Ramayan -A Mythological Television Series Episode Wise 50 Videos App Download
Ramayanam is an Indian mythological television series, which has been telecasted during 1987-1988 on Dordarshan DD National, created, written, and directed by Ramanand Sagar. It is a television adaptation of the ancient Indian Hindu epic of the same name, and is primarily based on Valmiki's Ramayanam and Ramcharitmanas of Thulsidas' .
The series had a viewership of 82 per cent, a record high for any Indian television series. During the Times of Telecasting Each episode of the series reportedly earned Doordarshan 40 lakh Reruns of the series aired on Star Plus and Star Utsav in 2000's. Now It has been retelecasted again from March 2020 during Coronavirus lockdown in India.
Ramayana is one of two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India. It is part of Hindu Itihasa and one of the largest ancient epics in world literature. The epic, traditionally ascribed to the Rishi Valmiki, narrates the life of Rama, the legendary prince of Kosala Kingdom. It depicts the duties of relationships, portraying ideal characters like the ideal Father, servant, brother, husband and the ideal king.
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Ramayan App
Ramayanam is an Indian mythological television series, which has been telecasted during 1987-1988 on Dordarshan DD National, created, written, and directed by Ramanand Sagar. It is a television adaptation of the ancient Indian Hindu epic of the same name, and is primarily based on Valmiki's Ramayanam and Ramcharitmanas of Thulsidas' .
The series had a viewership of 82 per cent, a record high for any Indian television series. During the Times of Telecasting Each episode of the series reportedly earned Doordarshan 40 lakh Reruns of the series aired on Star Plus and Star Utsav in 2000's. Now It has been retelecasted again from March 2020 during Coronavirus lockdown in India.
Ramayana is one of two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India. It is part of Hindu Itihasa and one of the largest ancient epics in world literature. The epic, traditionally ascribed to the Rishi Valmiki, narrates the life of Rama, the legendary prince of Kosala Kingdom. It depicts the duties of relationships, portraying ideal characters like the ideal Father, servant, brother, husband and the ideal king.
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