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Monday, May 11, 2020

How to Make Organic Refrigerator to preserve Fruits and Vegetables Naturally

Organic Refrigerator/Fruits and Vegetables Natural Preservation Methods/live village life  | How to Make a Pot in a Pot Refrigerator

In a community or situation without electricity, storage of food long-term can be tricky. One simple solution is to build your own pot-in-pot fridge, using basic pots, sand and water. An idea revived by Mohammed Bah Abba, this refrigerator is now being used by many farmers in warm climates who need to preserve their food for a longer time and keep the insects away. But Now a Days... all people are using Refrigerators each and every home has Refrigerator knowing that eating the fruits vegetable or the food kept in the vegetables is not good for our health as CFC chloro Floro Carbons are released from the Refrigerators...

How to Make  Organic Refrigerator to preserve  Fruits and Vegetables Naturally

Here in this video there is an Outstanding presentation by Sridevi garu of Kalagura Gampa . I want to term this idea as "Generation Intelligence" she is  highly successful in presenting the  previous generation ideas to the present generation. Than you Madam Keep digging ur brain in bringing out the  old ideas to us.

Click Here to wartch More Kalagura Gampa Videos

Keeping the sand moist all the time enables evaporation to cool the produce kept inside the inner pot. This enables the storage of freshly grown vegetables to last much longer than usual in a hot climate. It is also great for using at a picnic or outdoor meal where there is no electricity outside but food or drinks need to be kept cool. Here is how to make your own.  Here we have also given a video you can watch video and enjoy it...

Watch The Video on How to Make  Organic Refrigerator

Watch The Video on Steps to make Organic Refrigerator How top Make  Organic Refrigerator

  1. Get two large clay or terracotta pots. One pot must be smaller than the other pot. Check that the smaller pot fits inside the larger and that there is a space around it of at least one centimetre, up to three centimetres.
  2. Fill in any holes at the base of the pots. Use clay, large pebbles, cork, a homemade paste - anything suitable to hand to fill the hole. If you leave the holes open, the water will enter the inner pot and will also run out of the larger pot, making the fridge ineffective.
  3. Fill the base of the larger pot with coarse sand. Fill about 2.5cm/1 inch deep, and only fill to a height that will ensure the smaller pot sits even in height with the larger pot.
  4. Place the small clay pot into the large pot. Arrange its base flat on top of the lower layer of sand.
  5. Fill all around the small pot with sand. Fill it almost all the way, except for leaving a small gap at the top.
  6. Pour cold water over the sand. Do this until the sand is completely soaked and unable to take any more water. As you pour, do so gradually in order to give the water time to soak into the terracotta.
  7. Take a pot lid and put on the small pot.
  8. Allow the inner pot to cool down. If you have a thermometer, you can use this, otherwise test the temperature with your hands.
  9. Keep the pot-in-pot refrigerator in a dry, ventilated space for the water to evaporate effectively towards the outside.
  10. Place vegetables or other items inside for storage.[6] You will need to keep checking regularly for the dampness of the sand. Pour in more water as it becomes drier to keep it well moistened. Usually this will need to be done twice a day.
  11. You can add food or drinks to the pot-in-pot refrigerator if you're having an outdoor party or picnic. Make one for the drinks and one for the food if you have a lot of items.
  12. In the space between the big and small pot where there is sand you can add a layer of cocopit to grow some micro grains to that the space will not get wasted and again you can cover the cocopit with sand again
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