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Thursday, October 22, 2020

All India Level Aaryajanani Ideal Woman Contest. Register Online @

All India Level Online Contest on the Book The Ideal Woman. Register Online @

Aaryajanani, is an initiative of the devotees of Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad We conduct workshops for pregnant women that include the following activities. Simple yogic exercises Meditation for a peaceful mind and relief from stress Talks on mother’s well-being and its influence on the baby Nutritious snacks are also provided during the workshop.

Every mother has the power to create an ideal child. Therefore, it is important that the mother has a peaceful environment around her. Healthy body and mind have a great positive  impact on the child. A balanced diet and exercise routine gives strength to the body. A healthy mind can be got by practicing meditation, prayer, good thinking, selfless work and keeping good company. Aaryajanani teaches pregnant women on what to follow to create their perfect child. Our Mission is to improve the well-being of the society as a whole, by focusing on the role of the mother during the baby’s prenatal development.

All India Level Online Contest on the Book The Ideal Woman. Register Online @

All India Level Online Contest on the Book The Ideal Woman

We are accepting applications for the nationwide contest – Ideal Woman conducted by Ramakrishna Math.Click on “Contest Registration” under Ideal Woman Contest in the menu to enroll for the competition.Please contact or call on 8523009896, 9346746446 for queries

Also Read: National Level Story Telling and Poetry Recitation Competition for Students of 3rd to 5th Classes

Objective:To generate awareness among the youth of the nation, young men in general and young women in particular, about the ideal of womanhood in India in the light of teachings of SwamiVivekananda


Youth (both young  men and women) in the age group of 18 to 26yrs.
No minimum qualification

Process to Apply for All India Level Online Contest on the Book The Ideal Woman

  1. You have to just fill up the form available on Aaryajanani website and submit it to us.You will get an ID with which you can login on the date of contest. An online examination will be held on 15th November from 9am to 10.30am 
  2. Examination will be held in English and the questions will be of Multiple Choice (MCQs).
  3. The paper will be for 75 marks. 80% of questions will be from the book and the remaining 20% will be from thei nformation provided in the Aaryajanani  website.(
  4. The PDF file of the book ,which is of just 60 pages, is available on Aaryajanani website. The Participant can download the book and read.
  5. Those who wish to have the hard copy of the book need to send an email to the ID mentioning the irpostal address and whatsapp no. They will be sent a QR code to enable them pay Rs.SO/-.The book will be sent by registered post after receiving the payment.
  6. All the tudents who get the to pmark or the top 100 which ever is higher, will be called for a 5-10 minute or linterview which again will be held online.The interview can be done in both English and Hindi.The first fifty will be given prizes.


  1. The first prize winner will get Rs.1,00,000/-cash and a laptop.
  2. The second prize winner will get Rs.75,000/-and a tablet.
  3. Thet third prize awardee will get Rs.50,000/-and a tablet.
  4. Remaining 47 students will get a cashreward of Rs.10,000/-each and books worth Rs.1000/-. The first three winners also will be given books worth Rs.1000/-each.


The applicants are advised to read the guidelines carefully before completing the Application Form.

  1. Contestants can register themselves for the contest from 10th September to 5th November, 2020.
  2. Fill in all the columns in the application
  3. The participant can download the PDF file of the book ‘The Ideal woman” from or you have to send an email to the id. for the hard copy.
  4. The exam will be conducted online on 15th November, 2020 from 9am to 10.30am.
  5. After filling the application, the contestant will receive a user name and password. They have to use the same to write the online exam.
  6. In case a contestant encounters any problem with regard to net connectivity or improper functioning of the gadget or any such technical issues at his/her end on the day of exam or during the exam, organisers won’t take any responsibility for that. And no re-exam will be conducted.
  7. The discretion of the organisers is final with regard to conducting the contest and declaring the winners.

The Registrations will be available from 10th September to 5th November, 2020.

Click Here for
Contest Registration Application for Arya Janani
Download Contest Book
Official Website