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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

JOINT DAKSHANA SELECTION TEST JDST 2021 JEE/NEET coaching scholarship to Class 12 (Science) students

JOINT DAKSHANA SELECTION TEST JDST 2021 JEE/NEET Coaching Scholarship to Class 12 (Science) Students
ఇంటర్ విద్యార్థులకు శుభవార్త
TS: రాష్ట్రంలోని ప్రభుత్వ జూనియర్ కళాశాలల్లో 3. ఇంటర్ చదివే విద్యార్థులకు ప్రభుత్వం తీపికబురు చెప్పింది. NEET, JEE పరీక్షలకు ఉచిత శిక్షణ ఇచ్చేందుకు దక్షిణ ఇండియా ఎడ్యుకేషనల్ ట్రస్ట్ ముందుకొచ్చిందని ఇంటర్ బోర్డు కార్యదర్శి సయ్యద్ ఒమర్  పేర్కొన్నారు మందికి లబ్ధి దీని ద్వారా సుమారు 10 వేల చేకూరుతుందని వెల్లడించారు. ప్రిన్సిపాళ్లు మెరిట్/ఆసక్తి ఉన్న విద్యార్థులను గుర్తించాలన సూచించారు.

JOINT DAKSHANA SELECTION TEST JDST 2021 JEE/NEET coaching scholarship to Class 12 (Science) students

JDST 2021 Format:

• Considering COVID19, JDST 2021 will be conducted in online mode.
• Aspirants will take the test on their Android mobile phone (Android version 8 and above) which they will bring to the examination centre.
• JDST 2021 will be of 3-hr duration and divided in four parts – Part 1: Logical Reasoning; Part 2: Mathematics/Biology; Part 3: Physics and
Part 4: Chemistry.
• The tests are in Multiple Choice Question format (Single Option Correct type) with 25 questions in each part.
• Each right answer is awarded 3 marks and 1 mark is deducted for each wrong answer.
• No calculators are allowed.
JDST 2021 Syllabus:
The syllabus for JDST 2021 has been reduced considering COVID19. Aspirants can watch video lectures, of the topics short-listed for JDST
2021, on the Dakshana YouTube Channel. Click on the name of the topic for each subject given below, to watch the video lectures. Questions
for JDST 2021 will be based on the lectures.
Note: Though the title of some videos for Physics/Chemistry on Dakshana YouTube Channel may mention that the topic is for NEET, but JEE
Aspirants can also watch those lectures.

Instructions for the Joint Dakshana Selection Test
Dakshana provides JEE/NEET coaching scholarship to Class 12 (Science) students. The scholarship includes free coaching, free food, and free housing for a year at the Dakshana Valley Campus close to Pune.
Students are selected through a test called the Joint Dakshana Selection Test (JDST).
You are eligible to apply for the JDST, if you are studying in Class 12 Science in a government-run school AND your annual family income is less than INR 2.5  Lakh AND if you fulfil any of the below criteria:
You were one of the two school/class toppers in Class 10 in your category (GEN/OBC/SC/ST) OR
Your average marks in Maths & Science in Class 10 are greater than 60% OR
You belong to PD category.
For more information about the JDST 2021, click here:
Please note that filling the JDST Application form does not guarantee that you will be invited to appear for the JDST 2021.
Student from Jawahar Navodaya Vidayalaya (JNVs) must NOT fill this form, Invitation process will be different for them. Information will be comunicated to JNVs directly.

The JDST 2021 is scheduled to be held in April 2021.
Exact date will be informed soon. We are awaiting for all schools, across the country, to be reopened.

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