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Friday, March 27, 2020

Watch an Interesting Video Taken from high resolution Camera in Japan - How the Corona Virus Spreads form one person to the other person or the group of persons

Watch an Interesting  Video Taken from High Resolution Camera in Japan - How the Corona Virus Spreads form one person to the other person or the group of persons

జపాన్లోని హై రిజల్యూషన్ కెమెరా నుండి తీసిన ఆసక్తికరమైన వీడియోను చూడండి - కరోనా వైరస్ వ్యాప్తి చెందడం ఒక వ్యక్తిని మరొక వ్యక్తికి లేదా వ్యక్తుల సమూహానికి ఎలా ఏర్పరుస్తుంది watch Video Here

Spread of coronavirus infection and science of cough and sneeze
There could be up to 40,000 droplets of saliva in one sneeze of average strength. Many of these droplets, which have viruses and bacteria, travel at a speed of over 320 kmph.


Coughing and sneezing release thousands of droplets of saliva filled with viruses
One droplet coming out during cough and sneeze may contain up to 2 million viruses
Droplets emerging during a sneeze travels at a speed of up to 320 kmph

Novel coronavirus spreads through droplets and mucus. These droplets and mucus come out when a person coughs or sneezes. A majority of droplets are tiny and remain suspended in air for some time.
Droplets coming out during a sneeze are generally smaller than those gushing out in a cough. This means they can deposit millions of viruses including novel coronavirus if coming from an infected person on to a healthy person, and thus increasing the chances of Covid-19 spread many times more.

Watch an Interesting Video Taken from High Resolution Camera in Japan - How the Corona Virus Spreads form one person to the other person or the group of persons జపాన్లోని హై రిజల్యూషన్ కెమెరా నుండి తీసిన ఆసక్తికరమైన వీడియోను చూడండి - కరోనా వైరస్ వ్యాప్తి చెందడం ఒక వ్యక్తిని మరొక వ్యక్తికి లేదా వ్యక్తుల సమూహానికి ఎలా ఏర్పరుస్తుంది watch Video Here/2020/03/how-the-corona-virus-spreads-from-one-person-to-another-watch-video-taken-from-high-resolution-camera.html

Gravity works to bring down most of the droplets on the earth's surface that we don't usually touch with our hands, and thankfully we don't tend to touch our nose, eyes or mouth. Still, some of the tiniest droplets stay in the air for a longer duration.

In the case of Covid-19, a study found that novel coronaviruses remain in air for few hours. They have not been found to travel longer distances in air, till now. But those attending to a patient or living in same breathing spaces as an infected person has more chance of inhaling these droplets and get infected.

At the same time, on certain surfaces such as plastic or steel, viruses survive for days. In the case of novel coronavirus, it was found to be active for three days on plastic and steel surfaces.
Since it is everyone's habit to touch one's face, these droplets attach themselves on fingers and hands, which deposit them on all kinds of surfaces we touch. When we touch our faces with the same infected hands, we transport the virus at the entry gates of our respiratory tract, or the boiler plant of novel coronavirus.

This is the science that warrants an infected person to wear protective masks, and the rest to maintain
distance and change the habit of touching one's face. Styaing clear of novel coronavirus is the best defence against Covid-19.