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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Para Association for Rural Development (PARD) Providing Free Online Coaching for NEET -2021

Para Association for Rural Development (PARD) Providing Free Online Coaching for NEET -2021

Chinnamma Chiru Deevena Scheme – Free Online NEET-2021 Coaching

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Para Association for Rural Development (PARD) Providing Free Online Coaching for NEET -2021 /2020/05/PARD-Providing-Free-Online-Coaching-for-NEET-2021.html

Chinnamma Chiru Deevena Scheme – Free Online NEET-2021 Coaching

The objective of the Scheme is to provide NEET quality coaching for 100 candidates who are economically disadvantaged SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates to enable them to compete in NEET Competitive examination that is likely to be conducted in the upcoming year 2021.

Syllabus for the Online Entrance:
Board of Intermediate/Central Board of Secondary Certificate (11th, 12th Class)

Course for which the coaching will be imparted shall be as follows:

The students must have secured the prescribed percentage of marks in the qualifying examinations for which free coaching is proposed to be imparted under the scheme. Students should be selected based on merit prepared on the basis of marks obtained by them in the qualifying examination.


Who are eligible for Free Online NEET Coaching?
  1. Those students belong to different sections of society, rural and urban background, and cutting across caste and creed. They should have completed 12th
  2. For the students having family income of up to Rs. 8 lacs per annum
  3. Entitlement of Free Online NEET Coaching:
Any student remaining absent for more than 15 days, without any valid reason, benefits of free coaching shall be transferred to another in his/her place.

Benefits of Chinnamma Chiru Deevena a Free Online Coaching:
  1. The online classes shall be highly interactive.
  2. Students shall be given a chance to seek one on one interaction with faculty.
  3. Regular weekly tests shall be conducted in order to assess the student’s understanding of the ongoing classes.

Online Entrance Examination at PARD for the NEET online coaching will be conducted on the lines of NEET-2020. Kindly go through NEET 2020 application forms.

Online Enrollment for the Examination will open from 23/05/2020 at 10:00 am to 26/05/2020; get closed by 05:00 pm.

Online Entrance Examination shall be conducted on 27th May 2020 from 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm.

A list of the selected candidates shall be posted on the website,
Online classes shall begin from 29th May 2020 (05:00 pm to 08:00 pm)

NEET-2021 à°•ు à°ª్à°°ిà°ªేà°°్ à°…à°µ్à°µాలనుà°•ుà°¨ే à°ªేà°¦ à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°°్à°¥ిà°¨ి,à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°°్à°¥ులకు ఉచిà°¤ ఆన్ à°²ైà°¨్ à°¶ిà°•్à°·à°£ .. 
à°µివరాలకై à°¸ంà°ª్à°°à°¦ింà°šంà°¡ి: 8008497933,9515639739

Click Here for

Student Registration Form