How to change name in Aadhaar card after marriage?
Aadhaar is now incorrect. Aadhaar is required for everything. That is why you need to make sure that there are no mistakes in the Aadhaar card. UIDAI facilitates correction of errors. Aadhaar also provided an opportunity for the girl to change her surname after marriage. According to Hindu tradition, it is customary for a girl to change her family name after marriage. Sometimes the girl's name also changes. In view of this, UIDAI has provided the opportunity to update the girl's name after marriage free of charge. You can change your name on the Aadhaar card both online and offline. Let's see now ..
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What documents are required?
Usually the marriage certificate needs to be submitted as proof to change the name on the Aadhaar card after marriage.
PAN card,
voter ID, ration card,
driving license or any other government identity card (with photo),
ID cards of educational institutions
can also be submitted as proof. If not these should include the name and surname changed after marriage