Harivillu Joyful Learning 2024 Level 1 and Level 2 Modules Download
Joyful Learning 2024 Level 1 and Level 2 Modules Download SCERT Telangana's Joyful Learning Modules 2024 or Joyful Learning Textbooks 2024 for the Harivullu Programme/Enhancing Digital Outreach for Education in Telangana Schools.
The government is working to reform the current teaching technique of interpreting textbook lessons, answering questions, and assigning grades in exams, as well as to promote values-based education. Steps are being done to implement this strategy beginning next academic year.
The Joyful Learning initiative aims to deliver value-based education at the school level. Level 1 is for first and second graders, while Level 2 is for third, fourth, and fifth graders and will last one day.
Every day is taught with stories and activities. Teachers instill values in pupils, encouraging compassion, love, respect, gratitude, courage, trust, and honesty towards family,
What is the latest story told at school? What does the new activity accomplish? The pupil should fall asleep thinking about this. Today's stories and exercises will inspire you to be more adventurous and move quickly.
We all want our kids to read, play, and sing. However, some of the instructor brothers believe that it will be difficult to gather the necessary resources. A few more teachers continue to succeed via their own efforts.
Harivillu Programme Time Table for a Week
Day - Programme
Monday : Mindfulness
Tuesday : Story Telling
Wednesday : Story Telling
Thursday : Activities
Friday : Activities
Saturday : Expressions & Milling Activities
There is a need to change the current teaching technique, which seeks to read the same by understanding the teachings in the books, writing the answers to the questions, sticking to the test, and serving the marks. If we believe that education fosters personality development, there appears to be an urgent need to embrace values-based education.
Harivillu Period Break Up for Level 1 & 2
Period - Duration (30min)
Mindfulness : 1-2 Min
Story/Activity : 7-8 Min
Discussion/Questions : 15 Min
Silent Sitting : 1-2 Min
All of the pupils who have recently graduated will be able to share their experiences with the four of them.
They expand their imaginative wings and explore through the creative world. Children naturally develop excellent intentions. "Rainbow or Harivillu" is a program developed to meet the requirements of youngsters.
The government has decided to implement the Santosha Education Plan in our state, which is already being used in Nepal and Delhi schools.
As part of this, Mahabubabad, Vikarabad, and Jogulamba Gadwala districts used this program as a model and had positive outcomes. The 'Rainbow' program was attended by all children in grades 1–5 from all primary and secondary schools in the three districts.
This academic year, a handbook has been prepared to teach virtues such as love, affection, compassion, respect, unity, faith, honesty, courage, and gratitude through stories, scenarios, and expressions of opinion. This book should be used as a teaching resource. Every day, a specific time was set aside for this.
In contrast to regular instruction, this session should allow youngsters to freely converse, sing songs, and tell stories. The purpose of these programs is to instill morals in children.
It's important to remember that values are developed via practice, not just teaching. Getting youngsters involved is critical. Education Department hopes that all instructors will understand the importance of this program and implement it.
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Certain instructions are issued by Samagra Shiksha Telangana State, Hyderabad - Harivillu - to conduct Joyful Learning - 5 day Virtual Training to all the Primary Level Teachers working in Primary and UP School in the State Modules Level 1 and Level 2 communicated from 06.04.2021 to 10.04.2021
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