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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment for Engineer (Fire) Apply Online

State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment for Engineer (Fire) Apply Online

SBI has reopened application for Engineer Fire post, candidates can apply till 28.06.2021

SBI Recruitment : Central Recruitment & Promotion Department of State Bank of India has issued notification corrigendum two, SBI SO online application for engineer fire has been reopened  on June 15. Candidates those who are interested can apply till June 28. This application is referring to the advertisement No. CRPD/SCO-FIRE/2020-21/32 dated 22.12.2020 and corrigendum dated 07.01.2021 for the post of Engineer (Fire) v

The applicants those who have already applied during 22.12.2020 to 27.01.2021 in response to our published advertisement need not apply again and their candidature will be considered valid for recruitment of Engineer (Fire).

The filing of online application and payment of fees has been reopened on 15.06.2021 and the same will be closed on 28.06.2021.

Educational Qualification for SBI SO Engineer Fire
BE (Fire) from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur, OR
Tech / B.E. (Safety & Fire Engineering), OR
Tech / B.E. (Fire Technology & Safety Engineering), OR
Sc. (Fire) from UGC recognised university/ AICTE approved institution or Equivalent Four-year degree in fire safety from UGC recognised university/ AICTE approved institution, OR
Graduate from Institute of Fire Engineers (India/UK), OR
Should have completed Divisional Officers Course from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur

Important Links

State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment for 148 Various Specialist Cadre Officers Apply Online



State Bank of India Recruitment: SBI has released the official notifications for the recruitment process of Various Specialist Cadre Officers Positions. State Bank of India is conducting this recruitment drive to fill up a total of 148 vacancies of Officer Posts in Various Cities. Candidates those who are interested to join SBI as on Officer, are required to apply online through the career portal of SBI  All the candidates who are interested in SBI Recruitment process can check the official notifications are given below for the recruitment of Various  Officer Posts. Candidates can apply through online from the official website till 03.05.2021.                                                                     

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The details of vacancies are as follows:
1). Pharmacist - 67 Posts
i) Pass in SSC or its equivalent examination and minimum Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharma) from recognised university or board OR
ii) Degree in pharmacy (B Pharma/M Pharma/Pharma D) or any equivalent degree in  Pharmacy from any recognised university.
Age Limit : Max. Age : 30 Years : (as on 31.12.2020)
Scale of pay : 17900-1000/3-20900-1230/3-24590-1490/4-30550-1730/7-42660-3270/1-45930-1990/1-47920
2). Manager (Credit Analyst) - 48 Posts (on Regular Basis)
Salary : 63840-1990/5-73790-2220/2-78230 
i). Dy. Manager (Marketing - Financial Institutions) - 01 Post  (on Regular Basis)
ii). Dy. Manager (Chartered Accountant) - 05 Posts  (on Regular Basis)
iii). Dy. Manager (Anytime Channel) - 02 Posts  (on Regular Basis)
Salary : 48170-1740/1-49910-1990/10-69810
3). Deputy Chief Technology Officer (IT-Digital Banking) - 01 Post
Age Limit : 45 years
Nature of engagement (Period) : Contractual (5 years)
Minimum Qualification: B.Tech./ B.E./ M. Sc./M. Tech. /MCA (from a recognized University/Institution).
Experience : Minimum Post Educational qualification experience of three years as Pharmacist or compounder. Ability to give first-aid treatment independently for accidents is essential. OR
Minimum Post educational qualification experience of one year as Pharmacist or compounder. Ability to give first-aid treatment independently for accidents is essential.
4). Manager (History) - 01 Post (age - 30 Years)
Executive (Document Preservation-Archives) - 01 Post (Age 40 years)
Data analyst - 08 Posts (on Regular Basis)
5).Data analyst (Regular) - 08 Posts
Qualification : B.E/B. Tech/ M.E/ M.Tech in computer science/ IT/ Data Science/ Machine Learning and AI with min 60% Desirable: Diploma / PG Diploma in Data Sciences
Max. Age is 35 years (as on 01.01.2021)
6). Deputy Manager (Strategic Training) - 01 Post (on Regular Basis)
Qualification :Basic Education Qualifications: MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as a full-time course. Preference will be given to candidates having specialization in HR/Marketing.
Age : 30 years
7). Manager (Risk Management)- 02 Posts  (on Regular Basis)
Senior Executive (Marketing & Finance) - 07 Posts (on Contractual)
Qualification : Basic Qualification:  MBA / PGDBM or its equivalent as fulltime course from a recognised university/ institution. Specialisation in Finance is preferred.
Application fees and Intimation Charges (Non-refundable) is Rs. 750/- ( Seven hundred and fifty only) for General OBC and EWS candidates and NIL- for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates.

For more details for various Posts Click on Below Given Various 7 Detailed Notifications Links

Selection Process: The selection of candidates for post will be on the basis of online written test and interview.
Online written test: The online written test will be conducted tentatively on 23.05.2021. The call letter of test will be uploaded on Bank’s website and also be advised to the candidates through sms and emails. Candidates will be required to download the call letters.

Age Limit: (As on 01.08.2020):
Not above 30 years as on 01.08.2020 i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.08.1990.
Pay Scale : 23700-980/7-30560-1145/2-32850-1310/7-42020

Registration & Payment of Fees [Online Mode Only]:
  1. Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the link available on SBI website OR and pay the application fee using Internet Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card etc.
  2. Candidates should first scan their latest photograph and signature. Online application will not be registered unless candidate uploads his/ her photo and signature as specified on the online registration page (under ‘How to Upload Document”).
  3. Candidates should fill the application carefully. Once application is filled-in completely, candidate should submit the same. In the event of candidate not being able to fill the application in one go, he can save the information already entered. When the information/ application is saved.
  4. A provisional registration number and password is generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note down the registration number and password. 
  5. They can re-open the saved application using registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed. This facility of editing the saved information will be available for three times only. 
  6. Once the application is filled completely, candidate should submit the same and proceed for online payment of fee.
  7. After registering online, the candidates are advised to take a printout of the system generated online application forms.
Important Dates :
Online Registration Starts On  :      13.04.2021
Last Date of Registration  :              03.05.2021
Tentative of Online Examination :  23.05.2021

The candidates who are called for interview will have to download their interview call letter from the Bank's website by entering their registration number and password/ date of birth.