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Friday, April 10, 2020

COVID-19 Lockdown ePass 2021

Online Data Submission for Police Approval for Lockdown Pass for Telangana State

COVID-19 లాక్‌డౌన్ వ్యవధిలో అత్యవసరమైన సేవలకు ఇ-పాస్ కోసం దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోండి

POLICE E-PASS MANAGEMENT ఈ లాక్ డౌన్ సమయంలో మీరు అత్యవసర పరిస్థితుల్లో ఎక్కడైనా వెళ్లాలనుకుంటే  పోలీస్ డిపార్ట్ మెంట్ ...  ప్రవేశపెట్టిన ఆన్ లైన్ పాస్ సర్వీస్ ను వినియోగించుకోండి
COVID-19 లాక్‌డౌన్ వ్యవధిలో అత్యవసరమైన సేవలకు ఇ-పాస్ కోసం దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోండి /2020/04/Application-Procedure-of-COVID-19-Lockdown-Corona-Curfew-E-Pass-Apply-Online.html

If you  want to go anywhere in emergency  during this lockdown period use the Police Department  Online Pass Service introduced by the Police Department.
How to get travel E-Pass in  during COVID Lockdown period

Telangana E-pass is mandatory for travel

Online Data Submission for Lock Down Pass- Covid 19 Inter State/ Inter District Movement Pass/ Covid Essential Services pass( Vehicle/ Individual)

In the wake of the lockdown imposed in Telangana from tomorrow i9e 12.05.2021  .. e-pass will be mandatory for those going from state to state and other districts. Passes will only be issued to those who wish to travel in an emergency. Passes only for those traveling at times other than the time the lockdown is relaxed. No passes are required between 6 and 10 p.m..  If it is emergency you have to take E-Pass . You can Apply through the following website given at the left side corner of this page. 

You have to get ready with the applicant personal details like 

Requirements to get E-Pass

Pass Holder Name

Contact Mobile Number

Aadhar Card Number

Pupose for taking  EPass

Vehicle registration Number

Route Details

Destination Address

Pass Validity Period

Correspondence addreszs

Transprt Details 

A Photo

KYC Document

Purpose Document

To get Lockdown E-Pass Click down below given Links
Click Here for