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Monday, February 22, 2021

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Notification to Recruit Manager, Assistant Manager and Others Apply Online

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Notification to Recruit Manager, Assistant Manager and Others Apply Online

RBI Recruitment : The Reserve Bank of India-RBI has issued another Notification for recruitment. This notification has been issued for the replacement of Non CSG posts. There are a total of 53 vacancies. Posts like Assistant Manager, Legal Officer, Manager need to be replaced. The application process will start on February 23, 2021. The last date to apply is March 10, 2021. More details on this notification can be found on the website. A short notification has just been released. The detailed notification will be released on 23.02.2021

Candidates those who are Interested and eligible  can apply for the posts through online on or before 10th March 2021.

RBI Eligibility Criteria:

1). Legal Officer (Grade B) - Graduation in Law. Two years experience.

2). Manager (Technical Civil) - Graduation in Civil Engineering. Three years of experience.

3). Assistant Manager (Official Language) - Masters Degree in Hindi Subject. Two years experience.

4). Assistant Manager (Protocol and Security) - Must have 5 years of service experience in the rank of Officer in the Army, Navy, Air Force.

Salary Details:
A). Legal Officer (Grade-B), Manager (Technical Civil) - Rs. 77,208/- Per Month
B). Assistant Manager (Official Language), Assistant Manager (Protocol and Security) - Rs. 63,172/- Per Month

Eligible Interested candidates can apply for these posts only by online mode through RBI Bank’s website. The online registration process will be start from 23rd February 2021. The last date for registration of online applications is 10/03/2021 up to 6:00 PM

How to Apply:
  1. Candidates first open the website
  2. Then click on Opportunities @ RBI at the bottom of the home page.
  3. A new page will open. Click on Current Vacancies.
  4. Then click on Vacancies.
  5. Click on non CSG Recruitment Notification.
  6. Clicking on the ONLINE application will open a new page.
  8. Enter name, date of birth, contact number, email id, address and click on save
  9. After that you have to upload the photo and signature in the step.
  10. After uploading the photo and signature, enter the qualifications, professional qualification details and click on the save.
  11. After that make sure to preview the application. Any mistakes should be corrected. Then click on save.
  12. Then Click on the Final Submit button to pay the application fee.
  13. Your application form will be successfully submitted.
  14. Take a print out of the application form and save it for future reference.
  15. Application details will be sent via SMS and Email.

For more detailed information such as eligibility criteria, reservation of vacancies, scheme of selection, submission of online application and other instructions will be published on RBI’s bank website on 23rd February 2021 

Important Dates:
Opening date for online registration of applications : 23/02/2021
Last date for registration of online applications : 10/03/2021 up to 6:00 PM
Last date for payment of application fee : 10/03/2021
Tentative date of online examination : 10/04/2021.

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