TS Municipal Ward Officers Recruitment Decision by Govt - Get the Details
For the first time in the country, there is nowhere in the municipality, one officer for each ward .. Telangana Government Decision
The Telangana state government has been working for some time to fill the vacant posts in the municipal department of the state. A key decision has been taken in this regard.The Telangana government will appoint an officer to the ward in the municipalities like nowhere else in the country.The government hopes that the appointment of ward officers will serve as a bridge between the people and the government. It was decided to undertake the appointment of ward officers in each municipality. Minister KTR was of the view that by doing so the urban progress program would go further. The decision seems to have come after a lengthy exercise by senior officials in the municipal department on filling the vacancies. The Minister has directed the officials to fill the vacancies in a highly transparent manner.
The TRS government, which brought in a new municipal law in telangana a few months ago, said the urbanization process in the state should be different from the past.Accordingly, the ministers briefed the public on the provisions of the new municipal law.Programs such as urban progress were also undertaken. Earlier, Minister said that urbanization is going on fast in Telangana. Minister KTR said that the vacancies in the municipal department should be filled accordingly. It seems that the government wants to see the municipalities grow faster by appointing an officer to the ward in the latest municipalities.
A team of municipal officials has already met six times internally and done a lengthy exercise on the rationalization of posts and filling of vacancies. Vacancies will be filled soon. Minister KTR directed that these vacancies should be filled in the most transparent manner. The minister said that the replacement of vacancies will contribute to the hierarchical development of the towns, to provide quick to the people with civic services as a citizen center. Minister also said that this would take the spirit of the new municipal law further.
Telangana government will be released the detailed Notification regarding Municipal ward officers recruitment.
Telangana government will be released the detailed Notification regarding Municipal ward officers recruitment.
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