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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Telangana NMMS Scholarship Scheme 2023- Exam Date, Application Form, Result

Telangana NMMS Scholarship Scheme 2023- Exam Date, Application Form, Results

తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్రంలో 2023-24 విద్యా సంవత్సరానికి గాను  నేషనల్‌ మీన్స్  కమ్‌ మెరిట్‌ స్కాలర్‌షిప్ (NMMS)  నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదలైంది 

NMMS పరీక్ష తేదీ: 10-12-2023

It is hereby notified that from 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM, the Statewide National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Examination for class VIII will be conducted on 10-12-2023(Sunday)  in Telugu/ Hindi/ Urdu/ English media at all Revenue Divisional Head Quarters of all 33 Districts in the State. Online Applications are invited for this examination from this office website “”. User guide to registering the applications of the candidates online, to take print out of registered applications and Nominal Rolls, the procedure for payment of examination fee, Head Master Instructions, due dates, and general guidelines of NMMS scheme are available in the same website.

Online Applications and remittance of examination fee dates for the National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Examination for the academic year 2023-2024 for Class VIII.

Telangana NMMS Scholarship Scheme 2023- Exam Date, Application Form, Results

Important Dates:


Last date for registration of Applications online and remittance of Examination fee online.



Last date for submission of printed copy of online registered Application Forms and NR (two copies) and fee receipts of SBI collect by the Head Masters of the schools concerned in the office of concerned District Educational Officer. (Printed Application form & NR must be attested by concerned Head Master.)(Attested copy of caste certificate for BC/SC/ST and medical certificate for PH should be enclosed. Otherwise they will be treated as General candidates. Income certificate should be enclosed for all candidates. Otherwise application will be cancelled/rejected).



Last date for submission of Printed Nominal Rolls attested by concerned Head Masters, and fee receipts of SBI collect by the concerned DEOs to the O/o the Director of Government Examinations., T.S., Hyderabad.




1. The Ministry for Human Resource Development, Government of India has launched centrally sponsored National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (N.M.M.S.S). An examination will be conducted under this scheme every year for the students studying class VIII in Government/ Local Body/Municipal/Aided Schools/ Modal schools which have no residential facility(i.e. from non-Residential Schools only) and selected candidates are eligible for getting the scholarship.
2.  In case of OC/BC candidates, who got a minimum 55% of marks and 50% In case of SC/ST in VII Standard and studying class VIII from above said schools with parental income by not exceeding Rs. 3,50,000/- p.a. are eligible to apply for this examination. 

Exam Pattern:

Mental Ability Test (M.A.T) – 90 marks multiple choice questions.Scholastic Ability Test.(S.A.T) – 90 marks covering sciences, mathematics and social sciences of class VII & VIII. Each question carries one mark.Time is one minute for one question.

Qualifying Percentage:

1. For each paper the minimum qualifying marks will be 40% and in case of SC/ST students this cut off will be 32%.
2. As per the merit subject the selection will be made  to district wise and community wise quota allotted as per norms issued by MHRD New Delhi.

Exam Fee:

    For General & Backward Classes Students:




    For Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribe & PH Students:

    Rs. 50-00


In National Scholarship Portal the selected beneficiaries should register and up load their Aadhar linked bank account particulars  in stipulated time by opening the bank accounts in any nationalized bank which have online clearing system only to get scholarship Rs 12000 per year.

It is hereby notified that the State-wide National Mesas-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Examination for the year 2023-24 for the 8th class will be conducted In Telugu Hindi/Urdu English media at all Revenue Divisional Head Quarters of all 33 Districts in the State. Online Applications are invited for this examination from this office website“.

The Last Date for Applications is 13th October 2022

What is the Eligibility:
  1. A candidate who has scored at least 55% of marks, in case of SC ST 50%. of marks or equivalent made for all categoria in class VII Examination studied During the year 2022-23.
  2. Studying in ZPM Local Body/ Government /Government aided schools Model Schools which have no residential facility only can apply.
  3. Candidates are not eligible for applying of NMMSE who are from Model Schools who have a residential facility. Head Masters concerned will be held responsible in this matter
  4. The candidates whose parental annual income (both Parents put together) is below Rs.1.50.000.- from all sources have to produce the latest original Annual Income Certificate issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer. Telangana m case of Private employee and certificate issued by the employer in case of Government employee.
  5. The students are not eligible to appear for this Examination  who are studying in Telangana Residential High Schools, Telangana Social Welfare Residential Schools, Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential High Schools, Telangana Minority Residential Schools, Government Ashram High Schools and Kasturba Residential Schools, Model schools with the residential facility, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, Kendriya Vidyalayas, Private unaided Schools including sainik schools and other Government schools which have residential facility .
  6. In case of BC/SCST candidates caste certificate (issued by the MRO of Telangana state) and incase of PHC candidates Medical certificates issued by District Medical board of Telangana state should be uploaded along with application at the time of registration of application on line und allthis candidates including general candidates should upload income certificate (issued by the MRO of Telangana state) at the time of registration of application on line
  7. Original VII class Pass Memo of Marks of the candidate should be submitted. Examination fee is Rs 100 – Tor 00 BC students & Rs. 507. for SC ST PH students. The examination fee has to be paid through the stem of SBI Collect which is connected with the link of online applications following are the due dates for remittance of exam ſec and for submission of applications,
Click Here For More Details


National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) for IX to XII Students Online Registration

National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme:2020-21 (NMMSS) is a centrally sponsored scholarship scheme launched in 2008 by the Department of School Education and Literacy under the Minsiter of Human Resource Development. This scheme has been designed to provide financial assistance to meritorious students belonging to an economically weaker background. It operates with an aim to encourage the underprivileged students to continue 'secondary level education' (from class IX - XII) through providing annual scholarship of Rs.12,000/-

National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) for IX to XII Students Online Registration /2020/08/

Under this scheme, 100,000 scholarships are awarded to the gifted or meritorious students whose parental income is not more than Rs. 1,50,000/- per annum from all sources. Each State /UT have fixed quota of scholarship as given at Annexure of concerned age group of class VII and VIII. The scheme would provide reservation to different categories of students as per the State/UT norms; as different States/UTs have their own norms of reservation.

A). These scholarships will be provided on yearly basis to the students studying as regular students in class IX in a Government, Government-aided and local body schools which will be renewed for classes X, XI and XII. Thus the scholarships will be for a maximum period of four years.

B). The amount of scholarship will be Rs. 12000/- per annum @ Rs. 1000 per month.

C). A separate examination shall be conducted by the State Governments/UT Administrations for selection of students for the award of the National Meanscum-Merit Scholarships in the States/UTs. 

For more information scheme details you can Click Here

How to Apply?
Students applying for scholarship for the first time (Fresh Students) need to "Register" on the portal as fresh applicant by providing accurate and authenticated information as printed on their  documents in the "Student Registration Form".

The registration form is required to be filled by parents / guardian of students who are below the age of 18 years on the date of registration.

Before initiating registration process, students / Parents / guardian are advised to keep the following documents handy:

1. Educational documents of student
2. Student's Bank account number and IFSC code of the bank branch
Note: For pre matric scholarship scheme, where students do not have their own bank account, parents can provide their own account details. However, parents account number can only be used against scholarship applications for maximum two children.
3. Aadhaar number of the Student
4. If Aadhaar is not available, then Bonafide student certificate from Institute / School and
5. Aadhaar Enrolment ID or Scanned copy of Bank passbook
6. If Institute/School is different from domicile state of the applicant, then Bonafide student certificate from Institute / School.

  1. Register yourself as a new user on the National Scholarship Portal.
  2. Click on the ‘Central Schemes’ and select ‘Department of School Education and Literacy’.
  3. Now select ‘National Means Cum Merit Scholarship’ link and begin your application process.
  4. Fill in the required details like educational qualifications, Aadhaar card number, school enrolment number, state domicile and bank details.
  5. Upon successful registration, your application ID is generated which is used as a ‘Login ID’ on NSP and for future references.
  6. Student who is studying in class IX and X needs to apply under the ‘Pre-Matric scholarship’ category whereas those in class XI and XII can choose the category of ‘Post Matric scholarship’.
  7. Carefully fill details like name, date of birth, email ID, mobile number and identification details.
  8. Upload all the necessary documents and save as draft.
  9. Finally, submit the completed application form.
NMMS Scholarship Selection Procedure
To appear for the selection test for the award of scholarship, the student should have secured at least 55% in class VII examination (relaxable by 5% for students belonging to SC/ST). Every State/UT will conduct its own selection test to shortlist students for the award of this scholarship. The State-level Examination consists of the following two tests:

1. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT): It consists of topics from subjects including Science, Mathematics and Social Sciences taught in classes VII and VIII.

2. Mental Aptitude Test (MAT): MAT examines the critical thinking and reasoning abilities of the students. The test consists of questions based on classification, numerical series, analogy, pattern perception, hidden figure, etc.

Last date for Registration is on : 31.10.2020

Click Here

Official Website
Guidelines for Registration
Log in Link for Registration

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