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Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) Recruitment 2023 for 2500 Trade and Technician Apprentice Posts Apply Online

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) Recruitment 2023 for 2500 Trade and Technician Apprentice Posts Apply Online 

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Recruitment: According to ONGC Apprentice Jobs 2023 Notification, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) has begun accepting applications for Graduate, Diploma and Trade Apprentice Posts. There are now 2500 unfilled opportunities in a variety of trades and disciplines. Candidates will be chosen by ONGC from a merit list based on their academic performance. Application for these ONGC Apprentice Vacancies is welcomed from anyone looking for work in the Central Government. Through the internet link, interested candidates can submit their applications. Candidates have till September 20, 2023, to submit their applications for the ONGC Apprentice Online Form, which opened on September 1, 2023. On October 5, 2023, the merit list and selection list will be released.

ONGC has issued Official Notification to recruit various posts of apprentices in different Trade/Departments. Eligible Candidates those who are interested can apply through Online mode at website The last date to apply online is on 20.09.2023.

Applications are invited from candidates meeting the following qualifications for engagement as Apprentices under Apprentices Act 1961 (as mentioned from time to time) in the trade/disciplines mentioned below.

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) Recruitment 2023 for 2500 Trade and Technician Apprentice Posts Apply Online

This recruitment drive will fill up 2500 posts in the organisation by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited out of which 159 are for Northern Sector, 436 for Mumbai, 732 are for Western Sector, 593 are for Eastern Sector, 378 are for Southern Sector and 202 are for Central Sector.

ONGC Apprentice Recruitment Important Details:

Organization name

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited

Name of the post


No. of vacancies


Starting Date to Apply

1st September 2023

Last Date to Apply

20th September 2023

Job Location

All over India

Mode of Application


Official website

Important Dates:

  1. Issue of Notification : 01.09.2023
  2. Starting date for the submission of online applications : 01.09.2023
  3. Closing date for the submission of online applications : 20.09.2023

ONGC Vacancy Details:

1). Northern Sector - 159 Posts
2). Mumbai Sector 436 Posts
3). Western Sector - 732 Posts
4). Eastern Sector -   593 Posts
5). Southern Sector - 378 Posts
6). Central Sector -     202 Posts
7). Total                  -   2500 Posts

Educational Qualifications:

Any Bachelors Degree, B.A, B.B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, Diploma, ITI.
For details candidate can check below given detailed Notification.

Age Criteria :

Minimum 18 years and Maximum 24 years as on 20.09.2023. i.e, the date of birth of the Candidate/Applicant should between 20.09.1999 and 20.09.2005. 
Concession & Relaxation:
I. Upper age is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates for the trades reserved for them.
II. Candidates belonging to PwBD categories shall be given age relaxation upto 10 years (upto 15 years for SC/ST and upto 13 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Candidates)

Stipend Details:

Selection Process:

  1. Selections for engagements of Apprentices would be based on the basis of marks obtained and Merit drawn. 
  2. In case of a similar number in merit, a person with higher age would be considered. 
  3. No canvassing or influencing would be acceptable at any time and may render for non-consideration.
Requirement before filling Online Application form:
Before applying for above positions, candidates have to first register themselves in online portals of the following agendies of Govt.of india.
(A). For Trade Apprentices-at mentioned in Sl.No.1-19)
(B). For Technician Apprentices: with the concerned Regional Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT) in their portal Natonal Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) undr Ministry of Human Resource Development. The link!registermenunew.action(Trade mentioned in Sl.NO.20-25).
After successful registration with the above agencies, a registration number will be generated and the candidates has to mention this registration number while applying for apprentices positions in ONGC website

Click Here For More Details

Download Detailed Notification
Apprentice Registration Link-1
Apprentice Registration Link-2
Official Website