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Saturday, December 19, 2020

AP High Court Recruitment For 68 Posts in Civil Judge(Junior Division) 2021

AP High Court Recruitment For 68 Posts in Civil Judge(Junior Division) 2021

Applications are invited through online for General Recruitment to 68 posts of Civil Judge (Junior Division) in Andhra Pradesh State Judicial Service comprising of 55 vacancies to be filled under Direct Recruitment, and 13 vacancies to be filled under Recruitment by Transfer. The recruitment process shall be governed by Andhra Pradesh State Judicial (Service & Cadre) Rules, 2007. The date and venue of the examination will be intimated later. The Hand written/ Typed/Photo copy/Printed Application Form will not be entertained either directly or by Post or by Courier or in person.

AP High Court Recruitmnet For 68 Posts in Civil Judge(Junior Division) 2020
AP High Court Recruitment For 68 Posts in Civil Judge(Junior Division) 2021
Selection Process : 
For the purpose of short-listing the candidates, the High Court will conduct Screening Test (Computer Based Test) for 100 marks comprising of 100 multiple choice objective type questions.


  1. The recruitment shall be subject to the Rule of reservation in favour of candidates belonging to S.C., S.T., B.C., Women and Physically Challenged (locomotor disability) as per the Andhra Pradesh State Judicial (Service & Cadre) Rules, 2007. The reservation in respect of BC E category shall be subject to the result of Civil Appeal Nos. 2628-2637 of 2010, pending on the file of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
  2. The High Court reserves the right, either to increase or decrease the number of vacancies after issuance of the notification or to cancel the notification at any stage, if the situation warrants.


Only those candidates who possess the qualifications prescribed under the Andhra Pradesh State Judicial (Service & Cadre) Rules, 2007 which are mentioned in the notification given below, shall be eligible to apply.

Age Limit:

An applicant applying under Direct Recruitment shall not have complete the age of 35 years as on first day of the month  in which the notification inviting applications for such appointment is published in the news papers i.e. 01.07.2021.

Provided that the upper age limit of 35 (thirty five) years is relaxable by five years in respect of the persons belonging Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Provided further that the upper age limit of 35 years is relaxable by 10 years in respect of Physically Challenged persons (locomotor disability) as per the Andhra Pradesh State Judicial (Service & Cadre) Rules, 2007.

Provided further that in case of an applicant who served in the defence services of the Indian Union and who is otherwise qualified and suitable, the period of service rendered by him in the defence service, shall be excluded in computing the age, for appointment by direct recruitment.

An applicant for Recruitment by Transfer shall not have complete the age of 48 years as on first day of the month ( as on 01.12.2020) in which the notification inviting applications for such appointment is published in the news papers l.e., 20.07.2021.

Pay Scale:

As per the revised pay scales which came into effect from 1.1.2006, the Scale of Pay of the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division) is RS.27,700/- to Rs.44,770/-.

Examination Fee:

The applicants who belong to OC/BC categories have to pay an amount of Rs. 800/- (Rupees eight hundred only) towards Online Application processing and Examination fee, whereas the applicants belonging to SC/ST categories have to pay Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred only) towards Online Application processing and Examination fee.

The SC, ST category Applicants who are not the residents of the State of Andhra Pradesh have to pay Rs.800/- instead of Rs.400/- towards Online Application processing and Examination fee, if the caste to which they belong is not recognized as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the case may be, by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.

The procedure for submission of Online Application (User Guide), Mode of Payment of Application Processing/Examination fee and instructions to the candidates will be made available on the official website of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh from 20.07.2021

For more details Click on below given Detailed Notification Link

Examination Centres:

  1. Guntur
  2. Kurnool
  3. Rajahmundry (Rajamahendravaram)
  4. Tirupati
  5. Vijayawada
  6. Visakhapatnam
Important Dates :
Starting date for submission of online application from : 20.07.2021 
Last date for submission Online Application is on : 26.08.2021
Date and Time for conducting Screening Test (Computer based test) : 26.09.2021
Download Hall Tickets : 10.09.2021

Important Links