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Sunday, October 4, 2020

TS Teachers and Employees Salary Deferment Amount Calculator Due to Lock Down Period - Know Your Installment


TS Teachers and Employees Salary Deferment Amount Calculator Due to Lock Down Period - Know Your Installment

The Government of Telangana has differed a 50% of salary to its employees for 3 months i.e, the months of March, April and May. That is, TS Teachers Employees has got Half of the Gross Amount of salary for 3 months. Now the Telangana Government has released GO MS No 61 Dated 20.09.2020 to pay back the deferment amount to the TS Teachers and eEmployees after the regular deductions. TS Teachers and Employees are going to get the diferment amount in 4 (four) equal installments in them months of October, November and December 2020.

Find the below given Calculator to calculate and know the amount that the Telangana Employees and Teachers will get in each installment due to Corona Lock Down period deferment amount installment Calculator.

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Know Here how to calculate the Installment Amount

  1. First Select your Basic pay
  2. Find whether DA is there as default
  3. Select HRA which you are getting
  4. Then select the value of your TS Increment Value
  5. Select that you are GPF/CPS ( if GPF, Enter your GPF Deductions Amount)
  6. Then enter the amount of TSGLI
  7. Select your GIS Amount and Professional Tax Amount
  8. Finally Click on Submit