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Friday, May 29, 2020

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Recruitment for 114 Apprenticeship Apply Online @

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Recruitment for 114 Apprenticeship Apply Online @

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Recruitment : PGCIL has invited online applications for the recruitment of 114 Apprentice posts through all over india, in trades such as Assistant (Human Resource), Executive (Human Resource), Office management, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering for apprenticeship.

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Recruitment for 114 Apprenticeship Apply Online @ /2020/05/

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, a Maharatna company under Ministry of Power, Government of India, invites promising, energetic and bright people for apprenticeship for One (01) year in following trades - 

Vacancy Details are as follows:
  1. Graduate in Electrical Engineering  -  69 posts
  2. Graduate in Civil Engineering         -  11 posts
  3. Executive (Human Resource)          -   05 posts
  4. Diploma in Electrical Engineering  -   23 posts
  5. Diploma in Office Management      -   02 posts
  6. Assistant (Human Resource)           -   04 posts
Place of posting of selected candidates, will be done on requirement basis within the state of Maharashtra, Goa and Chhattisgarh.

Interested candidates who have passed their final year examination not before 2 years from the date of this advertisement, may submit their application through Career section of POWERGRID website- 


Graduate in Electrical Engineering/Graduate in Civil Engineering/ Executive (Human Resource) – Rs. 15,000/-
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/ Diploma in Office Management/ Assistant (Human Resource) – Rs.12,000/-

Eligibility Criteria For PGCIL Powergrid Recruitment
  1. The candidates who are applying for the post of Human Resource Apprenticeship, they need to hold an MBA in the concerned discipline.
  2. The candidates applying in the Diploma Apprenticeship need to hold a diploma in the concerned discipline.
  3. The candidates applying for the Graduate Apprenticeship need to hold a graduate degree in the concerned discipline.
Apply Online For PGCIL Powergrid Apprentice Recruitment 2020
Click on the link that is given below to apply online for PGCIL Powergrid Apprentice Recruitment

How To Apply For PGCIL Powergrid Apprentice Recruitment?
  1. Click on the direct link that is given below.
  2. Click on the ‘Click Here To Apply’ option that is given at the bottom.
  3. The candidates need to first register themselves if not registered for the discipline they are applying as per their educational qualifications.
  4. Next, enter your Enter BOAT\RDAT Registration ID’ to register yourself in the NATS portal.
  5. Then click on the ‘Submit’ option.
  6. Finally, fill in your personal details.
All interested and eligible candidates can apply for this post online at Power Grid India website ( on or before 14 June 2020.

Click Here for


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