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Monday, February 22, 2021

Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Recruitment 2023 for 567 Various Posts to Apply - Download Application

Border Roads Organization (BRO) Recruitment 2023 for 567 Various Posts to Apply - Download Application at

BRO Recruitment 2023: BRO 2023 Notification has been released by the Border Road Organization for 567 vacancies on the official website BRO had issued the BRO Recruitment 2023 Notification for the posts of Operator Communication, MSW Painter, MSW Driller, Radio Mechanic and other posts. The online registration window will remain open till 13th February 2023. Candidates who are willing to apply for these vacancies should go through the BRO 2023 notification before applying online application. The BRO application process is completely offline. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online for BRO Recruitment posts using the link in the official website Go through the following information regarding Important dates, Eligibility Criteria, Pay Scale, Age Limit, Steps to Apply.
Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Recruitment 2023 for 567 Various Posts to Apply - Download Application

BRO Recruitment Vacancy Details:

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Radio Mechanic


   Operator Communication


Driver Mechanical Transport


     Vehicle Mechanic      


MSW Driller


MSW Mason


MSW Painter


MSW Mess Waiter


Total Vacancies


BRO Recruitment 2023 Important dates:
  1. Commencement of Offline Registration : 31st December 2022
  2. Last date for Offline Registration & Submission of application : 13th February 2023
BRO Recruitment 2023 Pay Scale:
  1. Radio Mechanic: Pay Level 4 (Rs 25,500-81,100)
  2. Operator (Communication): Pay Level 2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200)
  3. Driver Mechanical Transport (OG): Pay Level 2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200).
  4. Vehicle Mechanic: Pay Level 2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200).
  5. Multi Skilled Worker(Driller): Pay Level 1 (Rs 18,000-56,900)
  6. Multi Skilled Worker Mason: Pay Level 1 (Rs 18,000-56,900)
  7. Multi Skilled Worker Painter: Pay Level 1 (Rs 18,000-56,900)
  8. Multi Skilled Worker Mess Waiter: Pay Level 1 (Rs 18,000-56,900)
BRO Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification :
1.Radio Mechanic
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent;
(ii) Possessing Radio Mechanic Certificate from Industrial Training Institute with two years experience as Radio Mechanic in a Government, Public or Private Sector
possessing Defence Trade Certificate from an Army Institute or similar establishment of Defence with two years experience in Radio Technology:
having passed Class I Course for Wireless Operator and Key Board as laid down in Defence Service Regulations (Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from office of Records or Centres or similar establishment of Defence.

2.Operator (Communication)
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent;
(ii) Possessing Wireless Operator or Radio Mechanic Certificate from Industrial Training Institute or equivalent;
Defence Trade Certificate from an Army Institute or similar establishment of Defence with knowledge of Radio Technology;
having passed Class I Course for Wireless Operator and Key Board as laid down in Defence Service Regulations (Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from office of Records or Centres or similar establishment of Defence.

3.Driver Mechanical Transport (Ordinary Grade)
i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent; and
ii) Possessing a heavy Motor vehicle driving licence:
Having passed class III Course for Driver Plant Mechanical Transport as laid down in Defence
Service Regulations (Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from office of Records or Centres or similar establishment of Defence.

4.Vehicle Mechanic 
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent;
(ii) Possessing certificate of Mechanic in Motor Vehicle/Diesel/ Heat Engine.
Possessing certificate of mechanic in internal Combustion Engine / Tractor from Industrial Training Institute or equivalent;
Having passed the Defence Trade Certificate from an Army Institute; or similar establishment of Defence or having passed Vehicle Mechanic Class II Course as laid down in Defence Service Regulations, (Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from office of Records or Centres or similar establishment of Defence.

5.Multi Skilled Worker Driller
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent; and
(ii) Should qualify in proficiency test in the trade to be conducted by Border Roads Organisation.
(iii) Should qualify physical tests as per Border Roads
Organisation guidelines.
(iv) Should meet physical and medical standards as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines.

6.Multi Skilled Worker Mason
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent ;
(ii) Possessing certificate of Building construction/Bricks Mason from Industrial Training Institute / Industrial Trade Certificate / National Council for Training in the Vocational Trades / State Council for Vocational Training
Passed Certificate Class II for Mason as laid down in Defence Service Regulations, (Qualification Regulations for Soldiers) from office of Records / Centres or similar establishment of Defence.
(iii) Should qualify in proficiency test in the trade to be conducted by Border Roads Organisation.
(iv) Should qualify physical tests as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines.
(v) Should meet physical and medical standards as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines.

7.Multi Skilled Worker Painter
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent;
(ii) Painter Certificate from Industrial Training Institute /Industrial Trade Certificate / National Council for Training in the Vocational Trades / State Council for Vocational Training.
Passed Class 2 course for painting as laid down in Defence Service Regulations, (Qualification Regulations, for soldiers) from office of Records/Centres or similar establishment of Defence.
(iii) Should qualify in proficiency test in the trade to be conducted by Border Roads Organisation.
(iv) Should qualify physical tests as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines.
(v) Should meet physical and medical standards as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines.

8.Multi Skilled Worker Mess Waiter
(i) Matriculation from a recognized Board or equivalent;
(ii) Should qualify in proficiency test in the trade to be conducted by Border Roads Organisation.
(iii) Should qualify physical tests as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines.
(iv) Should meet physical and medical standards as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines

BRO Recruitment 2023 Documents Required:
  1. Passport size photographs.
  2. Proof of residence
  3. Essential Educational Qualification
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Fee Receipt
  6. Caste Certificate
  7. Proof of EWS certificate
  8. Domicile Certificate
  9. Discharge Certificate (if applicable)
  10. PH Certificate (if applicable)
  11. All testimonial copies be attested by Gazetted Officer or self attested
BRO Recruitment 2023 Application Fees:
  1. General and EWS including Ex-servicemen/OBC : Rs. 50/- 
  2. SC/ ST/ PwBD : Nil
How to Apply for BRO Recruitment 2023:
  1. Application should be filled up in English/Hindi only.
  2. All applications quoting the Advertisement No, date and post applied for should be submitted to Commandant, BRO School & Centre, Dighi Camp, Pune – 411 015 through Registered post along-with acknowledgment.
  3. Candidates are required to super scribe the word APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ________ Category UR / SC / ST / OBC / EWS / PwBD / ESM / CPL, WEIGHTAGE PERCENTAGE IN ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION ____________ on the top of the envelope while sending the application form.

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Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Recruitment for 459 Various Posts to Apply Download Application

Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Recruitment 2021 : Border Roads Wings, Border Roads Organization, Ministry of Defence has issued recruitment notification for various posts like Draughtsman, Supervisor Store, Radio Mechanic, Lab Assistant, Multi Skilled Worker & Store Keeper Technical in General Reserve Engineer Force (BRO) on its website A total of 459 vacancies are notified, against advertisement number 01/2021. Candidates those who are interested can go through the below given detailed notification and apply through Offline Mode.

BRO Vacancy Details:
1). Draughtsman - 43 Posts
2). Supervisor Store - 11 Posts
3). Radio Mechanic - 04 Posts
4). Lab Assistant - 01 Post
5). Multi Skilled Worker (Manson) - 100 Posts
6). Multi Skilled Worker (Driver engine Static) - 150 Posts
7). Store Keeper Technical - 150 Posts
8). Total No. of Vacancies : 459

Eligibility Criteria: 

A). Draughtsman : 10+2, Draughtsmanship (Architecture) or  Trade Certificate in Draughtsman (Civil)

B). Supervisor Store : Degree, certificate (Relevant Disciplines)

C). Radio Mechanic : Matriculation, ITI & Other Relevant Certificates

D). Lab Assistant : 10+2, ITI &  Other Relevant Certificates

E). Multi Skilled Worker (Manson) : Matriculation &  Other Relevant Certificates

F). Multi Skilled Worker (Driver engine Static) : Matriculation, ITI (Relevant trades)

G). Store Keeper Technical : 10+2 with store keeping knowledge

Pay Level:
1). Draughtsman - Pay Level 5 Rs. 29200-92300 
2). Supervisor Store - Pay Level 4 Rs. 25500-81100 
3). Radio Mechanic - Pay Level 4 Rs. 25500-81100 
4). Lab Assistant - Pay Level 3 Rs. 21700-69100 
5). Multi Skilled Worker (Mason) - Pay Level 1 Rs. 18000-56900 
6). Multi Skilled Worker (Driver engine Static) -18000-56900
7). Store Keeper Technical - Pay Level 2 Rs. 19900-63200

Age Limit:
The Age limit of Multi Skilled Worker is - 18 to 25 Years
And for Other Posts is  - 18 to 27 Years

APPLICATION FEES (NON-REFUNDABLE). Candidates must pay the application fee (Non-Refundable), directly through online URL link in favour of Commandant, GREF Centre, Pune-411 015. No other mode of payment will be accepted. The Candidate must attach the copy of e-receipt along with his application form. Application fee for each category mentioned as below:-

(a) General candidates and EWSs including Ex-servicemen Rs 50/-
(b) Other Backward Class candidates Rs 50/-
(c) Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe NIL
(d) Physically Handicapped Persons NIL

Selection Procedure:
The candidates selection will be made on the basis of Physical Efficiency Test &  Practical Test (Trade Test) and Written Test.

How to Apply

The Eligible candidates can apply for the post in the prescribed format and send applications quoting the Advertisement No, date and post applied for should be submitted to Commandant, GREF CENTRE, Dighi Camp, Pune - 411 015 through Registered post alongwith acknowledgment.

Applications should be reach within 45 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.