YSR Jalakala Scheme Apply for Free Borewell Scheme Online Application @ysrjalakal.ap.gov.in
AP YSR Jalakala Scheme : The AP Government has launched the YSR Jalakala Scheme on 28th September, 2020 as part of the Navratna Scheme. The government has said that the scheme will provide free boreholes to small and marginal farmers. Eligible farmers can apply for the program online or through the respective village secretaries in offline. Check Eligibility Criteria and free borewell scheme in andhra pradesh Under YSR Schemes. Eligibility and Benefits and How to Apply process of YSR jalakaḷa Free Borewell Scheme, are given below.
Salient Features of YSR Jala Kala Programme:
A). Under YSR Jala Kala programme of NAVARATNALU, Government have decided to drill free borewells to needy and eligible farmers in all thirteen (13) districts of the State by for the purpose of irrigating every acre of arable land.
B). The borewell sites shall be identified scientifically by conducting ground water surveys before taking up the drilling.
C). Any farmer without an existing borewell and with a contiguous land of 2.5 acres is eligible. If the farmer is not having contiguous land of 2.5 acres, a group may be formed and can apply for free borewell.
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- Go to official website ysrjalakala.ap.gov.in.
- On the home page you have to click on “Launch” option.
- In the next step you have to click on on “Apply for Borewells” link available on the screen.
- On the next page you have to enter Aadhaar number and enter one time Password (OTP) in the below given space.
- Finally then Click on Submit Option.
- Now your are able to get registered under YSR Jala Kala Scheme to get benefits.
1. Eligible farmers visit YSR Jalakala Website
2. Click on Online Apply Tab
3. Enter Your Aadhar Number and field details.
4. Then complete the details of Application.
5. Finally save and Submit your filled application and download it for future reference.
Helpdesk for YSR Jala Kala Scheme
In case any query applicant can contact the helpline number 9121296053 or they can send email to ysrjalakala.crd@gmail.com
Toll Free Number : 1902