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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Samagra Shiksha Telangana- Balasabha

Samagra Shiksha Telangana- Balasabha

The family and the school community play a vital role in the development of children, and the impact of school on the physical, mental, emotional and social development of children is far greater than any other. Balasabha is a school-run program for the holistic development of children, and Balasabha is a children's-run program for children. Balasabha helps children to combine their abilities and skills to build a better lifestyle and shape themselves. In the Bala Sabha, school development, school hygiene and students' health can be discussed and resolved.

 Here in this page we are providing a Samagra Shiksha Telangana- Balasabha PDF which contains detailed information on 

Discovering the inner strengths of children.
Identifying and demonstrating children's strengths
Providing enjoyable learning,
Contributing to the selection of courses
Fostering socialization
Develop interests and dexterity
Contributing to the all-round development of children
Providing opportunities for those who are lagging behind in education to get rid of the burden of autism
Raising awareness on contemporary issues.
Collaboration, support, working together, appreciating, performance skills etc.
Building trust in teachers, parents, and society about children's energy potential • Children grow up to be independent, (through demonstration, vocabulary)

Balasabha-Aspects Incorporated
1. Cultural and Literary Aspects
2.Academic Aspects 
3. Personality Development
4. Environment Aspects 
5.Health Related Aspects
Balasabha-Execution Process
Balasabha- To Dos before programme
Balasabha- To Dos after programme
Balasabha - ExpectedcOutcomes
Balasabha- Whebn to conduct?
Balasabha- Students Role
Balasabha- Teachers Role
Balasabha- Head masters Role

Balasabha- Monthly report to be submitted at school level

Samagra Shiksha Telangana- Balasabha

Each school should conduct Balasabha- as per the calender given, and report has to be submitted online taking best parts from Balasabha- in that particular month. Further guidelines will be shared. Click Here to Download Samagra Shiksha Telangana- Balasabha Detailed Information PDF