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Friday, September 11, 2020

TS WDCW Notification 2022 Apply Now | Anganwadi Notification

TS WDCW Notification 2022 Apply Now | Anganwadi Notification
The District Welfare Officer, Women Child Disabled & Senior Citizens Dept., Hyderabad District invites applications from eligible candidates for recruitment for the following contract based posts in Specialised Adoption Agency (SAA), Sishuvihar, Hyderabad and integrated  Child Protection Scheme(ICPS), Hyderabad  District. 

The candidates desiring to apply for the announced positions can log on to for eligibility criteria and prescribed application form and submit the filled in application form along with attested xerox copies of educational qualification certificates, experience certificates etc., at O/o the District Welfare Officer, WCD&SC, Hyderabad, Collectorate Premises, I Floor, Old Collectorate building, Namplly Station Road, Abids, Hyderabad 500 001.
Applications arriving late will not be accepted. Only short listed candidates will be intimated. Availability of application forms on the website from: 03-11-2022.
Last date for receipt of applications- 19-11-2022 by 5.00 P.M.
Note: The District Collector/Chairman reserves all rights to cancel this notification without assigning any reason. 
Click Here to Download

TS WDCW Recruitment 2021: A recruitment notification has been the Women and Child Welfare Department. The notification is for the Recruitment of Extension‌ Officers posts.
In this article complete details are available such as pay scale, Eligibility Criteria, Important Dates, Application Fee, Age Limit etc.
You can simply ask us from the comment section if you have any questions about this TS WDCW Notification given below. 

Details of TS WDCW Notification 2021:

Organization Name

Women and Children Welfare Department

Post Name

Extension Officers

Total No. of Posts


Last Date


Job Type

Telangana Jobs



Application Process



What are the Post Wise Vacancies?

Name of the Post


Extension Officers


What is the Eligibility Criteria?

Education Qualification:

The Educational Qualification for the Extension‌ Officers Posts are 10th Pass/ Degree in relevant subjects. The candidates can also apply for this TS WDCW Notification who have higher qualifications.

What is the Minimum Qualification?

Candidates who have passed 10th can also apply for this WDCW Notification.

Name of the Post


Extension Officers

10 Pass/Degree


What is the Age Limit?

In this Recruitment Notification, the Age Limit for the Posts is Different For Each Category.

As per the Government rules, Age Relaxation is applicable as mentioned in the Air Force  Notification.

Name of the Post

Age Limit

Extension Officers

Upto 50 years

What is the Pay Scale?
In this Recruitment Notification, the Salary for the Posts is Different For Each post. In the Official Website the complete details are available.

Name of the Post


Extension Officers

26,410 – 78,820


What is the Application Fees?






What are the Important Dates?

Starting Date


Last Date


Telangana Anganwadi Recruitment for Anganwadi Teacher (AWT), Mini Anganwadi Teacher (Mini AWT) & Anganwadi Helper/Ayah (AWH) 
Telangana State Child Protection and Empowerment Society
Telangana Anganwadi Recruitment 2021 :The State Child Protection and Empowerment Society of Telangana Government has released a recruitment notification. The notification is for the recruitment of Anganwadi Teacher (AWT), Mini Anganwadi Teacher (Mini AWT) & Anganwadi Helper/Ayah (AWH)  posts. In this article, we are going to share the complete information about this notification and its complete details such as eligibility criteria and educational qualifications and age limit, Salary, and important dates and links as well. In the District Child Protection and Empowerment Society, applications are invited from eligible candidates on contract basis for the following vacancies which are huge below.

What are the Educational Qualification for Anganwad Recruitment Notification of AWT/AWH?
Educataional Qualification for AWT/Mini AWT/AWH is SSC(10th Class)
What is the Age Eligibility ?
Minimum Age 21 years & Maximum 35years (Minimum age for SC/ST candidates is 18 Years and eligible only if 21 years aged candidates are not availabe or applied)
What is the Selection procedure through Online for Anganwadi Recruitment?
In continuation of this office instructions vide reference cited, all the District Welfare Officers and CDPOs are hereby directed to follow the guidelines given below for undertaking the selection process of AWTs, Mini AWTs & AWHs for filling up the vacancies.
Pre-Notification Process
1. After completion of the process of rationalization and relocation of AWCs, the Project-wise Vacancies which need to be filled shall be firmed up.
2.  In the vacancies thus identified, the process of promotions of Anganwadi Helper or Mini Anganwadi Teacher as Main Anganwadi Teacher shall be undertaken if there are eligible candidates as per the norms prescribed.
3.  After completion of the promotion process as stated above, the final list of vacancies shall be arrived at for taking up the selection process.
4.  The final vacancies to be notified category-wise shall be furnished to Directorate through online.
Timelines suggested for completion of the Selection Process
5.  Applications from candidates will be received, through Online in the Online Software Application provided for the purpose, within 10 days from the date of issuing of Notification.
6.  Publication of list of candidates applied in each Gram Panchayat Office and Project Office by CDPOs on the next day after the last date of applications.
7.  Verification of Original Certificates and other prescribed documents should be done by CDPO concerned on the designated dates within 7 days after the last date for receiving applications.
8.  Final selection and display of the list of selected candidates in Collectorates, DWO Offices, CDPO offices etc. on the same day of the meeting of the District Selection Committee.
9. Issue of appointment orders within 3 days after the final selection by
District Selection Committee.
Notification and receiving of applications Online
1.  The Notification shall be issued with the approval of District Collector concerned (A model draft notification is enclosed for reference).
2.  Anganwadi Recruitment Software Application is developed to process the recruitment of AWTs, Mini AWTs & AWHs through online as follows: 
  1.  The Software programme will be activated by Directorate from the date of Notification.
  2.  The details of vacancies, other terms & conditions to the candidates will be kept in Departmental website
  3.  The applicant should fill all columns in the online application form and upload relevant certificates through online.
  4.  Before submitting the application through online, the applicants shall be advised to verify the filled in data thoroughly.
  5.  Online declaration has to be made by the applicant stating that the furnished details are correct and then they can proceed for final submission.
  6.  After that, the Software generates an acknowledgment form with Application ID No.
  7.  The applicant has to preserve the acknowledgement with Application ID No. for future correspondence and references.
Verification by CDPOs
  1.  The CDPOs will be provided with their own Logins. After the last date for receiving applications is over, the concerned CDPOs should login into the Recruitment Application with their Username and password.
  2.  After login, the CDPOs can view the list of applications pertaining to the vacancies in their Project.
  3.  Immediately the CDPOs shall take print outs of the same and publish the list of applications received at Gram Panchayat office and Project office.
  4.  The CDPOs then shall download and print the filled in application forms of each applicant.
  5.  Physical verification of the Original Certificates of the applicants is mandatory by the CDPO. The CDPOs shall fix one or two days as per the need for verifying the certificates and the date of verification shall be informed to all the applicants through Supervisors under proper acknowledgement.
  6.  The CDPOs shall verify the application form and the original certificates of the candidates thoroughly. The information provided in Application Form shall match with the Original Certificates of the candidates. As there is scope for fake certificates particularly with reference to nativity and residence, caste, marks memos etc., the same shall be cross-checked even by field verification. Documents like Aadhaar, Voter ID, Ration Card, Job Card, Particulars of School where the children of the candidates are studying etc. shall be verified to ascertain that the candidate is residing in the same village. Similarly genuineness of the certificates shall be confirmed.
  7.  The verification report and remarks on each of the application should be entered in online in the prescribed format. A print out of the same shall be taken and signed by the CDPO.
  8.  The signed verification reports should be sent to the District Selection Committee for finalization of candidates. 
Finalization of Candidates by the District Selection Committee
  1.  A Unique and high secured password will be sent to the District Selection Committee one hour before the Committee meeting After successful login, the Selection Committee can view the list of applications with marks automatically calculated by the System for each applicant based on the prescribed criteria (SSC Marks/GPA, Widow, Orphan, Differently abled) and CDPO remarks.
  2.  After thorough verification of the list of applicants, the Selection Committee shall decide on the eligibility of candidates through online.
  3.  The Software will generate a list of provisionally selected candidates from among the eligible candidates arranged in the order of Merit.
  4.  In case where two applicants scored same marks for the same Anganwadi Centre, then the system will consider first the candidate having higher age based on date of birth.
  5.  An option is provided for Selection Committee to keep the selection process for an AWC or AWCs in abeyance, if required, when they are not in a position to complete the selection process due to unforeseen situations. The reasons for the same shall be noted in remarks.
  6.  Once the Selection Committee is satisfied with the provisional list of selected candidates, with their approval, the system will generate the final list of selected candidates based on merit.
  7.  The Selection Committee shall download and print both Provisionally Selected list of candidates and Final list of candidates for signatures by all Committee members.
  8.  The Final lists of Selected Candidates shall be displayed immediately on the same day in Collectorates, DWO Offices, CDPO Offices etc.
  9.  The appointment orders to the Selected Candidates shall be issued within 3 days from the date of meeting of Selection Committee by the CDPOs. 
How to Apply Telangana Anganwadi Recruitment?
I Step: The Candidate has to visit the WEBSITE and fill the application. While filling the same, the candidates have to ensure that there are no mistakes in it. The  Department bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates.
II Step:By Clicking Preview button, the Candidate has to verify the details displayed on the screen. If any details are to be changed, candidate should go back to the previous page and Edit the details. The Candidate has to select Checkbox to accept that the details filled by the candidate are true as per their knowledge, before submitting the application.
III Step: Immediately after submitting the application, the applicant will get an acknowledgement form. The applicant can download the acknowledgement form by clicking the Download button.
  1. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank; otherwise application form will not be accepted. 
  2. The Department is not responsible, for any discrepancy in details of candidates while submitting the application form through Online. The applicants are therefore, advised to check the details before submitting the application.
  3. The particulars furnished by the applicant in the Application Form will be taken as final, and data entry is processed, based on these particulars only by Computer. Candidates should, therefore, be very careful in Uploading / Submitting the Application Form Online.
  4. Incorrect application form will be summarily rejected. The information if any furnished by the candidate subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the Commission under any 
  5. circumstances.
  6. Applicants should be careful in filling-up the application form and submission. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny, the candidature will be rejected even though he/she comes  through the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage.
  7. Before Uploading/Submission of Application Form, the Candidates should carefully ensure his/her eligibility for this recruitment.


Vacancies in In the District Child Protection and Empowerment 
Anganwadi Teacher (AWT) - 24 Posts
Mini Anganwadi Teacher (Mini AWT) - 05 Posts
Anganwadi Helper/Ayah (AWH) - 130 Posts

తెలంగాణ ప్రభుత్వానికి చెందిన మహిళాభివ`ద్ధి, శిశు సంక్షేమ శాఖ నిజామాబాద్‌ జిల్లాలోని మహిళా, శిశు మరియు దివ్యాంగుల, వయోవ`ద్ధుల శాఖ 159 ఉద్యోగాల భర్తీకి దరఖాస్తులు కోరుతోంది. విద్యార్హతలు, రిజర్వేషన్ల వివరాల కోసం వెబ్‌సైట్‌  చూడొచ్చు.
మెయిన్‌ అంగన్‌వాడీ టీచర్లు- 24
మినీ అంగన్‌వాడీ టీచర్లు- 05
అంగన్‌వాడీ హెల్పర్స్‌- 130
మొత్తం పోస్టులు: 159
విద్యార్హత: కనీసం టెన్త్‌ క్లాస్‌ పాసై ఉండాలి.
వయసు: 21-35 ఏళ్ల మధ్య ఉండాలి.
దరఖాస్తు విధానం: ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవాలి.
దరఖాస్తులు ప్రారంభం: 07.04.2021
దరఖాస్తులకు చివరితేది: 22.04.2021

Educational Qualification:
The Educational Qualification For the Posts is 10th Pass.The candidates who have higher qualifications can also apply for this The State Child Protection and Empowerment Society of Telangana Government Notification.
Age Limit:
The Age Limit for the Posts Of this recruitment Notification is Different For Each Category.
Age Relaxation applicable as per the Government rules as mentioned in the Telangana Anganwadi Recruitment 2021 Notification.
Pay Scale: 
The Salary for the Posts of this Notification is Different For Each post. Complete details are available in Official Notification.
Important Dates:
Important Dates for this Notification are
Starting Date is 07/04/2021, and 
The Last Date is 22/04/2021.
Selection Process
The selection process will be based merit. It is advised to check with the notification details for more details on the recruitment process.

How to Apply :
  1. Visit the official website
  2. Search for The Telangana Anganwadi  recruitment 2021 link
  3. Read out the notification and check for eligibility
  4. Download the application form
  5. Fill the important details and attach the necessary documents
  6. Then apply before the due date
  7. Finally take a print out for future reference

Click Here to Download

Telangana Anganwadi Recruitment for 232 AWT and AWH Posts Apply Online

Telangana Anganwadi Recruitment 2020 : Department of Women Development & Child Welfare, Telangana has released a notification for recruitment to the post of Anganwadi Teacher (AWT), Mini Anganwadi Teacher (Mini AWT) & Anganwadi Helper/Ayah (AWH) in Rangareddy District. To know more details such as job location, qualification, important dates and eligibility criteria,  read below given official notification and apply through the prescribed format on or before the last date i.e, on 18.09.2020.  

These vacancies are in Amangal, Chevella, Hayatnagar, Ibrahimpatnam, Maheshwaram, Sherilingampally and Shadnagar. Interested candidates are required to apply online. For other details related to the notification, visit Website to know how many vacancies there are in each Anganwadi Center. Only local residents are required to apply for Anganwadi posts so before applying, candidates need to know if there are any vacancies in the Anganwadi Center in the area of ​​residence.

Educataional Qualification for AWT/Mini AWT/AWH is  SSC(10th Class)

Age Limit : 
Minimum Age 21 years & Maximum 35years (Minimum age for SC/ST candidates is 18 Years and eligible only if 21 years aged candidates are not availabe or applied).

Selection Procedure:
The selection process of the candidates will be done on the basis of merit list.

How to Apply:
Step - I : The Candidate has to visit the WEBSITE and fill the application. While filling the same, the candidates have to ensure that there are no mistakes in it. The Department bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates.

Step - II :By Clicking Preview button, the Candidate has to verify the details displayed on the screen. If any details are to be changed, candidate should go back to the previous page and Edit the details. The Candidate has to select Checkbox to 
accept that the details filled by the candidate are true as per their knowledge, before submitting the application.

Step - III : Immediately after submitting the application, the applicant will get an acknowledgement form. The applicant can download the acknowledgement form by clicking the Download button.

Anganwadi Vacancy Details as follows:
రంగారెడ్డి జిల్లాలోని అంగన్‌వాడీ టీచర్ (ఎడబ్ల్యుటి), మినీ అంగన్‌వాడీ టీచర్ (మినీ ఎడబ్ల్యుటి), అంగన్‌వాడీ హెల్పర్ / అయాహ్ (ఎడబ్ల్యుహెచ్) పోస్టులకు నియామకాల కోసం తెలంగాణ మహిళా అభివృద్ధి, శిశు సంక్షేమ శాఖ నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల చేసింది. ఆసక్తి గల అభ్యర్థులు 2020 సెప్టెంబర్ 18 న లేదా అంతకన్నా ముందు సూచించిన ఫార్మాట్ ద్వారా పోస్టుకు దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు.

అంగన్‌వాడీ పోస్టుకు మొత్తం 232 ఖాళీలను నోటిఫై చేశారు. ఎస్‌ఎస్‌సి అర్హత ఉన్న అభ్యర్థులు దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవడానికి అర్హులు. అభ్యర్థులు అర్హత, అనుభవం, ఎంపిక ప్రమాణాలు మరియు ఇతర వివరాలను ఇక్కడ తనిఖీ చేయవచ్చు. అంగన్వాడీ వర్కర్ మరియు అంగన్వాడి సహాయకుడు వంటి మరిన్ని వివరాలను తెలుసుకోవటానికి ముఖ్యమైన తేదీలు, ఉద్యోగ స్థానం, ముఖ్యమైన వెబ్‌సైట్‌లు మరియు వివరాలు, అర్హత ప్రమాణాలు మరియు అధికారిక నోటిఫికేషన్ క్రింద చదవండి.

Click Here
Detailed Notification

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