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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Multi Purpose Gravy - Traditional Recipe- All Purpose Gravy- Masala Fish Curry Without Fish

Multi Purpose Gravy - Traditional Recipe- All Purpose Gravy- Masala Fish Curry Without Fish

ఈ కష్టకాలం లో ఈ curry చూపించిన తీరు చూస్తుంటే చాలా వరకు మాకు సహాయం చేశారు anipisthundi. Thankyou SreeDevi Madam for showing us such a beautiful video  which shows  preparation of Multi  Purpose Gravy that will be useful in many other ways to cook different curries. If it is cooked properly it can be stored for 15 days.

In this difficult times this Curry preparation Video has helped us a lot with the way it looks. Very happy to see this gravy preparation. Nice gravy multi purpose  for these days . Very useful recipe. this can be used for many dishes like Khandhagadda Kakarakayya, Fish, egg, chamagadda, vankaya, bhendi, dondakaya, Soya chunks, Kabuli chana. Multipurpose Gravy is very Mouth Watering Traditional Dish and more over Very Useful Recipie in This Situation

Every housewife should watch this and hope they stretch their ideas to  save groceries...Hope this is a responsible video as many women watch it and will be useful to inspire women to ration groceries. Thankyou Kalagura Gampa Team

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