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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Government Medical College (GMC) Nizamabad Recruitment for 35 Senior & Junior Resident Posts Apply Offline

Government Medical College (GMC) Nizamabad Recruitment for 35 Senior & Junior Resident Posts Apply Offline

Government Medical College Recruitment 2021: The Director of Medical Education, TS Hyderabad was permitted to fill up the vacancies of Senior Residents (SR) and Junior Residents (JR)  for a period of 01 (one) year on contract Basis to work in Govt. Medical College / Govt. General Hospital, Nizamabad.

The Department of Medical Education, Government of Telangana is conducting walk-in interviews for the recruitment of 35 posts on contract basis at the Government Medical College, Nizamabad. These posts will be replaced by walk-in interviews. for these posts the registration process  has  started on 09.02.2021.The last date for registration is on 16.02.2021 and the  Walk-in interviews will be held on 17.02.2021.

Accordingly, The walk in interviews receipt of applications are  scheduled from 09.02.2021 to 16.02.2021 The eligible candidates are instructed to submit the applications along with documents to The Principal office, Govt. Medical College, Nizamabad and attend the walk in interview on 17.02.2021 at 03.00 PM office of the Additional Collector (L.B) office, Nizamabad.

GMC Category of the vacant post:-

I-Senior Resident posts-26 Posts

Educational Qualification:

Post Graduate, MD/MS /DNB Degree/Diploma concerned speciality done from MCI recognized medical college Degree along with additional qualification registered with Telangana State Medical Council are eligible.

Senior Residents in Clinical Departments Consolidated Pay of  Rs.70,000/-

The following vacancies are Department wise

1) General Medicine-4, 
2). DVL-01, 
3). Psychiatry—01, 
4). Pediatrics-07, 
5). General Surgery-02 
6). OBGY-02 
7). Emergency Medicine-03 
8). Hospital Administration-02, 
9). Community Medicine-04

Age Limit:
The candidates age should not have completed 44 years by 31st July 2021.
Rule of Reservation (ROR) will be followed as per the existing rules in force.

II-Junior Resident-09 Posts

Qualification: MBBS from MCI recognized Medical College and Telangana State Medical Council Registration, the candidates should not have completed 39 years by 31st July 2021. Pay: 15600+DA

How to Apply:
Interested and eligible candidates can apply through the prescribed application form. All the candidates should submit the applications along with relevant documents to the Prinicipal Office, Govt. Medical College, Nizamabad.

Selection Process:
The selection of the candidates will be through Interview basis.
As per The Govt. Medical College Nizamabad notification, the Recruitment board may conduct Interview as a part of the Selection Process.

The walk in interviews receipt of applications along with documents are scheduled from 09.02.2021 to 16.02.2021 and attend the walk in interview on 17.02.2021 at 03.00 PM office of the Additional Collector (L.B) office, Nizamabad and the selection list will be kept in the college Website i.e.

The offer is purely temporary on contractual basis for one year without creating any right or claim what so ever.

The selected candidates should submit undertaking to work in Covid-19 duties in the Govt. General Hospital, Nizamabad.

For recruitment of Junior Resident and Senior Resident on contract basis and the application forms can be downloaded from