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Saturday, May 1, 2021

SBI Corona Rakshak Policy Know How to get Financial Cover Against COVID Expenses

SBI Corona Rakshak Policy Know How to get Financial Cover Against COVID 

SBI Corona Rakshak Policy : Corona Rakshak Policy offered by SBI General Insurance is a benefit based health insurance policy that offers you lump sum benefit equal to 100% of the sum insured, payable on positive diagnosis of COVID-19, if it requires hospitaliszation of at least 72 continuous hours. The positive diagnosis should be done at a government authorized diagnostic center. It is a short term policy that can be purchased for 3.5 months, 6.5 months, and 9.5 months. You can purchase this policy for sum insured options ranging between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 2.5 Lakh (in multiples of Rs. 50,000).

ఎస్బిఐ జనరల్ ఇన్సూరెన్స్ అందించే కరోనా రక్షక్ పాలసీ అనేది ప్రయోజన ఆధారిత ఆరోగ్య బీమా పాలసీ, ఇది మీకు బీమా చేసిన మొత్తంలో 100% కు సమానమైన మొత్తం ప్రయోజనాన్ని అందిస్తుంది, COVID-19 యొక్క సానుకూల నిర్ధారణపై చెల్లించబడుతుంది, దీనికి కనీసం 72 నిరంతర గంటలు ఆసుపత్రిలో చేరాల్సిన అవసరం ఉంటే. సానుకూల రోగ నిర్ధారణ ప్రభుత్వ అధీకృత రోగనిర్ధారణ కేంద్రంలో చేయాలి. ఇది స్వల్పకాలిక పాలసీ, ఇది 3.5 నెలలు, 6.5 నెలలు మరియు 9.5 నెలలు కొనుగోలు చేయవచ్చు. మీరు ఈ పాలసీని రూ. 50,000 మొత్తం బీమా ఎంపికల కోసం మీరు ఈ పాలసీని కొనుగోలు చేయవచ్చు.

Who can buy this Policy?
Corona Rakshak Policy can be bought by any individual between the age of 18 Years to 65 Years on Individual and Family individual basis.

Age Criteria:
Minimum Entry Age: Adult - 18 Years
Maximum Entry Age: 65 Years

Sum Insured ;
Rs 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand) to 2,50,000/- (Two Lakh Fifty Thousand)- (in the multiples of fifty thousand)

Mode of Premium :
Single Premium paying mode.

Key Feature:

  1. No medical check-up across all age bands.
  2. Lumpsum benefit equal to 100% of the Sum Insured payable on positive diagnosis of  COVID-19.
  3. Only 15 days waiting period from the policy commencement date Tax Exemption under Sec 80D.
1.This policy covers the following subject to the terms and conditions:
2.Lumpsum benefit equal to 100% of the Sum Insured shall be payable on positive diagnosis of COVID-19, requiring hospitalization for a minimum continuous period of 72 hours. The positive diagnosis of COVID-19 should be from a government authorized diagnostic centre.

Major Exclusion

Investigation & Evaluation -

  • Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics and evaluation purposes.
  • Any diagnostic expenses which are not related or not inidental to the current diagnosis and treatement.
  • Any diagnosis which is not related and not incidental to COVID-19 is not covered in this Policy.
  • Testing done at a diagnostic centre which is not authorized by the Government shall not be recognized under this policy.
  • Any claim with respect to COVID-19 manifested prior to commencement date of this policy or during the waiting preriod.
  • Cover under this Policy shall cease if the Insured Person travels to any country placed under travel restriction by the Government of India.

Important Note: The above list of exclusions is illustrative and not exhaustive. For a full list of the exclusions , please refer to policy wordings.

For More details Click On Below given Links