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Sunday, September 13, 2020

TS LRS Calculator as Per Revised orders Check Here

TS LRS Calculator as Per Revised Orders Know Here

Government of Telangana with a view to promoting planned development of urban areas in the State are encouraging development through approved layouts and development of integrated townships through both public and private initiative. Every plot owner must go with LRS. The LRS website made available the calculator to calculate the LRS amount that how much they have to pay back to Telangana Government to regularise their plots. As per the revised orders issued by the govt of Telangana on 17.09.2020, here is the LRS calculator to calculate the amount.

How to use the LRS Calculator:

  • Enter the Area in square yards
  • Enter price per square yard when purchased
  • Click on submit
  • Then know the following details:

  • Plot area after LRS
  • Regularisation charges to be paid
  • Open space charges @14%
  • LRS to be paid


Click Here to Claculate LRS

Calculator for LRS Scheme

LRS Amendment GO Dated 16-09-2020

LRS GO Dated 31-08-2020

Telangana LRS Scheme Guidelines and Apply Online

LRS in Telangana: à°°ాà°·్à°Ÿ్à°°ంà°²ో అనధిà°•ాà°° à°²ే à°…à°µుà°Ÿ్à°²ు, à°…à°•్à°°à°® à°¨ిà°°్à°®ాà°£ాలకు à°«ుà°²్ à°¸్à°Ÿాà°ª్ à°ªెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿాలని à°ª్à°°à°­ుà°¤్à°µం à°¯ోà°šింà°šింà°¦ి. à°²ే à°…à°µుà°Ÿ్ à°°ెà°—్à°¯ులరైà°œేà°·à°¨్ à°¸్à°•ీà°®్ à°¸ౌà°•à°°్à°¯ం à°•à°²్à°ªింà°šà°¡ంà°¤ో à°ª్à°²ాà°Ÿ్à°²ు à°•ొà°¨ుà°—ోà°²ు à°šేà°¸ిà°¨ à°µాà°°ిà°•ి à°Šà°°à°Ÿ లభింà°šినట్లయింà°¦ి.

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Telangana LRS Land Regularisation Scheme

Government of Telangana with a view to promoting planned development of urban areas in the State are encouraging development through approved layouts and development of integrated townships through both public and private initiative. The Government has observed that there are many unapproved and illegal layouts which are violating the Statutory Development Plan/Master Plan and Layout Rules lacking in development standards and basic infrastructure facilities like proper roads, street lights and drainage. Such substandard and unapproved sub-divisions of land into building plots is effecting objective of planned development along with the planned extension of services and amenities by the local bodies.

Also Read

How to Know Land Ownership Status Online

Government have in the past brought out a scheme of regularization of such unapproved layouts but they met with limited success since it was a voluntary scheme with responsibility on plot owners to come forward for regularization and there were no deterrent provisions against the owners who did not come forward for regularization. Therefore in order to bring all these unplanned areas into the fold of planned development and to provide basic facilities in these areas so as to promote an overall and integrated area and city level development and a better quality of life for the citizens, Government hereby issue the Rules for Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layouts

Payment of Regularization charges / Pro-rata open space charges

All applications which are received within the time stipulated in rule 8(1) above shall be taken up for processing and regularization amount for all such accepted applications shall be paid in the following manner:

(a) The applicant shall pay the fees and charges as detailed below:

(i) Basic regularization charges which are inclusive of betterment charges, development charges and layout scrutiny charges, penalty and other charges, at the following rates:

LRS Applicant (layout regularisation scheme)


1. Read the Rules mentioned in G O M S No 151 MA&UD dated 02.11.2015 carefully.

2. Ensure that your layout/plot falls in the categories applicable for regulation of unapproved layouts.

3. Read the Application Form carefully and fill up all the columns correctly.

4. Obtain the market value certificate of your plot from the concerned sub-registrar office to know the market value of your plot/site as on 28.10.2015 in Rs. Per Sq. Yd. so as to find out the %basic penalization charges to be paid.

5. The application requires a list of documents to be enclosed. Ensure that all the documents required are enclosed with the application while submitting at Municipal office/Help Center.

6. If you need any assistance, you may take the help of the Licensed Technical Personnel, Registered Architects, to guide you in filling up the Application Form, Calculation of the penalization charges payable and preparation of the required plans.

7. If prior clearance is required from Competent Authority under Urban Land and Agriculture Land Ceiling Laws, Airport Authority/Defense Authorities of India as per G O M S No 151 MA&UD dated 02.11.2015. Ensure that these NOCs are submitted with the application.

8. Use Calculation table to arrive at payable amounts and keep demand draft/pay order ready while applying online

9. Ensure that the application is submitted before the last date fixed for receipt of applications.

10. Before submitting the application at the places designated by the Competent Authority make sure that you have made a copy of filled in application form for your record.

11. Fill the Online application carefully for the content and provide correct reference numbers of documents where ever required and submit. You may print the Acknowledgment online after viewing the submitted application form in your Dashboard.

12. You will obtain application number only after submitting the application filled along with required physical documents

How to Apply for LRS

  1. Register your self on portal with your email id & mobile number for Applying LRS or BRS Scheme
  2. Select your Municipality
  3. Move to Menu and Select LRS and New Application
  4. Fill in the form and Submit all required details
  5. Print Application form generated
  6. Submit application along with all required documents in Municipal Office/Help Center
  7. Municipal Staff will verify all documents and allot application Number-You will receive SMS with your application details
  8. Your application will go under scrutiny and you will get update on status when its updated
  9. Up on receiving confirmation pay remaining amount
Click Here to Download

Government Orders

GO No 131

Telangana Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layouts - G.O.MS.No. 151 download

Telangana Regularisation of Unauthorizedly constructed buildings and buildings constructed in deviation of the sanctioned plan. - G.O.MS.No. 152 download

LRS Frequently Asked Questions

LRS Guidelines

Official Websites for Telangana LRS Scheme

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