Indoor Games for 6 to 10 Years kids |MEMORY BUILD Games for 6-10 Age Group || Sudheer Sandra || Indoor Activities
As we have been confined to our houses owing to the summer holidays, we have been wondering what to do if we are confined to our homes with our children all day. Our
extensive collection of energetic indoor activities will keep your children occupied and burning energy, from babies to adolescents! Here is a video of Sudheer Sandra discussing
indoor ways to keep youngsters entertained at home. He is particularly interested in psychology and hopes to raise awareness about both psychology and mental health. Finding
your purpose begins with discovering your passions, which led me to study psychology after completing my engineering degree. He is enthusiastic in training and counselling. He
works as a Life Skills Coach, Psychologist, Career Counsellor, and Motivational Speaker as a Freelancer.
Indoor Games for 6 to 10 Years kids watch Video Here
There are few indoor activities for kids we are providing in the video which will not only improve the kids concentration but also make them think and leads to simple physical exercises. lets Look at the
1. Memory Game
2. Treasury Hunt
3. Spoon Game
4 Dance/ Song Activity
5. Role Play Activity
6 Best Enerzier
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Easy Fun Learning Activities for 1-5 years kids
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