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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Andhra Pradesh YSR Housing Scheme Check Beneficiary Selection

Andhra Pradesh YSR  Housing Scheme Check Beneficiary Selection 

YSR Housing Scheme 2020 has been announced for the citizens of AP State by the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy government. The main focus of this scheme is to provide houses to everyone in the state before 2022. This scheme will fulfil the house dream of the citizen of the state.
The main objective of the government of AP State is to provide houses to poor people. The scheme was announced by Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister Shri B. Rajendranath Reddy has presented the first state budget of the YSR government. Under the YSR Housing Scheme 2020.
Andhra Pradesh YSR Housing Scheme Check Beneficiary Selection /2020/07/

Govt of AP has released the YSR Housing Scheme Beneficiary List at their official website Candidates can Check the scheme details of beneficiary through online by using the Beneficiary ID. Aadhaar No or Ration Card Number.The process to check the status is given below.
Key Points of AP YSR Housing Scheme 2020:
  1. YSR Housing Scheme was launched by Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy in July, 2019.
  2. Only the Citizens of Andhra Pradesh are eligible of this Scheme.
  3. The AP Housing Department will look after the whereabouts of the Scheme.
  4. People living in urban areas with annual income level 1,44,000 and the people living in rural areas with annual income below 1,20,000 are eligible under this scheme.
  5. Only the people who are holding the white ration card benefit under this scheme.
  6. A person holding a government job in the family or a person living with the pension provided by the government will not fall under this scheme.
  7. A person having his own four-wheel vehicle will not fall under this program.
  8. Any person in the family paying income tax doesn’t come under this scheme.
  9. The applicants consuming less than 300 units of power monthly are eligible for this scheme.
  10. Should be a permanent resident of the state of Andhra Pradesh.
  11. The aim of this scheme is to provide better accommadation to the Poor People of Low-Income and weaker section families to improve thier living standards.
Eligibility Criteria
To apply for the scheme applicant must be a permanent resident of the state, not has their own house or land and APL/ BPL ration card along with caste certificate.
Document Required for Housing Scheme:
1). Aadhaar Card
2). Address Proof
3). Bank Account Passbook
4). Domicile certificate
5). Income Certificate
6). Mobile Number
7). Photograph
YSR Housing Scheme Check Status:
  1. Citizens those who are eligible can take benefit of this scheme by Applying Online.
  2. Go to the Official Website of APhousing Corporation to find the sanction list.
  3. Click On the beneficiary Search Option.
  4. Download the complete list to find your name.
  5. Then enter the Beneficiary ID/Aadhaar No/Rationcard No.
  6. Check your name, father's name and mobile number, in the sanction list.
  7. Once you find your name on the list, it's clear that your application form has been accepted.
  8. Only the list of the candidates those who are sanctioned for the scheme wil be appear in the list.
Click Here for

Check Scheme Beneficiary Details Online
AP Housing Scheme Official Website