- Organization Name : Telangana State AIDS Control Society (TSACS)
- Post Names : Medical Officer, Counselor, Pharmacist, Staff Nurse, Care Coordinator, Nutritionist, Research Fellow, ANM, Data Manager
- No. of Posts: 40 Posts
- Application Ending Date: 30th August 2021
- Selection Process : Written Examination/ Interview
- Job Location : Telangana
- Official Site : tsacs.telangana.gov.in
HR and Vacant posts details at ART centres

Vacancy list at Paediatric Centre of Excellence (PCoE)
HR and Vacant posts details at Paediatric Centre of Excellence (PCoE)

HR and Vacant posts details at LAC Plus centres
HR and Vacant posts details at Oral Substitution Therapy (OST) Centre

The candidates who are willing to apply for the Medical Officer post should not exceed above 62 years of age.
What is the TSACS Selection Process?
The shortlisted candidates will be called for the Written Examination/ Interview.
How to Apply For the TSACS Job Openings 2021?
- First, open the official website @ tsacs.telangana.gov.in
- Now on the home page search for the TSACS Recruitment for various posts.
- When found click on it.
- And then read the whole notification.
- Or simply you guys can download the official notification from the below link.
- After checking details, if eligible, Download the Bio-Data form attached to the notification.
- Fill in all those details and send this form to the below-provided address by 30th August 2021.
TSACS Recruitment 2021 – Important Links
Click Here To Download the TSACS Recruitment 2021 Official Notification
Click Here to Download Application Form PDF
Recruitment Notification for various positions at TSACS Office and ART Centre in Telangana State
Notice for the recruitment of Staff at ART Centre in Telangana state
Applications are invited from qualified and suitable candidates to work at ART Centre in various districts in Telangana State. Interested candidates can send their bio data duly specify the Name and post applied, along with copies of their qualification and experience certificates to the address of Concerned Medical Superintendent, of the respective Hospitals (RIMS / District Hospital / Area Hospital / Government General Hospital.)
1. Sr. Medical Officer (SMO)
2. Medical Officer (MO)
3. Counselor
4. Data Manager
5. Staff Nurse
6. Laboratory Technician
7. Care Coordinator
For Qualification and Eligibility Requirement ,Remunaration per month and Number of posts kindly go through the Official Notification given below
The above posts are purely temporary and contract basis. Selection of the candidates will be made on written / oral examination. The Candidates are informed to apply as required on or before 11-11-2020 and along with the C.V. Kindly submit the attested copies of the qualification and experience certificates to the concerned Medical Superintendents of the respective areas. The shortlisted candidates will be called to appear for written examination and interview at their own expenses. Any canvassing will disqualify Candidature.
Click Here to Download
Recruitment Notification for various positions at ART Centre in Telangana State
Official Website
Recruitment for various positions at TSACS Office in Telangana State
Notice for the recruitment of head office staff in TSACS Vacancies at TSACS Head office:Applications are invited from qualified and suitable candidates to work in Telangana State AIDS Control Society, Hyderabad. Interested candidates send their bio data with application form.
1. Joint Director (TI)
2. Joint Director (IEC)
3. Deputy Director (ICTC)
4. Asst Director (ICTC)
5. Asst Director (CST)
For Qualification and Eligibility Requirement ,Remunaration per month and Number of posts kindly go through the Official Notification given below
For the all the positions: Fluency in English, Hindi and Telugu languages is mandatory and good Documentation skill in English Languages is essential along with computer knowledge.
Age : Upper age limit is 60 years.
All the eligible and interested candidates may send their updated application in the format given below with two references in a sealed cover super scribing the name of the position on or before 11.11.2020 by 6.00 PM addressed to the project Director, Telangana State AIDS Control Society, DM&HS Campus, Sulthan Bazar, Koti, Hyderabad / may send to mail id: estt.tsacs16@gmail.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contracted for certificate verification, written test/ interview. The selection process will be based on academic qualification and experience and may also include written test / skill test (wherever required), interview as may be decided depending on the total number of eligible applicants selection process will be held at Hyderabad. Any person who had been dismissed/ removed/terminated/ left from this office or from any other office is not eligible to apply for the post advertised.
Click Here to Download
Recruitment for various positions at TSACS Office in Telangana State
Application Form
Official Websie