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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4 Study Tips for 10th Class Students in Lockdown time Watch Video Here

4 Study Tips for 10th Class Students in Lockdown time Watch Video Here

Sudheer Sandra is very passionate about Psychology and intends to spread awareness about both psychology and mental health. The process of finding your purpose involves first  finding your passions which made to choose psychology after my Engineering. he is passionate about Training and Counseling. he working as a Freelancer Life Skills Coach, Psychologist, Career Counselor, and Motivational Speaker.

Self-Study Tips For Students During Lockdown

With schools and colleges shut down due to the coronavirus lockdown, self-study is the norm now more than ever.With schools and colleges shut down due to the coronavirus lockdown, self-study is the norm now more than ever. While self-study, on the outset, simply means studying by yourself but it is not an easy task since we all need assistance in some form. Not to forget that self-study also requires discipline and organization.

Study Plan

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Video Lectures

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Mock Test/Online Quiz

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