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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Recruitment for 789 Inspector, SI, ASI and Other Paramedical Staff

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Recruitment for 789 Inspector, SI, ASI and Other Paramedical Staff 

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Recruitment 2020:  Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, has published the recruitment notification for the post of Head Constable, Inspector, Sub-Inspector and Assistant Sub Inspector. A total of 789 vacancies are notified under Group “B” and “C” non-ministerial, non-gazetted, combatised Paramedical Posts. Applications are invited from male & female Indian citizens for filling up the combatised posts of Group “B” and “C” non-ministerial, non-gazetted, combatised Paramedical staff in Central Reserve Police Force on all India basis. The posts are temporary but likely to become permanent.

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Recruitment for 789 Inspector, SI, ASI and Other Paramedical Staff /2020/07/CRPF-Recruitment-for-789-Inspector-SI-ASI-and-Other--Paramedical-Staff.html

Eligible candidates those who are interested can apply for CRPF Paramedical Recruitment 2020 through offline mode from 20 July 2020. The last date for submitting application is 31 August 2020. Before applying for the posts they should ensure that they fulfill all educational qualification, age, physical standards, etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the posts.

CRPF Recruitment Details:
  1. Inspector (Dietician)   - 01
  2. SI (Staff Nurse)  - 175
  3. SI (Radiographer) - 08
  4. ASI (Pharmacist) - 84
  5. ASI (Physiotherapist)  - 05
  6. ASI (Dental Technician) - 04
  7. ASI (Lab Technician) - 64
  8. ASI (Electro Card Tech) - 01
  9. HC (PT Asst/Nursing Asst) - 88
  10. Head Constable (ANM/Midwife) - 03
  11. HC (Dialysis Technician) - 08
  12. HC (Junior X-ray Assistant) - 84
  13. HC (Lab Assistant) - 05
  14. HC (Electrician) - 01
  15. HC (Steward) - 03
  16. Constable (Masalchi) - 04
  17. Constable (Cook) - 116
  18. Constable (Safai) - 121
  19. Constable (Dhobi) - 05
  20. Constable (W/C) - 03
  21. Constable (Table Boy) - 01
  22. HC (Veterinary) - 03
  23. Head Constable (LT) - 01
  24. HC (Radiographer) - 01
  25. Total No of Posts - 789
Eligibility Criteria:
For detailed like Post Wise Educational Qualifications, and Pay Scale  Check the below given detailed Advertisement Notification

Age Limit:
1) For Sub-Inspector (SI) - 30 Years.
2) For Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) - 20 to 25 Years.
3) For Head Constable (HC) - 18 to 25 years.
4) For Head Constable (Junior X-Ray Asst/Laboratory Asst/Electrician) - 20 to 25 Years.
5) For Head Constable (Steward) - 18 to 23 Years.

The online application process for the CRPF SI, ASI & Constable recruitment would begin on 20.07.2020, and the last date to submit the application for the above said posts is on 31.08.2020. The written examination will be conducted in following cities:

CRPF Selection Process:
The selection will be based on Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Eligibility Test (PET), Written Test, Trade Test/Screening of Documents and Medical Exam

1) New Delhi
2) Hyderabad
3) Guwahati
4) Jammu
5) Prayagraj
6) Ajmer
7) Nagpur
8) Muzaffarpur
9) Pallipuram

Male candidates belonging to Unreserved/EWS/OBC category applying for recruitment to the above posts should deposit Rs.200/-(Rupees two hundred) only for Group „B‟ & Rs.100/-(Rupees one hundred) only for Group „C‟ posts as examination fee. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and female candidates are not required to pay any fee.

Candidates who have to pay application fee can pay through Indian Postal Order or Bank Draft in favour of DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Bhopal payable at SBI-Bangrasia.

How to Apply:
Candidates should read the instructions in this Notice carefully before making any entry or selceting options. Candidtes should a supply all the required details while filling up the form and will have to paste their photograph and signature.

The duly filled application form with photocopies of all relevant documents, 02 latest passport size photogrphs and envelops mentioning correspondence address of applicant with requisite stamps should be mailed/deposited. Application will be rejected in case of non-receipt of photographs. Name of the examination i.e. "Central Reserve Police Force paramedical Staff Examination, 2020" should be written on the top of envelop before dispatching it to "DIGP,Group Centre, CRPF, Bhopal, Village-Bangrasia, Taluk-Huzoor,District-Bhopal, M.P-462045. The candidates should clearly mention the post for which he/she has applied for post in the application form.

The application must be submitted by hand/post only.

The completed application form must reach the “DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Bhopal, Village-Bangrasia, Taluk-Huzoor, District-Bhopal, M.P.-462045” on or before 31/08/2020. Applications received after last/closing date i.e. 31/08/2020, will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained. 

Any amendment to the advertisement or updates regarding recruitment and tests/result etc will only be published on CRPF website ( Candidates are requested to regularly log on to this website for updates.

Important Dates :
Starting date of Applications : 20.07.2020.
Last Date of Application Submission : 31.08.2020.
Written Exam date is on : 20.12.2020

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