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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Indian Air Force (IAF) Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2023: Apply Online

Indian Air Force (IAF) Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2023: Apply Online

Recruitment Notice for Agniveer Vayu in the Indian Air Force for 2023- The Air Force Agniveer Vayu 01/2024 Recruitment 2023 Notification for Agniveer Vayu Intake Vayu 1/2024, including all the relevant information, was just issued by the Indian Air Force (IAF). According to the announcement, Indian Agniveer applicants would enroll in the Indian Air Force for a period of 4 years under the terms of the Air Force Act of 1950. Starting on July 27, 2023, visitors to the official website at can access the Air Force Agniveer online application link. The last date to submit an online application form for the Indian air force Agniveer Vayu is listed as August 17, 2023.

Male and female Indian nationals who were born between 27th June 2003 and 27th December 2006 and are interested in applying for the Indian Airforce Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2023 are urged to do so. It is advised to bookmark this website and often check for alerts and updates to be informed of the latest developments pertaining to the hiring process.

Last Date has been extended up to 20th August 2023

Indian Air Force (IAF) Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2023: Apply Online

Important Details of Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2023:

Organization Name

Indian Air Force

Post Name

Agniveer Vayu

Application Starting Date

27th July 2023

Application Closing Date

20th August 2023

Mode of Application


Job Location

Across India

Official Website

Important Dates of Air Force Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2023:

  1. Air Force Agniveer Notification Release Date : 11th July 2023
  2. Starting Date for submission of online Applications : 27th July 2023
  3. Last date for the submission of online Applications : 20th August 2023

What is the age limit to join the Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu?

  1. Candidates for the 2023 Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu recruiting must have born between 27th June 2003 and 27th December 2003 (both dates inclusive).

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Recruitment Educational Qualification:

Science Subject:
Candidates should have passesd Intermidiate/ 10+2/ Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics and English from an Education Board listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English 
03 years Diploma Course in Engineering (Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Automobile/ Computer Science/ Instrumentation Technology/ Information Technology) with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in diploma course (or in Intermediate/ Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Diploma Course). 
02 years vocational course with non-vocational subject viz. Physics and Maths with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in vocational course (or in Intermediate/ Matriculation, if English is not a subject in vocational course).

Other than vocational subjects:
Passed Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent Examination in any subject approved by Central/ State Education Boards listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English. 
02 years vocational course with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in vocational course or in Intermediate/ Matriculation.
For more details, read the official notification. 

What is the selection procedure?

Three steps make up the selection procedure for the 2023 openings for the Agniveer Vayu position in the Indian Air Force.

  1. Phase 1 is the online testing
  2. Phase 2 is the CASB (Central Airmen Selection Board) test.
  3. Phase 3 is for selected candidates which entails a medical check, two adaptability tests, and a physical fitness test (PFT).

What is the application fee for Air Force Agniveer Vayu Notification?

  1. The application cost for the 2023 openings for Agniveer Vayu in the Indian Air Force is Rs. 250. While enrolling for the online exam, candidates must pay the examination cost online.
For more details click here


 Indian Air Force (IAF) Group C Recruitment Apply for 1524 Posts Application Form

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021: Indian Air Force has released the notification for recruitment to the post of Group C Civilian in South Western Air Command. Candidates those who are Interested can submit application within 30 (02 May 2021) days from the date of publication of the advertisement in employment news.

There are around 1515 Vacancies to be recruited for various posts of Group C Civilian in South Western Air Command. For more information Candidates can go through the following given detailed notification to know the eligibility, educational qualification, experience, selection criteria and application form.

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for the recruitment of following Group ‘C’ Civilian posts at the various Air Force Stations/Units mentioned below. The eligible candidates may address their application to the concerned Stations/Units. The details of the posts are given below:-

IAF Vacancy Details:
  1. Steno Grade II - 39  Posts
  2. Supdt (Store) - 66 Posts
  3. Cook (OG) - 124  Posts
  4. House Keeping Staff (HKS) - 345  Posts
  5. Mess Staff - 190  Posts
  6. Hindi Typist - 12  Posts
  7. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) - 404  Posts
  8. LDC - 53  Posts
  9. Laundryman - 24  Posts
  10. CS & SMW (SK) - 03  Posts
  11. CMTD (OG) - 03  Posts
  12. Carpenter (SK) - 31  Posts
  13. Ayah / Ward Sahayika - 24 Posts
  14. Vulcaniser - 07  Posts
  15. Painter (SK) - 27  Posts
  16. Store Keeper - 15  Posts
  17. Senior Computer Operator - 02 Posts
  18. Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver - 49  Posts
  19. Tailor (Skilled) - 07  Posts
  20. Copper Smith and Sheet Metal Worker (CS&SMW) (Skilled) - 03  Posts
  21. Fireman - 42  Posts
  22. Fire Engine Driver - 04  Posts
  23. Trademan Mate - 23  Posts
  24. Leather worker (Skilled) - 02  Posts
  25. Turner (Skilled) - 01  Post
  26. Wireless Operator Mechanic HSW Gd-II (WOM HSW) - 01  Post

Age Limit:

Candidates Minimum age should be – 18 years.
and the Maximum age limit is – 25 years.

Educational Qualification as per Post Wise:

  1. For Multi Tasking Staff, House Keeping Staff, Mess Staff : Matriculation
  2. For LDC , Stenographer Gr II , Clerk (Hindi Typist) : 12th Class with Typing 
  3. Knowledge
  4. For Store (Superintendent) : Graduation with Relevant Experience
  5. For Store Keeper : 12th Class with Relevant Experience
  6. For Laundryman : Matriculation with Relevant Experience
  7. For Painter and Carpenter : Matriculation with ITI
  8. Vulcaniser : Matriculation
  9. For Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver : Matriculation with Driving Knowledge
  10. For Cook (Ordinary Grade)  : Matriculation with Certificate/ Diploma (Catering)
  11. For Fireman : Matriculation with Relevant Experience.
IAF Salary Details:
Level 1 - 18,000/- per month.
Level-2 - 19,900/- per month
Level-4 - 25,500/- per month.

How to apply:

Eligible candidate can apply to any of the above Air Force Station of their choice  subject to the vacancies and qualifications. Application duly typed in English/Hindi  as per the format given below duly completed with recent passport size photo  graph duly attested by self pasted thereon are to be submitted by the candidates  to the address as mentioned below.
Applicants to mention clearly on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE POST 
OF…...AND CATEGORY………”. The application is to be accompanied with self 
addressed envelope with Rs. 10 postage stamp duly affixed. 

For more details and post wise postal address are given in the following detailed notification Link

Important Dates:

Date of Notification- 03, April, 2021

The Last date for submission of applications is :  30 (02 May 2021) days from the date of publication of advertisement in employment news