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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

TS BC Study Circle Admission into Free Online Coaching for SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020-21

TS BC Study Circle Admission into Free Online Coaching for SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020-21
Applications are invited from eligible candidates belongs to BC, SC, ST & others to avail Free Online Coaching for SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020-21 in TS BC Employability Skill Development and Training Centre, Hyderabad.
The Date for Registration in online (tsbcstudycircle website) is as follows :
1. Opening of Online Registration : 18 .11.2020
2. Last date for Online Registration : 22 .11.2020
3. Date of starting Online coaching tentatively : 23.11.2020. to 23.12.2020

Admission into Free Online Coaching for SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020-21
1. The candidate maximum family Income shall be Rs.1.50 Lakhs per annum in Rural areas and Rs.2.00 Lakhs per annum in Urban areas.
2. Any Graduation from a recognised Univerisity or any equivalent qualification recognised by the Central Govt. He should also eligible for SBI Probationary Officers Post as per the Notification issued by the SBI.
3. Reservation for women is 33 1/3% of the total trainees selected and ROR as per G.O.Ms.No. 13 BC Welfare (B) Department dated 23.06.2018 (Backward Classes (1) 75% BC-A- 18%} BC-B - 26%} BC-C -3%} BC-D- 18%} BC-E- 10%} (2) Scheduled Castes 15% (3) Scheduled Tribes 5% (4) Others (EBC, orphans) 5% Total: 100%)
4. The candidate must upload Graduation Certificate, Caste Certificate, Income Certificate, SSC Memo, Nativity Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Orphan certificate and at the time of admission candidate must submit the original Transfer Certificate (T.C) Compulsory.
5. Person who is a regular student in any college or already working in any Govt., post in any cadre is not eligible for this coaching.
It will be intimated later to the candidates concerned through SMS message or through tsbcstudycircle website i.e,
 For any further details please contact 040-24071178 
Note :
* All the scanned documents should be in*.jpg OR *.jpeg OR *.gif OR *.pdf format and size not be more than 1 MB per document.
* Information provided must match with the certificate scanned which will be verified at the time of admission.
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TS BC Study Circle Admission into Free Online Coaching for SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020-21 Notification
TS BC Study Circle Admission into Free Online Coaching for SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020-21 Online Registration