court Recruitment for 25 Posts Download Application

AP High Court Recruitment 2021: Applications are invited for filling up of 25 posts of Court Masters, Personal Secretaries to the Hon'ble Judges and Registrars in High Court of Andhra Pradesh. This AP High Court Recruitment 2021 Application form Will available on the official Website from 01.07.2021 to 21.07.2021. Candidates those who are interested in High Court jobs can apply for this jobs.

Essential Qualification:

The candidates should possess all the requisite qualifications as mentioned below.

1). A Degree in Arts or Science or Commerce of any University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provident Act or a State Act or from any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification.

2). A pass in 180 w.p.m. Speed in English Shorthand examination, conducted by the A.P. considered by Hon'ble the Chief Justice to be equivalent to the said qualification. However, candidates who have passed 150 w.p.m. in shorthand English also can apply.

3). A pass in Typewriting by Higher examination in Eglish, conducted by the A.P. State Board of Technical Education or any other qualification as may be considered by Hon'ble the Chief Justice to be equivalent to the said qualification.

4). Preference will be given to candidates possessing Computer skills.

Vacancy Details as follows:

Application Fee:
For BC and OC Candidates have to pay Rs.750/-
For Sc/STs Candidates have to pay Rs. 350/-

Salary Details :
The remuneration for the above said post will be paid Rs.37,100/- Per month (Consolidated).

Age Limit :
Minimum – 18 Years
Maximum – 42 Years

Selection Process:
Candidates selection process will be on the basis of merit, evaluated by tests in Shorthand English 180 w.p.m.(3 minutes duration) and 150 w.p.m.(4 minutes duration) and the trancription to be done on computers within 40 and 45 minutes respectively. The test will be for 100 marks each for Shorthand English 180 w.p.m, and 150 w.p.m, and 20 marks for oral interview.

How to Apply :
The duly filled-in application should be sent duly superscribing on the envelope as "Application for the post of Court Masters and Personal Secretaries to the Hon'ble Judges and Registrars" along with Deman Draft and self addressed envelope affixing Rs.30/- postage stamps, addressed to the Registrar (Admisnistration), High Court of Andhra Pradesh, Nelapadu, Amaravati, Guntur District, Pin-522237 on or before 21.07.2021 by 5.00 p.m.

The application received without enclosures will be summarily rejected and applications received after the due date, for any reason, will not be entertained.

Important Links