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Sunday, July 26, 2020

NCERT Subject-Wise Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary, Upper Primary and Higher Secondary Download PDF

NCERT Subject-Wise Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary, Upper Primary and Higher Secondary Download PDF

National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary School Children for Primary, Upper Primary and Higher Secondary is available here to download in PDF format. NCERT has recently released this calendar, in this calendar is provided a weekly schedule of topics to be studies in 4 weeks along with links to important resources. The links are given below, and the students can download in PDF format.

NCERT Subject-Wise Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary, Upper Primary and Higher Secondary Download PDF /2020/07/NCERT-Subject-Wise-Alternative-Academic-Calendar-for-Primary-Upper-Primary-and-Higher-Secondary-Download-PDF.html

In this period of Covid-19, which is declared as a global pandemic, our teachers, parents, and students have to remain at homes to prevent its spread in the community. In this situation, it is our responsibility to provide them with multiple alternative ways of learning at home through interesting activities. It is necessary because in the present environment of stress we have to not only keep our children busy but also to maintain continuity of their learning in their new classes. In this context, NCERT has developed an Alternative Academic Calendar for all the stages of school education.

This calendar includes not only generic guidelines and subject specific activities, but also detailed material on the use of different technological and social media tools as well as strategies for reducing stress and anxiety in the present time. This guideline also contains activities related to art education and health and physical education. It also includes reference of many learning resources along with textbooks.

This calendar is flexible and suggestive. The teachers can implement this taking into consideration the contexts and needs of the State/UT. This calendar has been developed by the faculty members of all the constituent units of the NCERT including NIE, CIET, PSSCIVE and all the five RIEs using on–line platforms such as WhatsApp, Google Hang-out, Zoom, etc., for discussion and feedback. Their hard work is commendable.

Check Below Given NCERT Subject-Wise Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary, Upper Primary and Higher Secondary download it in Pdf format

Click Here

Alternative Academic Calendar for Students Primary-English||Hindi 
Alternative Academic Calendar for Students Upper Primary-English||Hindi
Alternative Academic Calendar for Students Secondary-English||Hindi
Alternative Academic Calendar for Students Higher Secondary-English||Hindi
Cyber Safety and Security: Online Learning in Times of COVID-19- English||Hindi
PRAGYATA Guidelines for Digital Education. 

Also Read :National Council of Education And Research Training (NCERT) CBSE eBooks Download as pdf file